


関連ワード:Springer 外国語教育 幼児教育 洋書 英語教育  更新日:2024.03.14

Handbook of CLIL in Pre-primary Education

Editors: Ana Otto (Complutense University) & Beatriz Cortina-Pérez (University of Granada)
2023:05 520 p. ISBN 978-3-031-04767-1  (Springer) -DE-
EUR 399.99

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言語と教育の分野で近年、「CLIL」(「内容言語統合型学習」Content and Language Integrated Learningの略称あるいは「クリル」)が、世界的に大きな潮流となっています。例えば、英語で、算数、理科、社会、音楽、体育などを教えることが想定され、外国語と教科・テーマ内容を組み合わせて指導することによって、語学にとどまらず異文化間のコミュニケーション能力、深く総合的な思考力と学ぶ力を伸ばす狙いがあります。






1. CLIL-ing pre-primary education: Towards a holistic approach to implement CLIL in Early Childhood Education

Part I: Theoretical Underpinnings
2. Content and Language Integrated Learning in Pre-primary Education: Moving Towards Developmentally Appropriate Practices
3. CLIL soft models: the challenge of teaching young language learners
4. Defining CLIL contents for preschool
5. Cognition in CLIL at Pre-primary Level
6. A Framework for Developing social and emotional learning (SEL) in Pre-primary CLIL
7. Play as a Key Construct in Early Childhood Education CLIL

Part II: Mapping Pre-Primary CLIL Internationally
8. Paving the way for CLIL in Pre-primary Education: The Case of Madrid
9. Infan CLIL: A Model for Implementing Plurilingual Projects in Pre-primary Education in Spain and Portugal
10. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) and Project-Based Learning (PBL) in Pre-primary Education: A European Perspective
11. The Multiplicity of Pre-primary CLIL in Finland
12. CLIL at Pre-primary in Italy: Insights and Experiences
13. PEBI: Bilingual Education in Portuguese Kindergartens
14. Mapping Pre-primary CLIL in Russia
15. CLIL for Pre-primary Education in South America: Curriculum and Practice
16. CLIL in Cyprus Pre-primary Education
17. Constructing Pre-primary CLIL in Mexico. Policy Analysis and Teachers’ Perspectives

Part III Methodological Issues: CLIL Pedagogy Applied to Pre-primary Education
18. Teaching Guidelines to Introduce CLIL in the Pre-primary Stage
19. Language and Content Learning Through Oracy at Pre-primary Education and in CLIL-Based Contexts
20. Early Literacy Development and Pre-primary CLIL
21. The role of L1 in the pre-primary CLIL classroom
22. Language-Conducive Strategies to enhance Communication in the CLIL Pre-primary Classroom
23. From Tasks in Project-Based Learning Towards a Phenomenon-Based Learning in Pre-primary CLIL Classrooms
24. Pre-primary CLIL and STEAM: Science in the Early Years
25. Proposing CLIL Music Teaching Approaches in Pre-primary Education: Rationale, Experiences, and Implications for Educators

Part IV: Resources and Materials
26. Planning for Effective Co-teaching with a Foreign Language Assistant in the Pre-primary CLIL Classroom
27. Criteria for selecting materials and resources for the Pre-primary CLIL classroom
28. Promoting intercultural competence through Children’s Literature
29. Digital Storytelling in Pre-primary CLIL Education
30. CLIL-ing Preschoolers Through Cartoons and Other Audiovisual Materials
31. Technology for the CLIL Preschool

Part V: Insights from the Classroom
32. Analysing Physical Appearance in the Pre-primary CLIL Classroom
33. Working with the Five Senses in the Pre-primary Classroom
34. Getting to Know Animal Habitats in CLIL Pre-primary Education (Hazuki Nakata 中田葉月・甲南女子大 and Kazuko Kashiwagi 柏木賀津子・四天王寺大)
35. Using the Grouchy Ladybug for CLIL in Pre-primary Education
36. “You Are What You Eat”: An Integrated Language Approach to the Pre-primary Classroom
37. From Seed to Plant: Early Forms of Scientific Literacy Through an Additional Language in Pre-primary Education
38. A CLIL Lesson Plan for 3–4 Year-Olds: Living on the Farm
39. Dinosaurs: An Integrated CLIL Project for Pre-primary Education

Part VI: Final Remarks
40. CLIL in Pre-primary Education: Trends, Challenges and Future Directions
