Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics
Editors: Deborah C. Poff & Alex C. Michalos, Ottawa, Canada
2023:05 2 vols. 1,919 p. ISBN 978-3-030-22765-4 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 849.99
Web販売価格:税込¥161,266/ 標準価格:税込¥208,501
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本書は、Journal of Business Ethics誌の創設者が編者を務め、経営・職業倫理の重要事項を網羅するレファレンスです。全2巻・475項目にて、応用倫理一般の問題意識とも重なり合う注目トピック「アファーマティブ・アクション」「人工知能」「動物倫理」「資源採掘」「社会構築主義」などを取り上げます。日本については、谷本寛治・早稲田大学教授が「日本企業にみる企業の社会的責任(CSR)」の項目を寄稿しています。
- Aboriginal Ethics: Traditional and Contemporary
- Academic Business Ethics in the United States
- Academic Ethics and Academic Integrity
- Academic Integrity and Business Ethics Teaching
- Academic Integrity and University Corporate Accountability
- Accounting Ethics (Including the Profession’s Code of Ethics and Commitment to the Public Interest)
- Adam Smith’s Theory of Moral Sentiments
- Advertising and the Commodification of Identity Through Skin
- Advertising Ethics
- Affirmative Action in Business
- Affirmative Action: Employment Equity in Canada
- Age Diversity and Generational Ethics
- Agency Theory
- Aggressive Tax Avoidance and Business Ethics
- Aging and Ethics
- AI and Corporate Responsibility
- Alienation
- Altruism’s Moral Heuristics
- Animal Ethics
- Animal Ethics and Autonomy, Agency and Selfhood
- Animal Ethics and Business Ethics
- Animal Rights and Business Ethics
- Anonymity, Confidentiality and De-identified Data
- Anti-corruption Education
- Apartheid and Ethics
- Arctic Security
- Aristotelian Business Ethics
- Aristotle
- Arms Industry
- Artificial Intelligence and Business Ethics
- Artificial Intelligence and Ethical Journalism
- Artificial Intelligence and Teaching Values in Science
- Asian Journal of Business Ethics
- At the Intersection of Diversity and Ethical Leadership
- Authenticity
- Autocratic Leadership and Abuse
- Autonomy and Advertising
- Autonomy and Informed Consent
- Awakened Leadership
- Axiology and Business Ethics
- Ayn Rand’s Ethics
- Bahá’í Ethics
- Balanced Scorecard
- Behavioral Ethics and Euphemisms
- Behavioral Ethics and Euphemisms: How Euphemisms Impact Ethical Decision-Making
- Behavioral Ethics and Rationalizations
- Beneficence
- Big 5 Personality Types and Willingness to Justify Unethical Behavior
- Big Data Ethics
- Bioethics
- Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies, the Relevance for Business Ethics
- Boycotting as a Social Movement
- Bribery
- Bribery and Business
- Buddhism
- Buddhism and Business Ethics
- Business and Ethics of Capital Punishment
- Business and Human Rights
- Business and Peace
- Business and Society
- Business and War
- Business Case for Business Ethics
- Business Code of Ethics
- Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility in South Africa
- Business Ethics and Sexual Harassment
- Business Ethics as an Academic Discipline
- Business Ethics in Australia
- Business Ethics in Canada
- Business Ethics in the UK
- Business Ethics Quarterly
- Business Ethics Without Metaphysics
- Business Ethics, Consumerism, and the Fashion Industry
- Business Ethics: A European Review
- Business of Boycotting
- Business, Law, and Codes of Ethics
- Capitalism
- Capping Damages: Ethical Concerns
- Catholic Social Thought
- CEO Compensation and Just Pay Theories
- CEO Leadership and Gender
- Change Management
- Charismatic Leadership
- Child Labour and Child Slave Labour in the World of International Business
- China and Business Ethics
- Chinese Approach to Business Ethics
- Chinese Stock Market
- Christianity and Business Ethics
- Collaborations Between Grassroots Advocacy Groups and Business
- Collective Bargaining (USA)
- Commodification of Care
- Common Good Principle
- Communism Versus Capitalism
- Company Socialization and Ethical Fit
- Compensatory Justice to Groups
- Conflict of Commitment
- Conflict of Interest in Research
- Confucianism and LGBTQ+ Rights
- Conscience in Business and Organizations
- Contract Theory
- Core Values
- Corporate Crime
- Corporate Crisis Management and Business Ethics
- Corporate Ethics Officers
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Governance and Values-Based Management
- Corporate Personhood and Corporate Responsibility to Race
- Corporate Power over Human Rights
- Corporate Psychopaths
- Corporate Psychopathy
- Corporate Punishment
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Domestic Violence
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Engineering Ethics
- Corporate Social Responsibility Assurance
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Business Groups (Asli M. Colpanチョルパン・アスリ・京都大学教授)
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Japanese Corporations (Kanji Tanimoto谷本寛治・早稲田大学教授)
- Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting Frameworks
- Corporate Social Responsibility: A Bibliometric Research
- Corporate Sustainability and Climate Change
- Corporations and Duties to the Global Poor
- Corporations and the Division of the Advantages of Social Cooperation
- Corporations as Moral Entities
- Correcting the Published Literature
- Corruption and Gender
- Corruption and the American Foreign Corrupt Practices Act
- Credit Union Ethics
- Criteria for Ethical Authorship and Contributorship
- Cross-Cultural Aspects of Leadership
- Cybersecurity: Critical Consideration for Boards of Growth Firms
- Data Ownership and Data Sharing Practices
- Deception and Research
- Democracy and Governance: Toward a New Ethics of Decision-Making
- Democratic Decision-Making in Dewey’s Ethics
- Deontology
- Destructive Leadership
- Development Ethics
- Dialectical Enquiry in Ethical Business Dispute Resolution
- Differences Between Transactional and Transformational Leadership
- Digital Convergence and Musical Ethics
- Director Appointments: The Role of Social Networks
- Directors’ Duties to Tie Executive Pay to Environmental Protection
- Disability Management
- Displacement and Refugees with Respect to Human Rights Regimes
- Distributive Justice
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity (DEI)
- Doctrine of the Mean and Business Ethics
- Duplicate Publication and Salami Slicing
- Economic Efficiency and Socioeconomic Well-Being
- Economic Man
- Economics, Ethics, and the Environment
- Economics and Business of War and Responsibility for Unjust Wars
- Education and Wealth Equity
- Educational Ethics
- Ego Depletion: Overview and Implications for Ethical Choices
- Egoism and Libertarian Ethics
- Emerging Trends in Socially Responsible Investment
- Empathic Leadership
- Employee Perceptions of Organizational Justice and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Employer Loyalty
- Employment Relationships and Ethical Leadership
- Enron Scandal
- Environmental Accounting
- Environmental Assessment and Resource Extraction
- Environmental Change in the Arctic
- Environmental Conflict/Access to Natural Resources
- Environmental Ethics and Sustainability
- Environmental Philosophy and Business
- Equality of Opportunity
- Ethical Analysis of Tax Avoidance
- Ethical and Financial Aspects of Divesting
- Ethical Behavior and Economics
- Ethical Blind Spots and Accounting
- Ethical Citizenship and Business Ethics
- Ethical Climate and Ethical Culture
- Ethical Considerations for the Presenter and Performing Artist Dynamic
- Ethical Decision-Making and Leadership Stress
- Ethical Decision-Making Process
- Ethical Dilemmas
- Ethical Dilemmas of Corporate Secretaries
- Ethical Dimensions of Consumer Boycotts
- Ethical Engagement: Observer Obstacles
- Ethical Global Citizenship Education
- Ethical Hacking: Is It Ethical?
- Ethical Issues Facing Domestic Workers
- Ethical Issues in Providing Behavioral Health Treatment to Vulnerable Populations
- Ethical Issues in Use of Digital Technology in Physiotherapy
- Ethical Issues When Interacting with Indigenous Music and Musicians
- Ethical Leadership
- Ethical Leadership and the LGBTQ Homeless Youth Crisis
- Ethical Literacy in Leadership Development
- Ethical Management of Psychiatric Care of Children and Adolescents
- Ethical Peer Review
- Ethical Performance and Health
- Ethical Representation of Data
- Ethical Responsibility of Orchestras in Contemporary (Multicultural) Societies
- Ethics and Artificial Intelligence
- Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Ethics and Crisis Management
- Ethics and Economics in Healthcare Decision-Making
- Ethics and Learning in Organizations
- Ethics and Psychological Experimentation: A Historical Overview
- Ethics and the Business of Sport: The Lance Armstrong Case
- Ethics Audit
- Ethics Committees (Including Research)
- Ethics Education in the Professions: Those Who Have Taught and What They Have Taught
- Ethics in Leadership Coaching
- Ethics in the Media
- Ethics in Workplace Mental Health
- Ethics of a Pandemic Basic Income
- Ethics of Boycotts
- Ethics of Meaningful Work
- Ethics of Music Teacher Education in Postcolonial Countries
- Ethics of Tax Reform
- Ethics, Craft, and the Business of Music
- Eudaimonia
- European Business Ethics Network
- Evolution of Corporate Social Responsibility: A Historical Overview
- Existentialism and Business Ethics
- Fair Trade Consumerism
- Fast Growth Private Firms: The Power of Ethical Values and Trust in Enhancing Performance
- Female Chair: Moving Away from Shareholder Primacy
- Feminist Economics and Agency
- Feminist Ethics
- Financial Secrecy Index
- Financial Sector Sustainability Regulations and Guidelines
- Five Elements of Normative Ethics
- Food Advertising
- Food Studies: Values and Ethics
- Fraud Triangle: Cressey’s Fraud Triangle and Alternative Fraud Theories
- Free Rider Problem During the Covid-19 Pandemic
- Funding and Sponsorship of Publications
- Future of Work: Values and Ethical Issues
- Gender and Food Security
- Gender and Household Economics
- Gender and Macroeconomics
- Gender and Microcredit
- Gender and Social Security
- Gender and the Economic Theory of the Firm
- Gender Gap in College Enrollment
- Gender Policies on the Board of Directors and Firms Financial Performance
- Gender, Economics, and Unpaid Work
- Gender-Based Violence Against Women and Girls
- Gender-Responsive Budgeting
- Genomics and Related Sciences: Values and Ethics
- Getting by Tensions in Responsible Investment
- Ghost, Guest, and Gift Authorship
- Gift-Giving and Foundation-Owned Business
- Gifting and Influence in the Private Sector
- Gifting and Influence in the Public Sector
- Global Corruption
- Global Forum on Transparency and Exchange of Information for Tax Purposes
- GMOs
- Golden Mean
- Good Citizenship Education in the Context of a COVID-19 Reality
- Good Tax Governance
- Great Enrichment
- Greenwashing and Machinewashing: An Ethical Account and Criteria for Identification
- Guanxi
- Harassment in the Workplace
- Has the Mainstreaming of Responsible Investment Eroded Ethics? Insights from Investor Advocacy on Human Rights in Conflict Zones
- Hayek, Friedrich, The Work of
- History and Philosophical Foundations of Ethics
- Human Dignity and Business Ethics
- Human Resource Management
- Human Rights
- Human Rights and Business Ethics
- Human Rights and Environmental Change
- Human Rights and the Multinational Corporation
- Human Rights Duties Towards Future Generations and Achieving Climate Justice
- Human Rights Impact Assessments
- Human Rights, Capability Approach, and Corporate Responsibility
- Humanistic Management
- Humanistic Marketing
- Humanitarian Ethics
- Humiliation and Dignity
- Identity Politics and Ethics
- Immigration and Business Ethics
- Impact of Board Diversity on CSR Practices
- Implications of Mindset Theory for Ethical Decision-Making
- Impression Management and Business Ethics
- Incivility in the Workplace: A Call for an Ethical Analysis Approach
- Inclusivity Management Research: Persons with Disabilities and Self-Employment Activity as an Exemplar
- Indian and Business Ethics
- Indigenous Environmental Justice
- Indigenous Land Management: Responsibility-Based Ethics
- Indigenous Peoples and the Ethics of Resource Extraction
- Individualism
- International Association for Business and Society
- International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
- International Women’s Day and Its Role in Women’s Rights
- Intersection of Indigenous Values and Ethical Leadership
- Investor Response to the Climate Change Challenge
- Islam and Business Ethics
- Jewish Business Ethics
- John Rawls’ Theory of Intergenerational Justice
- John Stuart Mill’s Concept of the Harm Principle
- Journal of Business Ethics
- Journalism and Self-Censorship
- Justice
- Kant, Immanuel
- Laissez-Faire Leaders and Trust
- Large-Scale Resource Extraction and Violence Against Women
- Leadership Development
- Leadership Integrity
- Leadership Moral Foundations
- Leadership Motives or Intentions
- Leadership Theory
- Leading Human Resource Strategy for Diverse Cultures
- Lesser Evil Principle
- Levinasian Ethics in Business
- Liberalism
- Libertarianism
- Liberty
- Living Wage and Business Ethics
- Locke, J.
- Loyal Agent’s Argument
- Machiavelli
- Machiavellianism
- MacIntyre and Business Ethics
- MacIntyre, Alasdair
- MacIntyrean Approach to Employee Rights
- Maintaining Data Integrity
- (Managing) Diversity
- Market Failures Approach to Business Ethics
- Marketization of Higher Education: Ethical and Societal Dilemmas
- Marx, Karl
- Marxism
- Marxism (with Focus on China)
- Materialism, Well-Being, and Ethics
- Meaningful Work
- Medical Ethics and the Land Ethic
- Military Industrial Complex (MIC)
- Misinformation, Disinformation, and Journalism Ethics
- Modern Biotechnology, Agriculture, and Ethics
- Modern Slavery in Global Supply Chains
- Monetary Wisdom: A Measure of Attitude Toward Money – Constructs and Items
- Monetary Wisdom: Prospect Theory and the Meaning of Money (The Love of Money)
- Monetary Wisdom: The Attitude Toward Money and the Meaning of Money (The Love of Money)
- Monetary Wisdom: The Love of Money, ASPIRE, and Unethical Behavioral Intention
- Monetary Wisdom: The Matthew Effect in Monetary Wisdom: Intelligence Versus Wisdom
- Moral Entrepreneurship
- Moral Self-Awareness
- Moral Simpliciter of Ethical Giving
- Moral Spiritualism and Network Efficiency
- Movies and Business Ethics Training
- Multiculturalism and the Ethics of Immigrant Integration in the Twenty-First Century
- Music and Business Ethics
- Narcissistic Leadership
- Narcissus
- Networks of Complicity and Persistent Unethical Behavior
- New Models of Finance
- Normative Ethics
- Notion of Personhood from a Spiritual Perspective
- Oaths, Professional
- Officer-Fiduciary Duties
- Online Employees and Employer Relations
- Organizational Culture and Corruption
- Panama Papers
- Pay Equity/Pay Inequity Issues
- Peer Review and How It Is Constructed and Measured: A Question of Fairness
- Personalism
- Person–Organization Fit
- Piketty and Wealth Taxes
- Plagiarism and Text Recycling (Self-Plagiarism)
- Plato on Virtuous Leadership and Business Ethics
- Polar Tourism: Ethical Issues
- Political Philosophy and Business Ethics
- Ponzi Schemes
- Pragmatism and Business Ethics
- Precautionary Principle and Resource Extraction
- Press Freedom Index (PFI)
- Professional Ethics in Healthcare
- Professional Ethics in Social and Cultural Anthropology
- Professionalism Versus Commercialism in Audit
- Property Rights
- Protestant Work Ethic
- Pseudo-transformational Leadership
- Public Goods
- Publication Ethics
- Racial and Ethnic Diversity in Business
- Racism in the Workplace
- Rawls’ Theory of Justice
- Religion
- Religion, Spirituality, and Business Ethics
- Religiosity
- Religious Freedom Restoration Acts
- Reporters Without Borders
- Research Ethics and the Nuremberg Trials
- Research Integrity and Research Misconduct
- Resource Extraction
- Resource Extraction and Indigenous Community Consent
- Resource Extraction in Latin America and Human Rights
- Resource Extraction, Ethics, and Social Capital
- Respect and Business Ethics
- Responsible Investors and Company Standards: Follow the Money to Rate the Raters
- Responsible Leadership and Crisis Management
- Role of Philosophy in Business Ethics
- Seed Banks
- Self and the Generalized Other
- Sen, Amartya
- Servant Leadership and Internal Social Capital
- Service Leadership in the Service Era
- Shareholder Theory
- Shell Companies
- Social and Economic Mobility
- Social Construction
- Social Construction of Businesses
- Social Identity Theory
- Social License to Operate
- Social Media Screening and Privacy Issues in Recruitment
- Social Media Speech and the Workplace
- Social Norms
- Social Responsibility and Business: The Milton Friedman Position
- Socially Responsible Investment and Corporate Engagement
- Society for Business Ethics
- Spirituality at the Workplace
- Spirituality Versus Unethical Business Practices
- SRI’s Normative and Ethics-Based Rationales
- Standardization and the Governance of Artificial Intelligence Standards
- Supervisor-Subordinate Guanxi
- Sustainability and Bioethics
- Sustainability Reporting
- Sustainable and Conventional Banking in Europe
- Sustained Corporate Illegality and the Antecedent Factors
- Sweatshops and Exploitation
- Taoism
- Tax Compliance in a Voluntary Reporting Environment
- Tax Havens
- Tax Justice Network
- Teaching Business Ethics
- Team Ethics
- Technology Ethics: Origins, Paradigms and Implications for Business and Society
- Textile Industry in the United States
- Theoretical Grounding of Democratic Accountability
- Theoretical Perspective on the Relationship Between Management Accounting Control and Trust
- Toxic Leadership
- Traditional Chinese Culture and Its Impact on Modern Business Ethics
- Tragedy of the Commons and the Lifeboat Metaphor
- Transaction Costs and Business Ethics
- Transformational Leadership
- Transformational Leadership and Goal Setting
- Trolling, Ethics, and Accountability
- Trust and Institutions
- Trust and Value-Based Management and Leadership
- Truth and Ethics in Labor-Management Negotiations: The Accounting Information Behind the Scenes
- UN Guiding Principles and Transnational Business Governance
- Understanding the Governance Structures that Underpin Responsible Investment Decision-Making
- United Nations Environment Programme
- Universities and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Usury
- Utilitarianism
- Values and Ethics and Federalism
- Values and Ethics with Respect to Lobbying
- Values in Management for Online Employers
- Values-Based Consumption
- Values-Based Management Theory
- Vaping and Bioethics
- Veganism and Ethical Consumerism
- Virtue Ethics
- Virtuous Leadership
- Vocational Ethics and Professional Identity in the Social Sciences
- Water Security: Ethical Debates
- Wealth Equity
- Weber, Max
- Welfare Economics
- Wells Fargo and Corporate Crime
- Whistleblowing
- Whistleblowing and Information Ethics
- Women on Corporate Boards and Sustainable Development
- Work Ethic
- Work-Family Conflict and Policies
- Work-Life Balance
- Workplace Bullying
- Workplace Values and Ethical Performance