


関連ワード:Springer カリキュラム研究 教育学 教育心理学 教育政策 数学 数学教育 洋書  更新日:2024.12.25

Fourth International Handbook of Mathematics Education
(Springer International Handbooks of Education)

Editors: M.A. (Ken) Clements, Berinderjeet Kaur, Thomas Lowrie, Vilma Mesa, Johan Prytz

2024:11 770 p. ISBN 978-3-031-51473-9 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 399.99
Web販売価格:税込¥68,989   / 標準価格:税込¥89,756
機関向け電子版(Ebook Central):Document ID:31806626 / 標準価格:税込¥139,004

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本書は2012年に刊行された第3集(ISBN: 978-1-4614-4683-5)の続編にあたり、これまで取り組まれていなかったテーマを中心に、数学教育の分野で2013年以降に起こった変化と発展を取り上げます。

本書は「アジアにおける数学教育」「研究と実践における理論の役割」「公平性と社会正義」「カリキュラムと変革」の4つのセクションを、全28章にわたり60人以上の国際的な執筆陣が取り上げます。それぞれのセクションは過去、現在、未来の側面に基づき構成されます。最初の章では導入として、第1集から編者を務めるM. A. Clementsイリノイ州立大学名誉教授が「論争は数学教育の健全な特徴か」を問いかけています。





  1. Springer’s Fourth International Handbook of Mathematics Education: An Introduction to Thinking About “Colonizers” and “the Colonized”

Section I Mathematics Education in Asia

  1. Introduction to Section I: Mathematics Education in Asia
  2. Mathematics Education in Asia: Curriculum and Its Origins
  3. Myths and Realities: Teaching of Mathematics in High-Achieving East Asian Countries
  4. Teachers’ Professional Competences in Western and Eastern Countries: Findings from Comparative Studies
  5. East Asian Students’ Mathematics Performance: A Values-Based Macroeducation Perspective
  6. Beyond Asian and Western Traditions of Mathematics Education

Section II The Roles of Theory in Research and Practice

  1. Introduction to Section II: Coming Apart at Every Nail: Where to Now for the Theory-Practice Dream?
  2. Relating Theory and Practice in Mathematics Education: A Historical Overview
  3. Images of Theory in the Practices of Theorizing in Mathematics Education Research
  4. The Role of Theory in Research and Practice: Characterizing Cognition and Context Within Mathematics Education
  5. The Role and Nature of Fidelity in Theory-Practice Advancement
  6. Practice Theory in Mathematics Education Research
  7. When Theory Should Guide Action, What Kind of Theorizing Do We Need?

Section III Equity and Social Justice

  1. Introduction to Section III: Equity and Social Justice Considerations in Mathematics Education
  2. Invisibilization and Intersectionality in Mathematics Education: A Panoramic View Invisibilização e Interseccionalidade na Educação Matemática: Uma Visão Panorâmica
  3. Identity as a Critical Lens on Teaching and Learning Mathematics
  4. Toward Intersectional Understandings of Gender in Mathematics Education
  5. Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and “Conflict”: Denial, Suspension, and Resistance
  6. Mathematics Education for Children with Critical and Terminal Illness
  7. Strengthening Equity and Social Justice Research in Mathematics Education Through Critical Interrogations of White Supremacy and Settler Colonialism

Section IV Curriculum and Change

  1. Introduction to Section IV: Curriculum and Change
  2. The Origin and Evolution of the Concept of Mathematics Curriculum
  3. Textbooks and Curriculum from a Governance Perspective
  4. Professional Development Programs as Drivers of Improvement in Implemented Mathematics Curricula: Do They Work?
  5. A Transnational Mathematics Curriculum? Imaginaries and Implications
  6. Teaching Mathematics in the Abstract: The Invisibilization of Teachers’ Labor Through Progressive Mathematics Education Reform
  7. Mathematics Curricula in the Digital Era: Policy and Implementation

(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)