Fourth International Handbook of Mathematics Education
(Springer International Handbooks of Education)

Editors: M.A. (Ken) Clements, Berinderjeet Kaur, Thomas Lowrie, Vilma Mesa, Johan Prytz
2024:11 770 p. ISBN 978-3-031-51473-9 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 399.99
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機関向け電子版(Ebook Central):Document ID:31806626 / 標準価格:税込¥139,004
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本書は2012年に刊行された第3集(ISBN: 978-1-4614-4683-5)の続編にあたり、これまで取り組まれていなかったテーマを中心に、数学教育の分野で2013年以降に起こった変化と発展を取り上げます。
本書は「アジアにおける数学教育」「研究と実践における理論の役割」「公平性と社会正義」「カリキュラムと変革」の4つのセクションを、全28章にわたり60人以上の国際的な執筆陣が取り上げます。それぞれのセクションは過去、現在、未来の側面に基づき構成されます。最初の章では導入として、第1集から編者を務めるM. A. Clementsイリノイ州立大学名誉教授が「論争は数学教育の健全な特徴か」を問いかけています。
- Springer’s Fourth International Handbook of Mathematics Education: An Introduction to Thinking About “Colonizers” and “the Colonized”
Section I Mathematics Education in Asia
- Introduction to Section I: Mathematics Education in Asia
- Mathematics Education in Asia: Curriculum and Its Origins
- Myths and Realities: Teaching of Mathematics in High-Achieving East Asian Countries
- Teachers’ Professional Competences in Western and Eastern Countries: Findings from Comparative Studies
- East Asian Students’ Mathematics Performance: A Values-Based Macroeducation Perspective
- Beyond Asian and Western Traditions of Mathematics Education
Section II The Roles of Theory in Research and Practice
- Introduction to Section II: Coming Apart at Every Nail: Where to Now for the Theory-Practice Dream?
- Relating Theory and Practice in Mathematics Education: A Historical Overview
- Images of Theory in the Practices of Theorizing in Mathematics Education Research
- The Role of Theory in Research and Practice: Characterizing Cognition and Context Within Mathematics Education
- The Role and Nature of Fidelity in Theory-Practice Advancement
- Practice Theory in Mathematics Education Research
- When Theory Should Guide Action, What Kind of Theorizing Do We Need?
Section III Equity and Social Justice
- Introduction to Section III: Equity and Social Justice Considerations in Mathematics Education
- Invisibilization and Intersectionality in Mathematics Education: A Panoramic View Invisibilização e Interseccionalidade na Educação Matemática: Uma Visão Panorâmica
- Identity as a Critical Lens on Teaching and Learning Mathematics
- Toward Intersectional Understandings of Gender in Mathematics Education
- Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and “Conflict”: Denial, Suspension, and Resistance
- Mathematics Education for Children with Critical and Terminal Illness
- Strengthening Equity and Social Justice Research in Mathematics Education Through Critical Interrogations of White Supremacy and Settler Colonialism
Section IV Curriculum and Change
- Introduction to Section IV: Curriculum and Change
- The Origin and Evolution of the Concept of Mathematics Curriculum
- Textbooks and Curriculum from a Governance Perspective
- Professional Development Programs as Drivers of Improvement in Implemented Mathematics Curricula: Do They Work?
- A Transnational Mathematics Curriculum? Imaginaries and Implications
- Teaching Mathematics in the Abstract: The Invisibilization of Teachers’ Labor Through Progressive Mathematics Education Reform
- Mathematics Curricula in the Digital Era: Policy and Implementation
(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)