Springer Handbook of Internet of Things
Editors: Sébastien Ziegler, Renáta Radócz, Adrian Quesada Rodriguez & Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia
2024:10 1,008 p. 400 illus., 200 in color ISBN 978-3-031-39649-6 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 279
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二コラ・テスラが無線通信でボートを動かし、テレオートマトンの概念を広めて以降、デバイスをネットワークでつなげるInternet of Things(モノのインターネット)の概念は、e-ヘルスやエネルギー効率化からスマート農業やスマートシティまで、人間の活動のあらゆる分野に浸透し、影響を与えています。
Part I: IoT Basics
- IoT Brief History
- IoT Definitions
- Tags
- IoT Hardware
Part II: IoT Network Architecture and Interoperability
- Architecture
- Interoperability in Cloud IoT Platforms
- Edge Computing and Distributed Intelligence
- IoT Multiprotocol Interoperability and Legacy Integration
- Wireless Communication (Short Range and Long Range incl. LPWAN)
- Integration of IoT and Satellite
Networks in Emerging 5G Systems
Part III: IoT Security and Privacy
- IoT Security Threats and Risk Analysis
- Authentication and Authorization Frameworks for IoT
- IoT Security Monitoring Tools and Models
- Trusted IoT and Testing
Part IV: From Data to Knowledge and Intelligence
- IoT and Data Protection
- Data Models and Contextual Information
- Ontologies and Semantic Interoperability
- Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence
- Artificial Intelligence of Things: Architectures, Applications, and Challenges
Part V: IoT Standard
- A Study of LoRa PHY Protocol and LoRaWAN Networks
- Application Layer Protocols
- Security Fundamentals
Part VI: Application Domains
- Smart Cities
- Smart Agriculture
- Making Smart Agriculture Smarter: Challenges in Realizing an IoT-Enabled Agricultural Ecosystem
- Optimizing Operations in IoT-Enabled Smart Grid
- IoT in Large-Scale Events
- Smart Homes and Buildings
- Connected Vehicles
- eHealth and Ageing Well
- IoT for SDGs
- Technological Views for IoT for Sustainable Development
- Smart Water Management
Part VII: End-User Engagement and Validation
- End-User Engagement Methodologies
- Co-creation
- Living Labs
- Crowdsourcing Tools and IOT Labs
- IoT Roadmap for Smart Factories and Supply Chain Organizations
- IoT Business Models
(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)