Handbook of Children and Youth Studies 2ND

Editors: Johanna Wyn, Helen Cahill, & Hernán Cuervo, Youth Research Centre, University of Melbourne
2nd ed. 2024:08 2 vols. 1,370 p. ISBN 978-981-99-8605-7 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 599.99
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本書は、オーストラリアのメルボルン大学の大学院教育学研究科に属する「若者研究センター」の所長と副所長を編者に迎えて、グローバルな視野で子ども/若者の新たなリアルに迫ろうとした好評レファレンス(初版ISBN 9789814451147)の9年ぶりの新版です。アジア太平洋地域、ヨーロッパ、南北アメリカ、アフリカにまたがる20ヶ国から、従来の子ども・若者観を問い直してきた気鋭の研究者たちが寄稿しました。新たなセクション「世界観」「学び」「住まい」「気候」「学生の流動性」「若者の参加と政治的なもの」を加えて、初版の全63章から全88章に拡充するとともに、「身体」「遊び」「仕事」「社会正義」「アイデンティティ」「ウェルビーイング」といった、初版の主要セクションにも改訂、アップデート、新たな章を加えました。
日本関連では、トーマス・ブラザーフッド京都大学教育学研究科講師による、日本への留学生の章(International Student Mobility to Japan: Hitting the Target, but Missing the Point)を含みます。また、小松光・台湾大学准教授(気候変動・持続的発展国際学位プログラム)が環境活動教育について寄稿し、望月要子(パリ=シテ大学EDA)が「気候」セクションの共同編集を務めるとともに「人新世」時代の児童・青年研究と気候変動についての2章を寄稿しています。
Volume 1
Part I Thinking About Children and Youth
1 Thinking About Children and Youth
2 Deconstructing Discourses to Rupture Fairytales of the “Ideal” Childhood
3 ThePromises of Empowered Girls
4 Children and Youth: Influences on Policy and Practice
5 Troubling Conceptions of Indigenous Youth
Part II Well-Being
6 Approaches to Understanding Youth Well-Being
7 Protecting and Promoting Young People’s Social and Emotional Health in Online and Offline Contexts
8 Reconsidering Youth Well-Being as Fluid and Relational: A Dynamic Process at the Intersection of Their Physical and Social Geographies
9 Responding Early to Support the Mental Health and Wellbeing of Young People
10 Young People, Pleasure, and the Normalization of Pornography: Sexual Health and Well-Being in a Time of roliferation?
11 Who’s Learning or Whose Learning? Critical Perspectives on the Idea Youth-Led Policy-Making Related to Gender-Based Violence in a South African Classroom
12 Longitudinal Effect of Depression from Adolescence to Young Adulthood on Educational Attainment and Marriage of Taiwanese Youth
13 Youth Health and Wellbeing in Digital Cultures
14 Promoting Mental Health and Well-Being at School: Principles and Challenges
Part III Bodies
15 Bodies in Childhood and Youth Studies: An Introduction
16 “Let’s Go 50/50”: The Everyday Embodiment of Sexuality Among African Young People
17 Theorizing Embodied Subjectivity: Feminist Approaches and Debates
18 Trans Young People and Embodiment
19 Racialized Embodiments: Young Queer Latinx Men in Australia
20 Young Bodies, Images, and Social Media
Part IV Identities
21 Approaches to Youth Studies and Identity
22 Performative Pedagogy: Poststructural Theory as a Tool to Engage in Identity Work Within a Youth-Led HIV Prevention Program
23 Gender Identity, Intergenerational Dynamics, and Educational Aspirations: Young Women’s Hopes for the Future
24 Stay or Go? Reading Identity Through Young People’s Lives in Rural Places
25 Youth, Relationality, and Space: Conceptual Resources for Youth Studies from Critical Human Geography
26 Young Women and Identity Formation on Social Media: Lessons from Indonesia
Part V Citizenship
27 Fresh Perspectives on Children and Youth Citizenship
28 Connective Action Through Digital Technologies: African Youth (Re)Making Twenty-First-Century Citizenship
29 TheCitizenship Formation of Transnational Latinx Youth
30 Children and Young People Contesting Citizenship
31 Enhancing Citizen Engagement at the Municipal Level: Youth’s Perspectives
32 Living as Citizens and Learning to Be Citizens
Part VI Social Justice
33 Social Justice and Young People: Thinking About Distribution, Recognition, and Participation in Youth Studies
34 Young People and Social Class in the United Kingdom
35 Spatial Configurations of Class and Youth Inequality
36 Young People in the Urban Outskirts of Brazil: Work and Collective Action
37 Youth and Marginalization: A Social Justice Approach
38 Social Justice and Digital Citizenship of Chinese Young People
Part VII Labor
39 Unemployment or Precarious Employment: Tough Choices for Young Workers in the Twenty-First Century
40 Term-Time Employment and the Long Transition to the Labor Market
41 Gendered Education and Labor Market Trajectories in Switzerland
42 Gendered Employment Trajectories Across the Life Course: A28-Year Perspective
43 Youth, Work, and Inequality in Credentialed Societies
Volume 2
Part VIII Time, Space, and Place
44 Time, Space, and Place
45 Storying the Self: The Pluritemporal Memories of Rural Youth Identity and Place
46 Dysfunctional Mobilities: International Education and the Chaos of Movement
47 Youth Chronotopes: The Living Spaces and Times of Young People
48 Scales of Young People’s Lives
49 Challenging Global North-Global South Binaries: Implications for Childhood Studies
50 Youth, Place, and Social Class
Part IX Play
51 Youth and Play: World-Making in the Real and the Imagined
52 Dreaming Young People’s Right to the City Through the Methodology of Autobiographical Performance
53 Unbelonging as Community Cultural Wealth: Youth Playing in the Borderlands of Race, Gender, and Sexuality
54 Serious Play: Youth and the Deployment of Culturally Subversive Sign Within Postmodern Capitalism
55 Synthetic Reworldings Through Play
56 TheNexus Between Youth and Mobile Phones in Botswana
Part X Worldviews
57 Children, Young People, and Diverse Worldviews: Religion, Spirituality, and Non-religion
58 Children in Alternative and New Religious Movements in North America
59 Children’s Spirituality: Spiritual Voice(s) on Journeys to Finding Meaning and Purpose
60 Youth and Religion in East and Southeast Asia
61 Researching Religion, Digital Media, and Young Adults in International Perspective
Part XI Learning
62 Learning Sites: Tensions and Productive Possibilities
63 Young People Learning Climate Justice: Education Beyond Schooling Through Youth-Led Climate Justice Activism
64 Young People and the Promise of Sustainable Futures: Rethinking Learning in/for the Anthropocene
65 Mobility Exchanges and the “Experience” of Learning on the Move
66 Outside Learning: Blending Formal, Informal, and Non-formal Higher Education During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Part XII Dwellings
67 TheRole of Housing in Youth and Young Adulthood
68 Social Housing and Young People: Effect of Emerging Forms of Conditionality on Young People’s Relationships Within Local Communities
69 Young People and Homelessness: Place-Making and Home in Hostels
70 “School for Houses”: Conditional Housing Pathways for Young People in the UK
71 Youth Housing Trajectories: Gender and Intergenerational Solidarity in Greece
Part XIII Climate
72 Rethinking Agency, Affect, and Education: Towards New Childhood and Youth Studies in the Anthropocene
Audrey Bryan and Yoko Mochizuki
73 Worlding Pedagogies in the Time of Planetary Crisis: Aesthetic Practices Beyond Hope and Despair
74 Re-conceptualizing the Political Agency of Young Children in the Anthropocene
75 Victims or Vanguards? The Discursive Construction of the Anthropocene Generation and Climate Change Education’s Hopeful, Resilient, Post-Political Subject
Yoko Mochizuki and Audrey Bryan
76 Re-thinking Pedagogies for Climate Change Activism: Cognitive, Behaviorist, Technological, or Cultural?
Jeremy Rappleye, Hikaru Komatsu, and Iveta Silova
77 Beyond Climate Strikes: Intersectionality and Environmental Care
Part XIV Student Mobilities
78 Student Mobilities: An Introduction
79 “Staying Home” and Domestic Student (Im)mobilities: Thinking Through “Stuckness” Beyond COVID-19
80 “Middling” African International Students in China
81 Cross-Border Mobility for Schooling: The Case of Shenzhen-Hong Kong
82 “Non-Traditional” Educational Mobilities: Patterns, Discourses, and Transformative Possibilities
83 International Student Mobility to Japan: Hitting the Target, but Missing the Point
Thomas Brotherhood
Part XV Youth Participation and the Political
84 Reframing Young People’s Political Participation
85 Atmospheres of Youth Climate Justice Activism: Movements of Affective Political Participation
86 Young People, Elections, and the Epistemic Value of Democracy
87 Youth Participation and Young People’s Democratic Inclusion
88 Young People’s Voice and Power in Democracy: Supporting
(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)