Patty’s Industrial Hygiene, 7th ed.

Editor: Barbara Cohrssen, President of Cohrssen Environmental, Inc. (Certified Industrial Hygienist and Registered Environmental Assessor)
2021:04 4 vols. 1,776 p. set ISBN 978-1-119-43802-1 (Wiley) -US-
USD 1200.00
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旧版データ:Patty’s Industrial Hygiene, 6th ed., 4 vols. (2011) set ISBN 9780470074886
※分売もございます(USD 350.95)
Volume 1: Hazard Recognition 432 p. ISBN 9781119791515
Volume 2: Evaluation and Control 400 p. ISBN 9781119791522
Volume 3: Physical and Biological Agents 432 p. ISBN 9781119791539
Volume 4: Program Management and Specialty Areas of Practice 512 p. ISBN 9781119791546
VOLUME 1: Hazard Recognition
Part I: Introduction to Industrial Hygiene
- Occupational and Industrial Hygiene as a Profession: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow Barbara J. Dawson, Kyle B. Dotson, Faye Grimsley, Thomas Grumbles, Zack Mansdorf, David Roskelley, Jennifer Sahmel, Noel Tresider, and Candace Tsai
- Ethics in Industrial Hygiene Nina Townsend, Garrett Brown, and Mark Katchen
- Prevention through Design Georgi Popov, Bruce Lyon, and Tsvetan Popov
- Risk Communication David M. Zalk
- Health Risk Assessment in the Workplace Chris Laszcz-Davis, Fred W. Boelter, Michael Jayjock, Frank Hearl, Perry Logan, Cristina Ford McLaughlin, Mary V. O’Reilly, R. Thomas Radcliffe Jr., Esquire, and Mark Stenzel
- Decision Making in Managing Risk Charles F. Redinger, Fred W. Boelter, Mary V. O’Reilly, John Howard and Glenn J. Barbi
- Managing Workplace Demographics John Howard
- Mastering Digital Media for Workers, Employers, and Our Community of Practice Max Lum
Part II: Chemical Agents
- The History and Biological Basis of Occupational Exposure Limits for Chemical Agents Dennis J. Paustenbach and William D. Cyrs
- The Mode of Absorption, Distribution, and Elimination of Toxic Materials Franklin E. Mirer
- Symptomatic Responses to Low-Level Occupational and Environmental Exposures Brian Linde and Carrie A. Redlich
- Basic Aerosol Science Parker C. Reist and Yifang Zhu
- Pulmonary Effects of Inhaled Mineral Dusts David Fishwick and Chris M. Barber
- Engineered Nanomaterials Thomas M. Peters and Peter C. Raynor
- Gases and Vapors Affecting the Respiratory System Philip Harber, William S. Beckett, and Marion J. Fedoruk
- Dermal Effects of Chemical Exposures Katherine J. Allnutt and Rosemary L. Nixon
- Analytical Methods Robert G. Lieckfield Jr.
VOLUME 2: Evaluation and Control
Part III: Chemical Exposure Evaluation
- Biological Monitoring of Exposure to Industrial Chemicals Nancy B. Hopf and Silvia Fustinoni
- Real-Time Assessment of Air Contaminants Using Video Exposure Monitoring (VEM) Methods and Techniques James D. McGlothlin, Fan Xu, Sandra S. Cole, and Dave Huizen
- Computed Tomography in Industrial Hygiene Lori A. Todd
- Mathematical Modeling of Indoor Air Contaminant Concentrations Mark Nicas and Thomas W. Armstrong
- Sensor Misti L. Zamora, Christopher Zuidema, and Kirsten Koehler
Part IV: Chemical Exposure Control
- Characterizing Air Contaminant Emission Sources D. Jeff Burton, Robert L. Harris, and Earl W. Arp
- Engineering Control of Airborne Contaminants: History, Philosophy, and the Development of Primary Approaches D. Jeff Burton and William A. Burgess
- Industrial Ventilation D. Jeff Burton and Robert D. Soule
- Respiratory Protective Equipment Craig E. Colton
- Chemical Protective Clothing Krister Forsberg and James P. Zeigler
- Control Banding: Background, Evolution, and Application David M. Zalk, Elaine West, and Deborah I. Nelson
- Occupational Safety and Health Law John Howard and Steven Smith
VOLUME 3: Physical and Biological Agents
Part V: Physical Agents
- Ionizing Radiation Herman Cember and Thomas E. Johnson
- Nonionizing Radiation: Lasers David H. Sliney
- Nonionizing Radiation: Broadband Optical Margaret L. Phillips and Allene H. Butler
- Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Kenneth R. Foster and Richard A. Tell
- Nonionizing Radiation: Extremely Low Frequency Mona Shum and Jesse Cooper
- Noise and Hearing Conservation David C. Byrne and Kevin L. Michael
- Physiological Effects of Altered Barometric Pressure Claude A. Piantadosi
- Hand-Arm Vibration Christopher M. Nelson
- Cold Stress Tiina M. Ikäheimo, Kalev Kuklane, Jouni J.K. Jaakkola, and Ingvar Holmér
- Heat Stress Michael D. Larrañaga
- Occupational Ergonomics: Past, Present, and Future Susan Kotowski, Kermit Davis, and Amit Bhattacharya
- Robotics in the Workplace Frank J. Hearl, Vladimir Murashov, John Howard, Hongwei Hsiao, John Sammarco, Brian Lowe, and George Luxbacher
Part VI: Biological Agents
- Occupational Microbiological Biohazards – Exposure, Detection, and Disease Tiina Reponen
Control of Biohazards Nancy C. Burton
Airborne and Emerging Infectious Diseases Augusto Dulanto Chiang and Tara N. Palmore
VOLUME 4: Program Management and Specialty Areas of Practice
Part VII: Program Management
- Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Charles F. Redinger, Alan J. Leibowitz, and Victor M. Toy
- Sustainability and the Role of the Safety and Health Professional S. Zack Mansdorf
- Product Stewardship: A Viable Practice for the Industrial Hygienist Thomas G. Grumbles
Part VIII: Specialty Areas
- Emergency and Disaster: Preparedness, Response, and Recovery Chris Laszcz-Davis, Mary Massey, Alan Leibowitz, Daniel Hardt, Herman Woessner, Jim Jabara, Fabrice Lebourgeois, Vicki Villarreal, Ron R. McHaney, Peggy Otum, David Barnes, and Steven P. Pereira
- Hazardous Wastes Lisa Simkins Barnes and Meredith G. Durant
- Industrial Hygiene Issues in Construction Bruce Lippy, Gavin H. West, Matthew Gillen, Eileen Betit, Linda M. Goldenhar, Babak Memarian, Richard Rinehart, Grace Barlet, M.K. Fletcher, Sara Brooks, and Jean Christophe Le
- Agriculture Hygiene Kelley J. Donham and Matthew Nonnenmann
- Health Care Industry: Contemporary Considerations Robert J. Emery, Michael A. Charlton, Bruce J. Brown, and Scott J. Patlovich
- Air Pollution Paul G. Reinhart, Lori White, Jee Young Kim, Lindsay Wichers Stanek, Mary Ross, Barbara Buckley, and James A. Murray
- Health and Safety Factors in Designing an Industrial Hygiene Laboratory Robert G. Lieckfield
- Fire Safety in the Workplace Richard L. P. Custer and Pamela A. Powell
- Advancing the Well-Being of Workers: An Introduction to Total Worker Health Approaches L. Casey Chosewood and Sara L. Tamers
- Health and Safety Issues of New Energy Technologies Brian Heramb
- Cannabis Robert N. Phalen
- Indoor Air Quality in Nonindustrial Occupational Environments John P. Springston, Elliott Horner, and Joseph Lstibure