Handbook of Solid State Chemistry

Editors: Richard Dronskowski, Shinichi Kikkawa & Andreas Stein
2017:09 6 vols. 3,756 p. set ISBN 978-3-527-32587-0 (Wiley-VCH) -US-
Web販売価格:税込¥341,421 / 標準価格:税込¥434,153
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Volume 1: Materials and Structure of Solids
A quantum mechanically guided view of intermetallic compounds |
Lee, Stephen |
Quasicrystal approximants |
Lidin, Sven |
Medium-range structure in amorphous matter |
Eckert, Hellmut |
Transition-metal oxides |
Greedan, John |
Suboxides and other low-valent species |
Simon, Arndt |
Nitrides of Non-Maingroup Elements |
Niewa, Rainer |
Fluorite-type transition metal oxynitrides |
Tessier, Franck |
Transition metal chalcogenides |
Ueda, Yutaka 植田裕(熊本大) |
Metal borides |
Albert, Barbara |
Metal Pnictides: Structures and Thermoelectric Properties |
Kleinke, Holger |
Metal hydrides |
Kageyama, Hiroshi 陰山洋(京大) |
Perovskite-structure compounds |
Shimakawa, Yuichi 島川祐一(京大) |
Local atomic order in Intermetallics and alloys |
Haarmann, Frank |
Layered Double Hydroxides: Structure–Property Relationships |
Duan, Xue |
Complex layered oxides |
Uma, S. |
Magnetoresistance materials |
Terasaki, Ichiro 寺崎一郎(名大) |
Magnetic frustration in spinels, spin ice compounds, A3B5O2 garnet and multiferroic materials |
Kimura, Hideo 木村秀夫(物質・材料研究機構) |
Structures and properties of dielectrics and ferroelectrics |
Itoh, Mitsuru 伊藤満(東工大) |
Defect Chemistry and its Relevance for Ionic Conduction and Reactivity |
Maier, Joachim |
Molecular magnets |
Yakhmi, Jatinder |
Phase-change materials, Ge-Sb-Te |
Wuttig, Matthias |
Volume 2: Synthesis
High-temperature methods |
Pöttgen, Rainer |
High-pressure methods in solid state chemistry |
Huppertz, Hubert |
Solvothermal methods |
Kumada, Nobuhiro 熊田伸弘(山梨大) |
Glass formation and Crystallization |
Komatsu, Takayuki 小松高行(長岡技術科学大) |
Glass-forming ability, recent trends and synthesis methods of metallic glasses |
Katoh, Hidemi 加藤秀実(東北大) |
Templated Synthesis for Nanostructured Materials |
Kuroda, Kazuyuki 黒田一幸(早大) |
Reactive fluxes |
Janka, Oliver |
Sol-gel-synthesis |
Kickelbick, Guido |
Particle-Mediated Crystal Growth |
Penn, R. Lee |
High-throughput synthesis under hydrothermal conditions |
Adschiri, Tadafumi 阿尻雅文(東北大) |
Bio-Inspired Synthesis and Application of Functional Inorganic Materials by Polymer Controlled Crystallization |
Yu, Shu-Hong |
Chemical vapor transport |
Binnewies, Michael |
Thermodynamic and kinetic aspects of crystal growth |
Klimm, Detlef |
Growth of Wide Bandgap Semiconductors by Halide Vapor Phase Epitaxy |
Oshima, Yuichi 大島祐一(物質・材料研究機構) |
Chemical vapor deposition |
Goto, Takashi 後藤孝(東北大) |
Growth of Silicon Nanowires |
Zhang, Sam |
Chemical Patterning on Surfaces and in Bulk Gels |
Karthaus, Olaf |
Nanolithography based on surface plasmon |
Misawa, Hiroaki 三澤弘明(北大) |
Microcontact Printing |
Yase, Kiyoshi 八瀬清志(金沢工大) |
Volume 3: Characterization
Single crystal X-ray diffraction |
Englert, Ulli |
X-ray/synchrotron powder diffraction |
Dinnebier, Robert |
Neutron diffraction |
Roth, Georg |
Neutron diffraction |
Roth, Georg |
Modulated crystal structures |
van Smaalen, Sander |
Characterization of Quasicrystals |
Steurer, Walter |
Scanning probe microscopy |
Wandelt, Klaus |
X-ray absorption spectroscopy |
Moewes, Alex |
Photoelectron spectroscopy |
Wandelt, Klaus |
Vibrational spectroscopy |
Eckold, Götz |
Modern Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Techniques and Their Applications to Magnetic Systems |
Arcon, Denis |
Macroscopic magnetic behavior, spontaneous magnetic ordering |
Speldrich, Manfred |
Mechanical properties |
Schneider, Jochen |
Calorimetry and Thermochemistry |
Kawaji, Hitoshi 川路均(東工大) |
Volume 4: Nano and Hybrid Materials
Nanocluster self-assembly |
Cronin, Lee |
Inorganic nanotubes and fullerene–like nanoparticles from layered (2D) compounds |
Tenne, Reshef |
Layered Materials: oxides & hydroxides |
Ida, Shintaro 伊田進太郎 (九大) |
Organoclays and Polymer-Clay Nanocomposites |
Gil Bravo, Antonio |
Zeolite and Zeolite-like Materials |
Okubo, Tatsuya 大久保達也(東大) |
Ordered mesoporous materials |
Kruk, Michal |
Porous Coordination Polymers/Metal-Organic Frameworks |
Kitagawa, Susumu 北川進(京大) |
Metal–Organic Frameworks: An Emerging Class of Solid-State Materials |
Farha, Omar |
Sol-gel processing of porous materials |
Nakanishi, Kazuki 中西和樹(京大) |
Macroporous Materials Synthesized by Colloidal Crystal Templating |
Stein, Andreas |
Optical properties of hybrid organic-inorganic materials and their applications – Part I: Luminescence and Photochromism |
Sanchez, Clément |
Biomimetic materials chemistry |
Jiang, Lei |
Materials for Tissue Engineering |
Vallet-Regi, Maria |
Bioactive glasses |
Maeda, Hirotaka 前田浩孝(名工大) |
Optical properties of hybrid organic-inorganic materials and their applications – Part II : Nonlinear Optics and Plasmonics |
Parola, Stephane |
Volume 5: Theoretical Description
Density-functional theory |
Springborg, Michael |
Periodic local Møller-Plesset perturbation theory of second order for solids |
Schütz, Martin |
Resonating Valence Bonds in Chemistry and Solid State |
Tchougréeff, Andrei L. |
GW, DMFT and all that |
Lichtenstein, Alexandre |
Spin polarization |
Seo, Dong-Kyun |
Tight-binding DFT/Order-N-Methods |
Seifert, Gotthard |
Semiempirical methods |
Bredow, Thomas |
QM/MM approaches |
Catlow, Richard |
Chemical bonding in solids |
Miller, Gordon J. |
First-principles thermochemistry |
Dronskowski, Richard |
Predicting the structure and chemistry of low-dimensional materials |
Oganov, Artem |
Magnetic Properties from the Perspectives of Electronic Hamiltonian: Spin Exchange, Magnetic Anisotropy and Spin-Half Syndrome |
Whangbo, Myung-Hwan |
The Pressing Role of Theory in Studies of Compressed Matter |
Zurek, Eva |
First-Principles Computation of NMR Parameters in Solid State Chemistry |
Halet, Jean-Francois |
DFT calculations for real materials |
Schwarz, Karlheinz |
Complex magnetic intermetallics |
Entel, Peter |
Nucleation and simulation of phase transitions |
Zahn, Dirk |
Volume 6: Applications: Functional Materials
Electrical Energy Storage: Batteries |
McCalla, Eric |
Electrical Energy Storage: Supercapacitors |
Yushin, Gleb |
Solar Cells and Photovoltaics |
Nikolskaia, Anna |
Designing Thermoelectric Materials Using 2D Layers |
Johnson, David |
Functional Materials for Gases Storage. Part I: Carbon Dioxide and Toxic Compounds |
Reguera, Edilso |
Electronics and Bioelectronic interfaces |
Yoon, Myung-Han |
Magnetically responsive photonic nanostructures for display applications |
Yin, Yadung |
Superhard Materials |
Riedel, Ralf |
Self-Healing Materials |
Hager, Martin |
Functional surfaces for biomaterials |
Yamashita, Kimihiro 山下仁大(長崎大) |
Materials for sensing/diagnostics |
Prasad, Shalini |
Supported Catalysts |
Gates, Bruce |
Hydrogenation by Metals |
Chaudhari, Raghunath |
Catalysis/Selective Oxidation by Metal Oxides |
Ueda, Wataru 上田渉(神奈川大) |
Activity of Zeolitic Catalysts |
Xiao, Feng-Shou |
Combinatorial Approaches for Bulk Solid State Synthesis of Oxides |
McGinn, Paul |
Nanocatalysis: Catalysis with Nanoscale Materials |
Asefa, Tewodros |
Heterogeneous Asymmetric Catalysis |
Bartok, Mihaly |
Catalysis by Metal Carbides and Nitrides |
Schaidle, Joshua |
Functional Materials for Gases Storage. Part II: Hydrogen and Methane |
Reguera, Edilso |