Elgar Encyclopedia of Behavioural and Experimental Economics
(Elgar Encyclopedias in Economics and Finance series)

Edited by Swee-Hoon Chuah, Professor of Behavioural Economics, Robert Hoffmann, Professor of Behavioural Economics and Ananta Neelim, Senior Lecturer in Economics,Tasmanian Behavioural Lab, University of Tasmania, Australia
2025:02 452 p. ISBN 978-1-80220-772-9 (Edward Elgar) -US-
USD 340
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本書は、社会科学の代表的出版社Edward Elgarによる行動経済学の包括的なレファレンスです。行動経済学の倫理学と学術的実践を議論し、政治・経済・社会問題に関する行動経済学の応用を探ります。全122項目にて、アカデミア、ビジネス、政策における行動経済学の最新トピックを網羅し、例えば「人工知能の行動倫理学」「行動ファイナンス」「ビジネスにおける行動科学」「限定合理性VSヒューリスティクスと行動経済学へのバイアス/ナッジのアプローチ」などの項目を収録します。
- Adaptive explanations to behavioural findings
- Affective relationships: role, dynamics, and modelling
- Affirmative action
- Allais paradox, certainty effect, and zero effect
- Ambiguity and ambiguity attitudes
- An historical definition of behavioural economics: old/new behavioural economics and its relationship to experimental economics
- Asset market experiments and price bubbles
- Background risk and risk-tolerance
- Bargaining and negotiation
- Behaviour and violent conflict exposure
- Behavioural approaches to oligopoly
- Behavioural business ethics
- Behavioural business: doing behavioural science in the business school
- Behavioural cliometrics
- Behavioural cultural economics
- Behavioural development economics
- Behavioural economic games to study trust and trustworthiness
- Behavioural economics as a tool for exploring social dysfunction in personality disorder
- The behavioural economics of gambling
- The behavioural economics of political indoctrination
- The behavioural economics of religion
- Behavioural ethics of Artificial Intelligence
- Behavioural ethics of technology
- Behavioural finance
- Behavioural household economics
- Behavioural insights in the private sector
- Behavioural market design: an overview
- Behavioural monetary policy
- Behavioural political economy
- Behavioural public policy
- Behavioural science in business
- Belief elicitation
- Beyond the absence of gains from trade
- Big robber game
- Bounded rationality versus the heuristics and biases/nudging approaches to behavioural economics
- Bringing behavioural science to compliance
- Can physical attributes predict human behaviour?
- Choice bracketing
- Complexity and behavioural economics: exploring dynamic systems and adaptive agents
- Coordination and focal points
- Deadlines and procrastination
(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)