Handbook of Nuclear Physics

Editors: Isao Tanihata, Hiroshi Toki, Research Center for Nuclear Physics, Osaka University, Ibaraki, Japan & Toshitaka Kajino, Beihang University, Haidan, China
2023:09 5 vols. 4,207 p. 1,499 illus., 1,098 in color ISBN 978-981-19-6344-5 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 1499.99
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Volume 1
Section I Exotic Nuclei: Production, Separation, Masses, and Lifetimes (Hans Geissel)
- Exotic Nuclei and Their Separation, Electromagnetic Devices (Hans Geissel and D. J. Morrissey)
- Exotic Nuclei and Their Separation, Using Atomic Interactions (Hans Geissel and D. J. Morrissey)
- Reactions for Production of Exotic Nuclei (N. Antonenko, J. Benlliure, A. Karpov, and D. J. Morrissey)
- Masses of Exotic Nuclei (Klaus Blaum, Sergey Eliseev, and Stephane Goriely)
- Lifetimes of Exotic Nuclei (I. Mukha, H. Koura, and T. Tachibana)
Section II Static Properties and Decays (Juha Äystö)
- Matter Radii and Density Distributions (Akira Ozawa)
- Nuclear Charge Radii (W. Nörtershäuser and I. D. Moore)
- Spins and Electromagnetic Moments of Nuclei (Ruben P. de Groote and Gerda Neyens)
- Beta Decay: Probe for Nuclear Structure and the Weak Interaction (B. Rubio, W. Gelletly and O. Naviliat-Cuncic)
- Charged-Particle Radioactive Decays (B. Blank and R. D. Page)
- Heaviest Elements: Decay and Laser Spectroscopy (Michael Block, Sebastian Raeder, and Rolf-Dietmar Herzberg)
- Nuclear Isomers (Philip M. Walker and Zsolt Podolyák)
- In-Beam Spectroscopy of Nuclear Electromagnetic Transitions (A. Görgen and W. Korten)
Section III Dynamical Properties (Muhsin N. Harakeh)
- Theoretical Methods for Giant Resonances (Gianluca Colò)
- Experimental Techniques in Study of Giant Resonances: Magnetic Spectrometers (Mamoru Fujiwara)
- Isoscalar Giant Resonances: Experimental Studies (Umesh Garg)
- Theoretical Description of Pygmy (Dipole) Resonances (Edoardo G. Lanza and Andrea Vitturi)
- Pygmy Dipole Resonance: Experimental Studies by Different Probes (Andreas Zilges and Deniz Savran)
- Excitation of Isovector Giant Resonances Through Charge-Exchange Reactions (Remco G. T. Zegers)
Volume 2
Section IV Fission of Nuclei (Peter G. Thirolf)
- The Multi-humped Fission Barrier (Andreas Oberstedt and Stephan Oberstedt)
- Microscopic Theory of Nuclear Fission (Nicolas Schunck)
- Photofission Studies: Past and Future (Lorant Csige and Dan Mihai Filipescu)
- Multinucleon-Transfer-Induced Fission (Katsuhisa Nishio)
- The Fission Barrier of Heaviest Nuclei from a Macroscopic-Microscopic Perspective (Michał Kowal and Janusz Skalski)
Section V Halo and Unstable Nuclei (Isao Tanihata)
- Halo Nuclei (Isao Tanihata and Björn Jonson)
- Theory of Halo Nuclei (H.-W. Hammer)
- Beta Decay of Halo Nuclei (Karsten Riisager)
- Radii and Momentum Distribution of Unstable Nuclei (Rituparna Kanungo)
- Low-Energy Reactions with Halo Nuclei (C. Signorini, M. Mazzocco, and D. Pierroutsakou)
- Coulomb Breakup and Soft E1 Excitation of Neutron Halo Nuclei (Takashi Nakamura)
- Unbound Nuclei (Haik Simon)
- Magic Numbers Off the Stability Line (Tohru Motobayashi)
- Nuclei Near and at the Proton Dripline (Marek Pfützner and Chiara Mazzocchi)
Section VI Nuclear Reaction for Structure Studies (Carlos A. Bertulani)
- Indirect Methods in Nuclear Astrophysics with Transfer Reactions (Aurora Tumino and Stefan Typel)
- Probing Nuclear Structure with Photon Beams (Johann Isaak and Norbert Pietralla)
- Direct Nuclear Reactions (Carlos A. Bertulani and Angela Bonaccorso)
- Theoretical Studies of Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions (Pierre Descouvemont)
- Influence of Nuclear Structure in Relativistic Heavy-Ion Collisions (Yu-Gang Ma and Song Zhang)
- Modern Approaches to Optical Potentials (Jeremy W. Holt and Taylor R. Whitehead)
- Ab Initio Nuclear Reaction Theory with Applications to Astrophysics (Petr Navrátil and Sofia Quaglioni)
- Electron Scattering Off Stable and Unstable Nuclei (Toshimi Suda)
- Sub-barrier Fusion Reactions (K. Hagino)
Volume 3
Section VII Nucleon-Nucleon Interactions (Ruprecht Machleidt)
- NN Experiments and NN Phase-Shift Analysis (Enrique Ruiz Arriola and Rodrigo Navarro Pérez)
- Phenomenology and Meson Theory of Nuclear Forces (Ruprecht Machleidt)
- Quark Models for Baryon-Baryon Interactions (P. G. Ortega, D. R. Entem, and F. Fernández)
- Lattice QCD and Baryon-Baryon Interactions (Sinya Aoki and Takumi Doi)
- Local Two- and Three-Nucleon Interactions Within Chiral Effective Field Theory (Maria Piarulli, Jason Bub, and Ingo Tews)
- Semi-local Nuclear Forces from Chiral EFT: State-of-the-Art and Challenges (Evgeny Epelbaum, Hermann Krebs, and Patrick Reinert)
- Nonlocal Chiral Nuclear Forces up to N5LO (D. R. Entem, Ruprecht Machleidt, and Y. Nosyk)
- Nucleon-Antinucleon Interaction (Jean-Marc Richard Section)
Section VIII Models of Nuclear Structure (Jie Meng)
- Model for Independent Particle Motion (A. V. Afanasjev)
- Model for Collective Motion (Z. P. Li and D. Vretenar)
- Models for Pairing Phenomena (Xiang-Xiang Sun and Shan-Gui Zhou)
- Algebraic Models of Nuclei (P. Van Isacker)
- Nuclear Density Functional Theory (DFT) (Gianluca Colò)
- Relativistic Density Functional Theories (Jie Meng and Pengwei Zhao)
- Model for Collective Vibration (Haozhao Liang and Elena Litvinova)
- Configuration Interaction Approach to Atomic Nuclei: The Shell Model (Yusuke Tsunoda and Takaharu Otsuka)
- Symmetry Restoration Methods (Jiangming M. Yao)
- Quantum Microscopic Dynamical Approaches (Cédric Simenel)
Section IX Tensor Interaction in Nuclei (Hiroshi Toki)
- Hadrons from Quarks and Chiral Symmetry (Atsushi Hosaka)
- Pion Exchange Interaction in Bonn Potential and Relativistic and Non-relativistic Framework in Nuclear Matter (Jinniu Hu and Chencan Wang)
- Extended Hartree-Fock Theory with Strong Tensor Correlation and the Tensor-Optimized Shell Model (Hiroshi Toki)
- Measurements of NN Correlations in Nuclei (E. I. Piasetzky and L. B. Weinstein)
- Many-Body Correlations in Light Nuclei with the Tensor-Optimized Antisymmetrized Molecular Dynamics (Takayuki Myo)
- Effects of Tensor Interactions in Nuclei (Isao Tanihata)
Volume 4
Section X Mesonic- and Hypernuclei (Emiko Hiyama)
- What Is Hypernuclear Physics and Why Studying Hypernuclear Physics Is Important (Emiko Hiyama and Benjamin F. Gibson)
- High-Precision γ-Ray Spectroscopy of Δ Hypernuclei (Hirokazu Tamura)
- Σ Hypernuclei (Tomofumi Nagae)
- Experimental Aspect of S = −2 Hypernuclei (Kazuma Nakazawa)
- Theoretical Studies in S = −1 and S = −2 Hypernuclei (Emiko Hiyama and Benjamin F. Gibson)
- Theoretical Study of Deeply Bound Pionic Atoms with an Introduction to Mesonic Nuclei (Satoru Hirenzaki and Natsumi Ikeno)
- Pionic Atoms in Experiment (Kenta Itahashi)
- Kaonic Nuclei from the Experimental Viewpoint (Masahiko Iwasaki)
- Theory of Kaon-Nuclear Systems (Tetsuo Hyodo and Wolfram Weise)
- The η- and η-Nucleus Interactions and the Search for η, η – Mesic States (Steven D. Bass, Volker Metag, and Pawel Moskal)
Section XI Quark Nuclear Physics (Hideo Suganuma)
- Quantum Chromodynamics, Quark Confinement, and Chiral Symmetry Breaking: A Bridge Between Elementary Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics (Hideo Suganuma)
- Spontaneous Breaking of Chiral Symmetry in QCD (Yoshimasa Hidaka)
- QCD Vacuum as Dual Superconductor: Quark Confinement and Topology (Maxim Chernodub)
- Quark Nuclear Physics for Hadrons and Nuclei in the Dual Ginzburg-Landau Theory (Hiroshi Toki)
- Quark Nuclear Physics with Heavy Quarks (Nora Brambilla)
- Generalization of Global Symmetry and Its Applications to QCD-Related Physics (Yuya Tanizaki)
- Chiral Magnetic Effect: A Brief Introduction (Dmitri E. Kharzeev)
- Crossover Between Quark Nuclear Matter and Condensed-Matter Physics (Tomáš Brauner and Naoki Yamamoto)
- Hadrons, Quark-Gluon Plasma, and Neutron Stars (Akira Ohnishi)
Volume 5
Section XII Cosmic and Galactic Chemical Evolution (Toshitaka Kajino)
- Equation of State in Neutron Stars and Supernovae (Kohsuke Sumiyoshi, Toru Kojo, and Shun Furusawa)
- Galactic Chemical Evolution, Astronomical Observation from Metal-Poor Stars to the Solar System (Wako Aoki and Miho N. Ishigaki)
- Chemo-dynamical Evolution of Galaxies (Chiaki Kobayashi and Philip Taylor)
- Cosmic Radioactivity and Galactic Chemical Evolution (Roland Diehl and Nikos Prantzos)
Section XIII Nuclear and Particle Processes in Big Bang Cosmology (Grant J. Methews)
- Overview of Big Bang Cosmology (Grant J. Mathews and Guobao Tang)
- Big Bang Thermodynamics and Cosmic Relics (Grant J. Mathews and Guobao Tang)
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: Nuclear Physics in the Early Universe (Brian D. Fields)
- Inflation, Perturbations, and Structure Formation (Grant J. Mathews and Guobao Tang)
Section XIV Evolution of Stars and Nucleosynthesis (Ken’ichi Nomoto)
- Nuclear Reactions in Evolving Stars (and Their Theoretical Prediction) (Friedrich-Karl Thielemann and Thomas Rauscher)
- Experimental Nuclear Astrophysics (Michael Wiescher, Richard James deBoer, and René Reifarth)
- Slow Neutron-Capture Process in Evolved Stars (Raphael Hirschi)
- Weak Interactions in Evolving Stars (Toshio Suzuki)
- Stellar Evolution and Nuclear Reaction Rate Uncertainties (Ken’ichi Nomoto and Wenyu Xin)
- Thermal Evolution of Neutron Stars (Sachiko Tsuruta and Ken’ichi Nomoto)
Section XV Neutrino Processes in Astrophysics (Akif Baha Balantekin)
- Neutrino Charged and Neutral Current Opacities in the Decoupling Region (Ermal Rrapaj and Sanjay Reddy)
- Nuclear Physics Constraints on Neutrino Astrophysics (Myung-Ki Cheoun, Kyungsik Kim, Eunja Ha, Heamin Ko, and Dukjae Jang)
- Big Bang Nucleosynthesis (Evan Grohs and George M. Fuller)
- Neutrinos and Heavy Element Nucleosynthesis (Xilu Wang and Rebecca Surman)
- Many-Body Collective Neutrino Oscillations: Recent Developments (Amol V. Patwardhan, Michael J. Cervia, Ermal Rrapaj, Pooja Siwach, and Akif Baha Balantekin)
- Fast Flavor Transformations (Sherwood Richers and Manibrata Sen)
- Diffuse Supernova Neutrino Background (Anna M. Suliga)
Section XVI Supernovae and Neutron Star Mergers (Hans-Thomas Janka)
- Nucleosynthesis and Tracer Methods in Type Ia Supernovae (Ivo Rolf Seitenzahl and Rüdiger Pakmor)
- Nucleosynthesis in Neutrino-Heated Ejecta and Neutrino-Driven Winds of Core-Collapse Supernovae: Neutrino-Induced Nucleosynthesis (Shinya Wanajo)
- Nucleosynthesis in Jet-Driven and Jet-Associated Supernovae (Martin Obergaulinger and Moritz Reichert)
- R-Process Nucleosynthesis in Neutron Star Merger Ejecta and Nuclear Dependences (Stephane Goriely and Ina Kullmann)
- Observations of R-Process Stars in the Milky Way and Dwarf Galaxies (Anna Frebel and Alexander P. Ji)
- Dynamics and Equation of State Dependencies of Relevance for Nucleosynthesis in Supernovae and Neutron Star Mergers (Hans-Thomas Janka and Andreas Bauswein)
- Measurements of Radioactive 60Fe and 244Pu Deposits on Earth and Moon (Anton Wallner)