A Global History of Crime and Punishment
Editors: Clive Emsley, Emeritus Professor and founder Co-Director of the International Centre for Comparative Criminological Research at the Open University, UK & Sara McDougall, Professor of History at John Jay College of Criminal Justice
2023:08 6 vols. 1,728 p. 300 illus. set ISBN 978-1-4725-8484-7
(Bloomsbury Academic) -GB-
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36名の専門家を結集した本書は、古代から現代まで2500年におよぶ、罪と罰の人類史をたどります。世界各地でさまざまな法、社会、文化の中で移り変わってきた犯罪と司法の諸相を、歴史、文化研究、哲学、古典の視座を加えて描き出します。時代別の全6巻(古代 / 中世 / ルネサンス / 啓蒙主義時代 / 帝国主義時代 / 現代)は、各巻に共通の章立て(1. 犯罪 / 2. 犯罪者の種類 / 3. 法執行 / 4. 制裁 / 5. 罪と罰の表象)で、時代や分野を越えたトピック別の比較に適しています。各巻に序文、注記、書誌、索引を含み、300点の豊富な図版も理解を助けます。
Volume 1: A Global History of Crime and Punishment in Antiquity (500BCE-800CE)
Edited by Adriaan Lanni, Harvard Law School, USA
Volume 2: A Global History of Crime and Punishment in the Medieval Age (800-1450)
Edited by Karl Shoemaker, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Volume 3: A Global History of Crime and Punishment in the Renaissance (1450-1650)
Edited by Laura Stokes, Stanford University, USA
Volume 4: A Global History of Crime and Punishment in the Age of Enlightenment (1650-1800)
Edited by Xavier Rousseaux, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Volume 5: A Global History of Crime and Punishment in the Age of Empire (1800-1920)
Edited by Mark Finnane, Griffith University, Australia
Volume 6: A Global History of Crime and Punishment in the Modern Age (1920-2000+)
Edited by Paul Lawrence, The Open University, UK