


関連ワード:Bloomsbury 女性学 思想史 文化史 文学 歴史 洋書 社会学 芸術  更新日:2024.10.01

A Cultural History of Love (The Cultural Histories Series)

Editor: Katie Barclay, Professor and Future Fellow at Macquarie University, Sydney
2024:12 6 vols. 1,648 p. 300 illus. set ISBN 978-1-350-11983-3
(Bloomsbury Academic) -GB-

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英Bloomsburyの定評ある「文化史」シリーズに入った本書は、近年の人文学全体のトレンドである「感情史」の専門家を編者に迎え、55名の専門家たちとともに、古代から現代まで2500年にわたる「愛」の意味がいかに移り変わってきたかを探ります。愛の感じ方、身体・言語における愛の表現、芸術・文学における愛の表象、神学・科学による愛の説明、個人の愛の経験など、多角的に「愛」を見つめ直します。時代別の全6巻(古代 / 中世 / 近世 / 啓蒙の時代 / 帝国の時代 / 現代)は、各巻とも共通の章立て(1. ロマンティック・ラブ / 2. 家族における愛 / 3. 友情 / 4. 共同体における愛 / 5. 愛と聖なるもの / 6. 政治における愛 / 7. 愛の生理学 / 8. 芸術と物質文化における愛)で、時代や分野を越える「愛」の主要テーマの軸に沿った比較に適しています。各巻に、序文、注記、書誌、索引を含み、300点の豊富な図版も理解を助けます。





Volume 1: A Cultural History of Love in Antiquity  (500 BCE – 400 CE)

Edited by Marguerite Johnson, University of Queensland, Australia and Han Baltussen, University of Adelaide, Australia

Volume 2: A Cultural History of Love in the Middle Ages (400 – 1400)

Edited by Riccardo Cristiani, Independent Scholar, Italy and Barbara H. Rosenwein, Loyola University Chicago, USA

Volume 3: A Cultural History of Love in the Early Modern Age (1400 – 1700)

Edited by Katherine Ibbett, University of Oxford, UK

Volume 4: A Cultural History of Love in the Age of Enlightenment (1700 – 1800)

Edited by Katie Barclay, Macquarie University, Australia and Sally Holloway, Oxford Brookes University, UK

Volume 5: A Cultural History of Love in the Age of Empire (1800 – 1900)

Edited by Sonya Lipsett-Rivera, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada

Volume 6: A Cultural History of Love in the Modern Age (1900 – present)

Edited by Claire Langhamer, University of London, UK Introduction, Claire Langhamer


Volume 1: A Cultural History of Love in Antiquity
Edited by Marguerite Johnson, University of Queensland, Australia and Han Baltussen, University of Adelaide, Australia
Introduction, Marguerite Johnson and Han Baltussen
1. Romantic Love, Angela Hug
2. Love in Families, Hugh Lindsay
3. Friendship, Elena Heran
4. Love in Communities, Fergus King
5. Love and the Divine, Harold Tarrant
6. Love in Politics, Lowell Bowditch
7. Physiologies of Love, Giulia Sissa
8. Love in Art and Material Culture, John R. Clarke
Notes on contributors

Volume 2: A Cultural History of Love in the Middle Ages
Edited by Riccardo Cristiani, Independent Scholar, Italy and Barbara H. Rosenwein, Loyola University Chicago, USA
Introduction, Barbara H. Rosenwein and Riccardo Cristiani
1. Romantic Love, Jennifer Wollock
2. Love in Families, Jacqueline Murray
3. Friendship, Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo
4. Love in Communities, Michael Barbezat
5. Love and the Divine, Brian Patrick McGuire
6. Love in Politics, Martial Staub
7. Physiologies of Love, Esther Cohen
8. Love in Art and Material Culture, Elina Gertsman
Notes on contributors

Volume 3: A Cultural History of Love in the Early Modern Age
Edited by Katherine Ibbett, University of Oxford, UK
Introduction, Katherine Ibbett
1. Romantic Love, Martin W. Huang
2. Love in Families, Katie Barclay
3. Friendship, Marc Schachter
4. Love in Communities, Urvashi Chakravarty
5. Love and the Divine, Constance Furey and Sonia Velázquez
6. Love in Politics, Elizabeth Reid
7. Physiologies of Love, Olivia Smith
8. Love in Material Culture, Éric Méchoulan (translator, Sam Ferguson)
Notes on contributors

Volume 4: A Cultural History of Love in the Age of Enlightenment
Edited by Katie Barclay, Macquarie University, Australia and Sally Holloway, Oxford Brookes University, UK
Introduction, Katie Barclay and Sally Holloway
1. Romantic Love, Clara Tuite
2. Love in Families, Joanne Begiato
3. Friendship, Kenneth Loiselle
4. Love in Communities, Jacqueline Van Gent
5. Love and the Divine, Giovanni Tarantino
6. Love in Politics, Katie Barclay
7. Physiologies of Love, Angelika C. Messner
8. Love in Art and Material Culture, Sally Holloway
Notes on contributors

Volume 5: A Cultural History of Love in the Age of Empire
Edited by Sonya Lipsett-Rivera, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada
Introduction, Sonya Lipsett-Rivera
1. Romantic Love, Peter Stearns
2. Love in Families, Dimitra Vassiliadou
3. Friendship, Sergio Lussana
4. Love in Communities, Carolyne Ryan
5. Love and the Divine, Angela Platt
6. Love in Politics, Katrine Frøkjær Baunvig
7. Physiologies of Love, Oliva López Sánchez
8. Love in Art and Material Culture, Angela Hesson
Notes on contributors

Volume 6: A Cultural History of Love in the Modern Age
Edited by Claire Langhamer, University of London, UK
Introduction, Claire Langhamer
1. Romantic Love, Katie Barclay
2. Love in Families, Niamh Cullen
3. Friendship, Caroline Arni and Anna Leyrer
4. Love in Communities, Jordanna Bailkin
5. Love and the Divine, David Geiringer
6. Love in Politics, Jonathan Moss and Emily Robinson
7. Physiologies of Love, Dolores Martín-Moruno
8. Love in Art and Material Culture, Louise Purbrick
Notes on contributors
