
Regional China and the West, 1759–1972

China and the Modern World

関連ワード:Gale 中国史 共同租界 天津共同租界 英中関係  更新日:2024.09.13



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Regional China and the West, 1759–1972(条約港と西洋世界、1759年-1972年)はChina and the Modern Worldシリーズの第9集です。2024年12月のリリースを予定しています。



  • 収録年代:1830年代~1950年代
  • 規模:40万ページ
  • 資料提供元:英国公文書館、中国の個人
  • 収録地域例:現在の天津、寧波、厦門、武漢、鎮江、青島、大沽、福州、成都、昆明、広州、マカオ、淡水、チベット、モンゴルなど
  • 収録資料一例(予定):
    • 20以上の条約港の英国領事館と北京公使館との間の通信 (英国公文書館, 5,400巻以上)
    • 駐中国英国公使2名(ポティンジャー Sir Henry Pottinger 、ジョーダン Sir John N. Jordan)の個人・準公式書簡、およびロンドン外務省事務次官ハモンド Lord Edmund Hammond の中国関係文書(英国公文書館, 80巻以上)
    • 天津英国租界の記録文書および写真 (個人蔵, 9巻)



文書ファイル 文書ファイルのタイトル 収録年代 収録される
FO 230 Foreign Office: Consulates and Legation, China: Letter Books. 1834-1917 72
FO 350 Jordan Papers. 1909-1919 19
FO 369 Foreign Office: Consular Department: General Correspondence from 1906. 1906-1964 385
FO 385 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chinkiang, China: General Correspondence. 1871-1935 21
FO 386 Chinkiang: registers of correspondence 1871-1927 16
FO 387 Chinkiang: miscellanea 1865-1927 11
FO 391 Hammond Papers. 1854-1873 17
FO 535 Foreign Office: Confidential Print Tibet and Mongolia. 1903-1923 27
FO 562 Foreign Office: Consulate and Legation, Peking, China: General Correspondence. 1902-50 18
FO 563 Foreign Office: Legation, Peking, China: Miscellanea. 1905-31 8
FO 564 Foreign Office: Legation, Peking, China: Registers of Births, Deaths and Marriages. 1874-1926 14
FO 663 Foreign Office: Consulate, Amoy, China: General Correspondence. 1834-1951 98
FO 664 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chengtu, China: Various Registers. 1902-45 5
FO 665 Foreign Office: Consulate, Foochow, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers. 1846-1946 10
FO 666 Foreign Office: Consulates, Hankow and Hangchow, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers. 1865-1951 92
FO 667 Foreign Office: Consulate, Ichang, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers. 1879-1941 6
FO 668 Foreign Office: Consulate, Kunming, China: Various Registers and Lease Agreement. 1945-1951 3
FO 669 Foreign Office: Consulate, Newchwang, China: General Correspondence. 1865-68 1
FO 670 Foreign Office: Consulate, Ningpo, China: General Correspondence and Various Registers. 1843-1933 254
FO 673 Taku consulate: general correspondence and various registers 1862-1876 12
FO 674 Foreign Office: Consulate, Tientsin, China: General Correspondence, Various Registers and Supreme Court Records. 1860-1952 349
FO 675 Tsingtao consulate: general correspondence and various registers 1911-1951 19
FO 676 Foreign Office and Foreign and Commonwealth Office: Various Embassies and Legations, China: General Correspondence, Series II. 1875-1972 581
FO 677 Peking Legation: Superintendent of Trade, general correspondence and diaries 1759-1874 26
FO 678 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Deeds. 1837-1959 3190
FO 679 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Registers of Deeds. 1853-1953 20
FO 680 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Land Registers. 1854-1942 50
FO 681 Foreign Office: Various Consulates, China: Registers of Births, Deaths and Marriages. 1861-1951 81
FO 692 Peking consulate and legation, registers of correspondence 1901-1947 6
FO 693 Foreign Office: Chinanfu consulate: record book 1907-1937 1
FO 694 Foreign Office: Consulate, Canton, China: Miscellanea. 1844-51 2
FO 697 Foreign Office: Consulate, Macao: General Correspondence. 1835-1886 2
FO 705 Pottinger Papers. 1840-1851 47
FO 721 Taiwan consulate: register of deaths 1860-1941 1
FO 735 Foreign Office: Consulate, Chefoo, China: Inventories. 1860-1941 7
FO 763 Foreign Office: Consulate, Tamsui, Japan [now Taiwan]: General Correspondence and Registers of Correspondence. 1897-1939 23
FO 851 Wenchow consulate: general correspondence 1878-1906 6
FO 965 Tamsui consulate (Taiwan): various papers 1947-1953 12
Records of British Municipal Councils in Tientsin: reports, budgets, minutes, regulations, by-laws, and photographs 1905-1926 9


  • 教育機関等、法人向けサービスです。
  • 買い切り契約でのご提供となります。
  • 在籍者数(常勤教員・ 院生・学部生の総数)により価格が異なります。
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