価値教育と生徒のウェルビーイング: 国際研究ハンドブック(第2集)
Second International Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing
(Springer International Handbooks of Education)

Editors: Terence Lovat, University of Newcastle, Ron Toomey, the College of Education at Victoria University, Neville Clement, University of Newcastle & Kerry Dally, The University of Newcastle
2023:11 1,322 p. 30 illus. 16 illus in color ISBN 978-3-031-24419-3 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 379.99
Web販売価格:税込¥72,094 / 標準価格:税込¥93,210
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本書は、好評既刊2010年のInternational Research Handbook on Values Education and Student Wellbeing(9789048186747)の続編ともいうべきレファレンスです。今回の第2版では旧版の編集方針を踏襲しつつも、初版に比し、ページ数が450ページ程度増えました。2023年までの13年間の研究の進展をまとめ、書籍の内容はほぼ入れ替わりました。人格教育やポジティブ心理学の知見も盛り込み、神経科学や社会的・情緒的科学の成果を反映し、生徒の情動的・認知的機能に寄与する内容になっています。また、ひとはどのように知るか、なぜ学ぶようになるかといった認識論的な観点でも近年の研究を反映し、より研ぎ澄まされ、発展した内容になっています。日本からは西谷元・広島大学名誉教授が寄稿しています。
1 Values Education and Good Practice Pedagogy (Terence Lovat)
2 Values-Based Education for a Better World (Ron Toomey)
3 Student Wellbeing at School, Neurobiology, and the Actualization
of Values (Neville Clement)
4 From Surviving to Thriving (Kerry Dally)
5 Implementing and Evaluating PRIMED for Character Education in Colombian Schools Professional Development (Melinda C. Bier, Christopher D. Funk, Marvin W. Berkowitz, Nicole Bruskewitz, and Satabdi Samtani)
6 Transcendent Social Thinking in Adolescence (Rodrigo Riveros and Mary Helen Immordino-Yang)
7 Wellness-Informed Classrooms with Sustaining Climates Foster Compassionate Morality (Darcia Narvaez)
8 Demonstrating the Value of Values-Based Education (Kris Acheson, Devi Bhuyan, Lindy Brewster, Jerry Burgess, John Dirkx, Steve Grande, Shagufa Kapadia, Ali Kenny, Kees Kouwenaar, Terence Lovat, Jennifer Ma, Wenjuan Ma, Yoshie Tomozumi Nakamura, Thomas Nielsen, Hajime Nishitani 西谷元(広島大学名誉教授), Guanglong Pang, Christina Raab, Craig Shealy, Renee Staton, Lee Sternberger, India Still, John Style, Ron Toomey, and Jennifer Wiley)
9 Embrained, Embodied Values: Pedagogical Insights from Developmental Neuroscience (Minkang Kim)
10 Consciousness, Culture, and the Place of Psychospiritual Capacities in Cultivating Values (Tobin Hart)
11 Values, Education, Self, and Identity (Kristján Kristjánsson)
12 Value-Embedded Learning and the Interoceptive, Predictive Brain (Derek Sankey and Chris Duncan)
13 The Development of Ecological Values: Cultivating Children’s Spiritual Relationships with the Natural World (Lauren Foley, Amy Chapman, and Lisa Miller)
14 Transforming the Theory and Practice of Character Education (James Arthur and Tom Harrison)
15 Promoting a More Sustainable and Inclusive World (Ragný Þóra Guðjohnsen, Ólafur Páll Jónsson, and Sigrún Aðalbjarnardóttir)
16 Creating Compassionate Futures (James Biddulph)
17 The Positive Action Program (Brian R. Flay, Carol G. Allred, Kendra M. Lewis, Niloofar Bavarian, and Meagan Haynes)
18 The Value Base of Teacher’s Professional Ethics (Kirsi Tirri)
19 The Secret Workings of the Hidden Curriculum (J. Mark Halstead and Jiamei Xiao)
20 Personal and Professional Values in Teaching (David Carr)
21 Values-based Education (Neil Hawkes)
22 Revisiting the “Quiet Revolution” (Frances Farrer)
23 Service-Learning as Values Education (Andrew Furco)
24 Moral Education as a Constant Factor in the Pedagogical Process (Olga Sukhomlynska and Alan Cockerill)
25 Keystones of Holistic Education (John P. Miller)
26 Advancing the Science of Character Education (Melinda C. Bier, Mitch Brown, Robert McGrath Marvin W. Berkowitz, and Keith Johnson)
27 Coping with Tradition and Secular Literacy (Zehavit Gross)
28 Integrating the Personal with the Public (Ruth Crick)
29 The Power of Character (Matthew Davidson, Thomas Lickona, and Vladimir Khmelkov)
30 Reviewing Values and Wellbeing Education (Thomas Nielsen and Jennifer Ma)
31 The Noble Role of Teachers in Values-Based Education (Ron Farmer and Suwanti Farmer)
32 Values, Wellness, and the History Curriculum (Deborah Henderson)
33 Sejahtera Academic Framework as Values-Based Platform for IIUM Post-Pandemic Education (Lihanna Borhan and Dzulkifli Abdul Razak)
34 The Evolution of Values Statements in a Service-Learning Program (Jeremy Leeds)
35 When Research Meets Practice in Values Education (James S. Leming)
36 Integrating the Contours of Character (Bryan W. Sokol, Stuart I. Hammond, Kelly McEnerney, Melissa A. Apprill, and Marvin W. Berkowitz)
37 Teachers as Key Players in Values Education (Adrian-Mario Gellel)
38 Values of Problem-Based Learning (Moira Gek Choo Lee)
39 Teach Our Children Well (Mel Gray)
40 Values Education and Restorative Practices (Janene Rosser)
41 Values Education as an Ethical Dilemma About Sociability (Robert Crotty)
42 The Unhappy Moralist Effect (Fritz Oser)
43 Re-Valuing the Shadows: Reimagining Possibilities for Alternative Futures through/with an Agentifying Education for
a Planet in Crisis (Dalene M. Swanson)
44 The Five Pillars of Learning (Omar Salim)
45 Reframing Education for the Future (Larry Culliford)
46 Working with Leaders and Teachers to Grow Place Responsiveness (Ron Tooth and Merryl Simpson)
47 Student Teachers’ Experience of Values Education and Its Implications for Teacher Education (Nazreen Dasoo)
48 Philosophical Inquiry and Enhancing Adolescents’ General Reasoning Abilities and Well-Being (Rebecca Spooner-Lane and Elizabeth Curtis)
49 The Most Significant Change Technique (Shahida Abdul Samad)
50 Theorizing Social Well-Being (Stephen A. Webb)
51 Classroom-Based Practice in Values Education (Laurie Brady)
52 Toward an Ethics of Integration in Education (Inna Semetsky)
53 Developing Student Wellbeing Through Education for Sustainability (Libby Tudball)
54 Teacher Practice and Students’ Sense of Belonging (Karen F. Osterman)
55 Promoting Student Resilience and Well-Being (Jing Sun and Donald E. Stewart)
56 Values in Motion (Tim Small)
57 Transmitting Social and National Values Through Education in Singapore (Jasmine B.-Y. Sim and Li-Ching Ho)
58 Socratic Circles Pedagogy (Catherine Devine)
59 A Reflection on the Value Implications for Learner Well-Being of Engagement in Vocational Education and Training (Richard G. Bagnall)
60 Continuity and Discontinuity in Character Education (Jacques S. Benninga and Susan M. Tracz)
61 Mathematics Education and Student Values (Philip Clarkson, Alan Bishop, and Wee Tiong Seah)