新ケンブリッジ版 日本史(全3巻)第2巻:アジアと世界の中の近世日本 1580-1877年
The New Cambridge History of Japan Volume 2 : Early Modern Japan in Asia and the World, c. 1580-1877

Editor: David L. Howell, Harvard University
2023:11 764 p. ISBN 978-1-108-41793-8 GBP 120.00 (Cambridge U. P.) -GB-
Web販売価格:税込¥27,747 / 標準価格:税込¥38,412
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ケンブリッジ大学出版の20世紀の著名シリーズ「ケンブリッジ版 日本史」全6巻(1989-1999年)The Cambridge History of Japanに続く、「新ケンブリッジ版 日本史」全3巻が好評刊行中です。
Introduction: Genealogies of Japanese early modernity
Part I. The Character of the Early Modern State:
- The end of civil war and the formation of the early modern state in Japan (Morgan Pitelka)
- Politics and political thought in the mature early modern state in Japan, 1650–1830 (Kiri Paramore)
- Regional authority during the Tokugawa period (David L. Howell)
- Tokugawa philosophy: a socio-historical introduction (Federico Marcon)
- Foreign relations and coastal defense under the mature Tokugawa regime (Robert Hellyer)
- The Meiji restoration (Mark Ravina)
Part II. Economy, Environment and Technology:
- International economy and Japan at the dawn of the early modern era (Adam Clulow)
- The Tokugawa economy: of rulers, producers and consumers (Bettina Gramlich-Oka and 小室正紀Komuro Masamichi)
- The pacific context of Japan’s environmental history (Brett L. Walker)
- Scientific communities and the emergence of science in early modern Japan (Yulia Frumer)
- The problem of western knowledge in late Tokugawa Japan (Hansun Hsiung)
- Technology, military reform and warfare in the Tokugawa–Meiji transition (D. Colin Jaundrill)
Part III. Social Practices and Cultures of Early Modern Japan:
- Religion in the Tokugawa period (Mark Teeuwen)
- The medical revolution in early modern Japan (Susan L. Burns)
- Flows of people and things in early modern Japan: print culture (Laura Nenzi)
- Labor and migration in Tokugawa Japan: moving people (Amy Stanley)
- The Tokugawa status order (Maren Ehlers)
- On the peripheries of the Japanese archipelago: Ryukyu and Hokkaido (David L. Howell)
- The early modern city in Japan (Thomas Gaubatz)
- Popular movements in early modern Japan: petitions, riots, martyrs (Anne Walthall)
- Civilization and enlightenment in early Meiji Japan (Amin Ghadimi)