Handbook of Chinese Management

Editor: Check-Teck Foo (斉魯工業大学教授) Research Professor, Qilu University of Technology, Shandong Province, China
2023:09 522 p. ISBN 978-981-10-2458-0 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 399.99
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Part I Strategy
- Boundary Spanning Strategy: Case of Hong Kong Firms
- Visual Representations of Knowledge for Strategy Communication
- Anticorruption Campaign and the Value of Political Connection
- Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Strategic Job Design: The Case of Service Sector in China
- Construction of Corporate Social Responsibility in the Transition Economy of China
- Corporate Philanthropy in China: Response to Institutional Pressure and Stakeholders’ Requirements
- The Strategies of Connecting with Chinese Online Shoppers
- From Knowledge Transfer of MNEs to Upgrading of Chinese OEM Suppliers: Theoretical Analysis and Case Study
- Community Organizing: Building Social Capital as a Development Strategy
- Online Financial Services Strategies for Commercial Banks in China
Part II Leadership
- Leading Organizational Change by a Momentum Management Perspective
- Successful Knowledge Transfer in Manager-Employee Relationships in China
- The Dynamic View on the Leader Trait Theory in the Chinese Context
- Confucianism and Chinese Humanistic Management
- Contorted Leadership in Chinese Hierarchically Oriented Context: How Social Governance Influences Organizational Leaders
Part III Innovation
- Innovation: How China Differs
- Organizational Intervention or Learning-Oriented Innovation: Evidence from Austria and China
- The Campaign of Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- Innovation of Internet Finance in the Era of Big Data
- The Long March to an Innovative Culture: Development of Corporate Cultures in China from the 1990s Until Today
- The Culture of Fujian Business
Part IV Managing People
- Learning Orientation: Managing People in China’s Banking Industry from a Different Perspective
- Occupational Embeddedness and the Innovational Performance of Knowledge Employees in China
- Ensuring Organizational Justice: Cases from Chinese State-Owned Enterprises
- Paternalistic Leadership in China
Part V Corporate Finance
- Humanism Capital Value Function: Elements and Their Relations
Part VI Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate Social Responsibility Practice and Education in China: Overview
- Executive Women and Glass Ceiling in China
- China’s Responsible Investment Pathway
- Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting System in China
Part VII Social Governance
- Social Governance Inside China
- Social Governance in China: New Thought, New Practice, and New Vision
- Rethinking of Aging Population in China to the Impact of Pension System
- Urban Gridding as a Means of Promoting Social Governance in Beijing
- Equalization of Basic Public Services: Theory, Current Situation, and Policies
- Build the Belt and Road into “a Road of Social Security and People’s Happiness”
- Subjective Well-Being of the Residents in Contemporary China
- De-administration of the Community Resident’s Committee: A Case Study Based on the Fieldwork in China
- On System Arrangement of Governmental Social Media in Emergency Communication and Its Optimization