Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health
Editor: Pranee Liamputtong, Western Sydney University, Australia
2023:9 3 vols. 2,222 p. ISBN 978-3-031-25109-2 (Springer) –DE-
EUR 1299.99
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本書は、保健・医療の社会調査法の第一人者リィアムプットーン(邦訳書『質的研究法 : その理論と方法 : 健康・社会科学分野における展開と展望』メディカル・サイエンス・インターナショナル2022など)を編者に迎えて、グローバル公衆衛生と社会科学の各分野をつなぐレファレンスです。全3巻は、全10部・110章にわたり、医療社会学、医療人類学、社会心理学、女性学、社会疫学、政治学などの分野から、グローバル公衆衛生に応用できる基礎的知見、理論、概念、方法をまとめあげます。
Volume 1
Part Ⅰ: Introduction
1: The essence of social sciences in global public health: An Introduction (Pranee Liamputtong)
Part Ⅱ: Social Sciences and Health Disciplines
2: Medical sociology (Paul R. Ward)
3: Medical anthropology (Richard Chenhall, Kate Senior, and Daniela Heil)
4: Social Work (Neil Hall)
5: Social Epidemiology and Its Contribution to Global Public Health (Patricia Chiao-Tzu Lee, Cathy Chao-Yuan Wu, and Josh Ting)
6: Global Health (Laura Vanderbloemen, Hao Thi My Nguyen, Moleen Maramba, and Dev Kapil)
7: Critical Public health (Heath Pillen)
8: Health promotion (Marguerite C. Sendall, Eva Neely, Ann Pederson, and Jody O. Early)
9: Community Nursing and Global Health (Yvonne Parry)
10: Primary Health Care (Elizabeth Halcomb and Christine Ashley)
11: Health and Medical Humanities in Global Health: From the Anglocentric to the Anthropocene (Claire Hooker, Brid Phillips, and Sandra Carr)
12: Traditional Medicine and Global Public Health (Kevin Dew and Supuni Liyanagunawardena)
13: Embedding Social Medicine in the Health Professions Curriculum (Zarrin Seema Siddiqui and Nguyen Le My Anh)
Part Ⅲ: Theoretical Frameworks and Social Sciences
14: Strong Structuration Theory (SST) and Global Public Health (Maureen Seguin)
15: Theories of Practice and Global Public Health (Muhammad Naveed Noor, Isaac Yeboah Addo, and Sujith Kumar Prankumar)
16: Gender Theory and Global Public Health (Shane A. Kavanagh, Greer Lamaro Haintz, Hayley McKenzie, Tricia Ong, and Feyisola Opeyemi Adeleye)
17: Intersectionality and Global Public Health (Emma Heard and Britta Wigginton)
18: Intersectional Risk Theory and Global Public Health (Anna Olofsson and Katarina Giritli Nygren)
19: Decolonial Methodology in Social Scientific Studies of Global Public Health (Assata Zerai, Anniah Mupawose, and Sharon Moonsamy)
20: Feminist Pedagogy, the Women’s Health Movement, and the Rise of
the Anti-diet Health Professional (Natalie Jovanovski)
21: Human Rights and Global Public Health (Ann Taket)
22: Social Determinants of Health and Global Public Health (Rayner K. J. Tan and Megan Lourdesamy)
23: Social Justice and Global Public Health (Lactricia Maja, Sarah Day, and Maham Hasan)
24: Health Promotion Paradigms (Marguerite C. Sendall, Eva Neely, Ann Pederson, and Jody O. Early)
25: Accessing Health Care in Global Public Health: The History of Conceptual Frameworks (An Nguyen)
26: Cultural-Historical Activity Theory [CHAT] and Health in Faith Communities (Elias Mpofu)
27: Institutional Change and Healthcare Social Workers’ Identity: An Analysis from the Street-Level Perspective (Andrea Bellini and Dario Raspanti)
28: The Ethics of AI and Robotics in Public Health: An East Asian Perspective (Billy Wheeler)
29: The Ethics of Vaccines During COVID-19: A Global Public Health Approach Through Utilitarianism (Ranya Kaddour, Alex Workman, and Pranee Liamputtong)
30: The “Difficult Patient”: Dominant Logics and Misfits in Medicine (Jelmer Brüggemann, Lisa Guntram, and Ann-Charlotte Nedlund)
31: Religion and Health (Elias Mpofu)
Part Ⅳ: Research Methodologies, Social Sciences and Global Health
32: Social Constructionism, Power, and Understanding the Health Needs of Different Groups Engaged in a Shared Reality (Matthew Ankers, Yvonne Parry, and Eileen Willis)
33: Symbolic Interactionism and Global Public Health (Michael J. Carter and Leah V. Lamoreaux)
34: Critical Theory (Yvonne Parry)
35: Feminist Methodology (Vuyolwethu Ncube and Sarah Day)
36: Qualitative Research Inquiry and Global Public Health (Pranee Liamputtong and Zoe Sanipreeya Rice)
37: Cultural Determinants of Health, Cross-Cultural Research and Global Public Health (Zoe Sanipreeya Rice and Pranee Liamputtong)
38: Ecofeminist Participatory Action Research for Planetary Health (Naomi Joy Godden, Trimita Chakma, and Aaron Jenkins)
39: Human Rights Methodologies in Minority Research (Alex Workman, Patricia M. Griffin, and Pranee Liamputtong)
40: Upending Quantitative Methodology for Use in Global Public Health (Dan J. Spitzner)
41: Mixed Methods Research in Global Public Health (Dan J. Spitzner and Cara Meixner)
Volume 2
Part Ⅴ: Research Methods, Social Sciences, and Global Health
42: Digital Health Research Methods and Global Public Health (Rayner K. J. Tan, Pearlyn H. M. Neo, Jane M. Lim, and Suan Ee Ong)
43: Coproducing Online Focus or Consultation Groups for Health and Social Care Research (Kim Heyes)
44: Community Mapping Method (Naiema Taliep and Ghouwa Ismail)
45: Photovoice (Nick Malherbe, Shahnaaz Suffla, Mohamed Seedat, and Umesh Bawa)
46: Walking Interviewing Method (Sarah Day and Josephine Cornell)
47: Digital Storytelling (Alice Fiddian-Green, Aline Gubrium, and Amy Hill)
48: Concept Mapping Method (Sharanya Napier-Raman, Scott Rosas, Syeda Zakia Hossain, Elias Mpofu, Mi-Joung Lee, Pranee Liamputtong, Tinashe Dune, and Virginia Mapedzahama)
49: Experience-Based Codesign (EBCD) for Sensitive Research (Elaine Craig, Kim Heyes, Kelly Bracewell, Alina Haines-Delmont, Joy Duxbury, and Khatidja Chantler)
50: Researching Female Sexual Dysfunction in Sensitive Populations: Issues and Challenges in the Methodologies (Rosediani Muhamad, Pranee Liamputtong, and Dell Horey)
51: Consensus Methods for Health Research in a Global Setting (Simon A. Carter, Allison Tong, Jonathan C. Craig,
Armando Teixeira-Pinto, and Karine E. Manera)
52: The Delphi Method (Ghouwa Ismail and Naiema Taliep)
53: Social Network Methods and Global Health (Janet C. Long, Kate Churruca, and Louise A. Ellis)
54: Social Surveys and Public Health (Nguyen Khoi Quan and Pranee Liamputtong)
55: Systematic Review and Evidence Synthesis in Public Health (Nguyen Khoi Quan and Pranee Liamputtong)
56: Visualizing Relational Autonomy Through Mud Maps: A Methodological Reflection (Dorinda ’t Hart)
Part Ⅵ: The Role of Social Sciences in Infectious Illnesses
57: Social Sciences in Emerging Infectious Disease (Peter Bai James, Rashon Lane, and Abdulai Jawo Bah)
58: The Role of Social Science in Influenza and SARS Epidemics (Santiago Ripoll and Annie Wilkinson)
59: Beyond the Disease: The Socioeconomic Drama of the Covid-19 Pandemic (Vincenzo Auriemma, Domenico Cafaro, Arianna Pelati, and Valeria Saladino)
60: The Role of Social Science in Shaping the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STI) Discourse (Victor Minichiello, John Scott, Christian Grov, and Viraj Patel)
61: Antimicrobial Resistance: Social Science Approaches to the Microbiosocial (Andrea Whittaker and Trang Do)
62: Intersectionality Theory and Its Application in the COVID-19 Pandemics (Míriam Acebillo-Baqué and Lara Maestripieri)
63: Social Science Priorities and Response to COVID-19 (Megan Schmidt-Sane, Tabitha Hrynick, and Santiago Ripoll)
64: Malaria, Its Prevention and Control: Perspectives from the Social Sciences (Christopher Pell)
65: The Role of Social Science in Hepatitis (Jake Rance and Carla Treloar)
Part Ⅶ: The Role of Social Sciences in Chronic Illnesses
66: The Contributions of Social Science to the Study of Breast Cancer (Trang Do)
67: From Acute Infection to Chronic Health Condition: The Role of the Social Sciences on the HIV/AIDS Global Epidemic (Muhamad Alif Bin Ibrahim and Lai Peng Ho)
68: Social Science Research and Sickle Cell Disorders (Maria Berghs and Bassey Ebenso)
69: The Role of Social Science in Dementia: Biopsychosocial Approaches (Elias Mpofu, Rong-Fang Zhan, Idorenyin Udoh, Rifat Afrin, Zenaida P. Simpson, Arthur Chaminuka, and Cheng Yin)
70: The Role of Social Science in Conflict Situations (Natascha Mueller-Hirth)
71: The Role of Social Sciences in Advancing a Public Health Approach to Violence (Nechama Brodie, Brett Bowman, Vuyolwethu Ncube, and Sarah Day)
72: The Role of Social Sciences in Epilepsy (Chris L. Peterson and Christine Walker)
73: Intimate Partner Violence and Global Public Health (Alex Workman)
74: Intersections of Culture and Structure and Intimate Partner Violence Among Migrant and Refugee Communities (Kathryn Wenham, Bernadette Sebar, Patricia Chiao-Tzu Lee, and Neil Harris)
75: The Role of Social Science in Behavior Addiction (Lena Hübner)
76: The Role of Social Science in Substance Use Disorders and Addiction (Wendy Mincer and Elias Mpofu)
77: Assisted Dying as a Global Public Health Priority (Annetta H. Mallon)
78: At the End of Life: Health, Death, and Cultural Practices (Nguyen Hoang Long)
Volume 3
Part Ⅷ: Social Science Research, Sexuality, Sexual and Reproductive Health, and Mental Health
79: Motherhood (Eva Neely, Ying Jin, Chloe Parton, and Felicity Ware)
80: Infertility as a Social and Public Health Issue (Alexandra Hawkey)
81: Abortion, Stigma, and Intersectionality (Joe Strong, Ernestina Coast, and Rishita Nandagiri)
82: Childbirth and Birth Care (Bregje Christina de Kok)
83: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Young People: A Social Science Approach (Rashmi Pithavadian, Pranee Liamputtong, Elias Mpofu, Syeda Zakia Hossain, Michaels Aibangbee, and Tinashe Dune)
84: Sexual and Reproductive Health of People with Physical Disabilities (An Nguyen and Pranee Liamputtong)
85: Mental Health Among Young People (Mohammad Izzat Morshidi and Mui-Hua Catherine Toh)
86: Mental Health and Indigenous People (Elias Mpofu, Aunty Kerrie E. Doyle, Elias Machina, Maximus Sefotho,
and Kendal Brune)
87: Mental Health Among Homeless People (Jessica A. Heerde and Jennifer A. Bailey)
88: Dementia and Older Persons in USA (Elias Mpofu, John Alagood, Xiaoli Li, Kayi Ntinda, and Cheng Yin)
89: The Role of Social Sciences in Understanding Mental Health and LGBTIQA+ People (Andrea Waling, Jacob Thomas, Christopher A. Pepping, and Victor Minichiello)
Part Ⅸ: Social Science Research and the Health of Socially Excluded and Marginalized Groups
90: Post-migration Social Determinants of Health for People from Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Backgrounds (Anna Ziersch and Clemence Due)
91: The Health of People Experiencing Homelessness (Jessica A. Heerde, Adrian B. Kelly, and John W. Toumbourou)
92: Toward the Betterment of Prisoners’ Lives: The Role of Social Science Research-Based Knowledge and Evidence (James E. Sutton)
93: Sex Trafficking of Women and Children: Male Sexual Violence, Public Health, and the International Survivor Movement (Tegan Larin and Natalie Jovanovski)
94: Sexual Justice and Sexualities (Josephine Cornell, Jeff Hearn, Kopano Ratele, and Shose Kessi)
95: Gender Minority Health Vulnerabilities During Covid-19 Pandemic Across Southeast Asian Waters: The Cases of Vietnam and the Philippines (Huong Thu Nguyen)
96: Social Justice and Older Persons: Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic (Carole Cox)
97: Understanding Statelessness and Health Through Social Science (Nannie Sköld)
98: Health for All? A Global Health Approach for Justice Reinvestment and Indigenous People (Krystal Lockwood, Alex Workman, and Pranee Liamputtong)
99: COVID-19 Pandemic and the Health and Well-Being of Vulnerable People in Vietnam (Hai-Anh H. Dang and Minh N. N. Do)
100: Health Equity Among US Indigenous Peoples: Understanding the Intersections of Historical Oppression, Resilience, and Transcendence (Catherine E. McKinley)
Part Ⅹ: Social Science Research and Climate Change
101: Environment Injustice and Public Health (Anuli U. Njoku and Natalie R. Sampson)
102: Public Health and the Climate Emergency (Andrew Harmer)
103: Resilient Cities, Healthy Communities, and Sustainable Future: How Do Nature-Based Solutions Contribute? (Diana Dushkova and Dagmar Haase)
104: Climate Change and Infectious Diseases Among Vulnerable Populations (Andrew W. Taylor-Robinson and Olav T. Muurlink)
105: Environmental Health Disparities and Maternal and Child Health: Applying the Life Course Approach (Fathima Wakeel and Anuli U. Njoku)
106: Covid-19 and Environmental Racism (Anuli U. Njoku and Marcelin Joseph)
107: Energy Insecurity and Social Determinants of Health (Miranda Simes, Farzana Khan, and Diana Hernández)
108: But This Is Not New: Climate Change and Global Mental Health (Paul Illingworth)
109: Climate Change and the Role of Public Health in Egypt (Thoraya Abd El Fattah and Mona Zakaria Elbaz)
110: Locating Rhyme: Historical Climate Lessons from Fourteenth Century Vietnam (Jason A. Picard)