


関連ワード:医学 精神医学 臨床心理学  更新日:2024.10.01

Tasman’s Psychiatry 5th Edition

Editors: Allan Tasman, Michelle B. Riba, Renato D. Alarcón, César A. Alfonso, Shigenobu Kanba, Dusica Lecic-Tosevski, David M. Ndetei, Chee H. Ng, Thomas G. Schulze
2024:09 6 vols. 5,519 p. 320 illus., 257 in color.   ISBN 978-3-030-51365-8  (Springer) -DE-
EUR 429.99  Web販売価格:税込¥74,627 / 標準価格:税込¥96,488
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加えて、精神保健の文化的・社会的決定要因への関心の高まりを受け、精神疾患の評価のセクションでは、ICD11とDSM 5-TRの両方の基準にもとづき論じています。また多くの章で、少なくとも2つの国または大陸の専門家が執筆しています。


*前版情報:Psychiatry, 4th edition, 2 vols. (2014) ISBN 978-1-118-84547-9




Volume 1

Section I Approaches to the Patient

  1. Listening to the Patient
  2. Cultural and Social Context of Clinical Assessment
  3. The Physician–Patient Relationship
  4. The Psychiatric Interview: General Structures and Techniques
  5. The Psychiatric Interview: Adapting to Diverse Settings
  6. Professional Ethics and Boundaries
  7. Legal Issues in Psychiatric Practice

Section II Human Development Through the Life Cycle

  1. Psychiatric Perspectives on Human Development
  2. Infant Development: The First 3 Years of Life
  3. Preschool Development
  4. School-Age Development
  5. Adolescent Development
  6. Adult and Midlife Development
  7. Late Life Development
  8. Development of Personality Throughout the Life Cycle

Section III Neuroscientific Foundations of Psychiatry

  1. Neurobiological Foundations of Psychiatry: Overview(Tadafumi Kato 加藤忠史 順天堂大学
  2. Evolutionary Psychiatry
  3. Genetics of Psychiatric Disorders: Advances in Genetic Epidemiology and Genomic Approaches
  4. Multiomics Approaches in Psychiatric Disorders
  5. Gut Microbiome and Psychiatric Disorders
  6. Gene-Environment Interactions
  7. Cognitive Neuroscience
  8. Neurobiology of Schizophrenia
  9. Neurobiology of Mood Disorders
  10. Neurobiology of Anxiety Disorders
  11. Neurobiology of Addiction
  12. Neurobiology of Autism Spectrum Disorder
  13. Neurobiology of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
  14. Neurobiology of Dementia and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders
  15. Neurobiology of Neuroimmune Encephalitic Disorders
  16. Neurobiological Foundations of Psychotherapies

Volume 2

Section IV The Psychological and Social Scientific Foundations of Psychiatry

  1. Psychiatric Epidemiology
  2. Sociocultural Anthropology Models of Mental Function and Behavior
  3. Social Psychology Models of Mental Function and Behavior
  4. Psychoanalytic/Psychodynamic Models of Mental Function and Behavior
  5. Cognitive and Behavioral Models of Mental Function and Behavior
  6. Positive Psychology Model of Mental Function and Behavior

Section V Evaluation and Assessment in Psychiatry

  1. Multimodal Clinical Evaluation and Treatment Planning
  2. Consciousness, Memory, and Intelligence
  3. Alterations of Speech, Thought, Perception, and Self-Experience
  4. Emotions
  5. Behavior and Adaptive Functioning
  6. Physical Signs and Symptoms
  7. Neuropsychological and Neurophysiological Assessment
  8. Brain Imaging in Psychiatry
  9. Integrative Neurobiological Approaches to Assessment
  10. Assessment Tools in Psychiatry
  11. Special Considerations in the Psychiatric Evaluation Across the Lifespan: Children, Adolescents, and the Elderly
  12. Culture-Related Issues in Assessment
  13. Special Issues in Assessment
  14. ThePsychiatric Formulation

Section VI Disorders

  1. Psychiatric Classification
  2. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Intellectual Disability
  3. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Speech and Language Disorders
  4. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorder
  5. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
  6. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Learning Disorders
  7. Neurodevelopmental Disorders: Stereotypical Movement Disorders and Tic Disorders
  8. Schizophrenia and Other Primary Psychotic Disorders
  9. Bipolar Disorders
  10. Depressive Disorders
  11. Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, Peripartum (Perinatal) Depression, and Perimenopausal Depression
  12. Childhood Mood Disorders: Depressive Disorders, Bipolar Disorders, and Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder

Volume 3

  1. Anxiety and Fear-Related Disorders: Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  2. Anxiety and Fear-Related Disorders: Social Anxiety Disorder and Specific Phobia
  3. Anxiety and Fear-Related Disorders: Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia
  4. Anxiety Disorders in Youth: Separation Anxiety, Social Anxiety, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
  5. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
  6. Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Related Disorders: Hypochondriasis, Hoarding Disorder, Olfactory Reference Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Trichotillomania, Excoriation Disorder
  7. Disorders Specifically Associated with Stress: PTSD, Complex PTSD, Prolonged Grief Disorder, Acute Stress Reaction, Adjustment Disorder
  8. Disorders Specifically Associated with Stress: Reactive Attachment Disorder and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder
  9. Dissociative Disorders
  10. Feeding and Eating Disorders
  11. Childhood Elimination Disorders
  12. Sleep and Sleep–Wake Disorders
  13. Sexual Dysfunctions
  14. Gender Incongruence
  15. Disorders due to Substance Use: General Approaches
  16. Disorders due to Substance Use: Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
  17. Disorders due to Substance Use: Caffeine
  18. Disorders due to Substance Use: Cannabis
  19. Disorders due to Substance Use: Hallucinogens and MDMA-Related Substances
  20. Disorders due to Substance Use: Inhalants
  21. Disorders Due to Substance Use: Nicotine
  22. Disorders due to Substance Use: Opioids and Opioid Addiction
  23. Disorders due to Substance Use: Phencyclidine
  24. Disorders due to Substance Use: Sedatives, Hypnotics, and Anxiolytics
  25. Disorders due to Substance Use: Stimulants

Volume 4

  1. Gambling Disorder
  2. Internet Gaming Disorder
  3. Impulse Control Disorders: Intermittent Explosive Disorder, Kleptomania and Pyromania
  4. Impulse Control Disorders: Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder
  5. Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders: Factitious Disorders
  6. Disorders of Bodily Distress and Bodily Experience
  7. Neurocognitive Disorders
  8. Personality Disorders
  9. Paraphilic Disorders
  10. Relational Disorders
  11. Culture and Psychopathology

Section VII Prevention, Systems of Care, and Psychosocial Aspects of Treatment

  1. Prevention in Psychiatry
  2. Systems of Care
  3. Mental Health Care Models in Low- and Middle-Income Countries
  4. The Recovery Model and Other Rehabilitative Approaches
  5. Psychosocial Interventions to Support Community Living: Rehabilitation, Recovery, and Rights
  6. Early Intervention Across Mental Health Services
  7. Addressing the Social Determinants of Mental Health to Achieve Equitable Clinical Care, Research, Education, and Public Policy

Section VIII Psychotherapeutic Treatments

  1. Supportive Psychotherapy
  2. Individual Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
  3. Brief Psychotherapies
  4. Cognitive and Behavioral Therapies
  5. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
  6. Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy
  7. Interpersonal Psychotherapy
  8. Motivational Interviewing
  9. Hypnosis
  10. Group Psychotherapy
  11. Family and Couple Therapy
  12. Mindfulness-Based Interventions for Psychiatry
  13. Combined Psychotherapy and Somatic Treatments

Volume 5

Section IX Pharmacological and Other Somatic Treatments

  1. General Principles of Pharmacologic Therapy(Ken Inada 稲田健 北里大学、Shigeto Yamawaki 山脇 成人 広島大学、Shigenobu Kanba 神庭重信 九州大学、Gen Shinozaki 篠崎元 スタンフォード大学 and Siegfried Kasper
  2. Neuroscience-Based Nomenclature (NbN): A New Pharmacological Driven Classification of Psychotropics
  3. Pharmacogenomics and Precision Psychiatry
  4. Cultural and Ethnic Perspectives in Psychopharmacology (Keh-Ming Lin, Mario Braakman, Kazutaka Shimoda 下田和孝 独協医科大学 and Norio Yasui-Furukori 古郡規雄 独協医科大学
  5. Adherence with Medication Treatment in Psychiatric Disorders (Yumi Aoki 青木裕見 聖路加国際大学、Hiroyoshi Takeuchi 竹内啓善 慶應大学、Koichiro Watanabe 渡邊衡一郎 杏林大学, and Allan Tasman)
  6. Medications for Depression: Monoamine Enhancers and Esketamine (Antidepressants)
  7. Medications for Psychosis: Dopamine Blockers and Dopamine Partial Agonists (Antipsychotics) (Hiroyuki Uchida 内田裕之 慶應大学Euitae Kim, L. Fredrik Jarskog, W. Wolfgang Fleischhacker, Gary Remington, and Jeffrey A. Lieberman
  8. Medications for Bipolar Disorder
  9. Medications for Anxiety Disorders (Zui Narita, Michiko Fujimoto 藤本美智子 大阪大学Elizabeth Winter, Paul Nestadt, and Akira Sawa 澤 明 ジョンズホプキンス大学
  10. Pharmacologic Treatment of Insomnia (Kazuo Mishima 三島和夫 秋田大学
  11. Therapeutic Use of Dopamine Enhancers (Stimulants)
  12. Cognitive Enhancers and Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease
  13. Pharmacological Treatment of Substance Use Disorders
  14. Medical Use of Cannabinoids and Psychedelic Compounds
  15. Treatments for Medication-Induced Movement Disorders
  16. Pharmacologic Management of Reproductive Psychopathology
  17. Somatic Treatments and Neuromodulation in Psychiatry
  18. Integrative and Complementary Medicine in Psychiatry
  19. Placebo and Nocebo Effects: Biological and Cultural Aspects

Section X Consultation Liaison and Collaborative Care in Medical Illness and Comorbid Psychiatric and Medical Illnesses

  1. Integrated and Collaborative Models of Care
  2. Pediatric Consultation and Liaison Psychiatry
  3. Psychiatric Conditions During Peripartum and Perimenopause
  4. Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry and Psychological Factors Affecting Other Medical Conditions
  5. Collaborative Care and Geriatric Psychiatry
  6. Determination of Decisional Capacity
  7. Palliative Care and Pain Management
  8. Death and Bereavement

Volume 6

Section XI Treatment Issues in Specific Populations and Settings

  1. LGBTQ Individuals
  2. Forensic Psychiatry
  3. Psychiatry in Prisons and Corrections
  4. Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence
  5. Managing Psychological Consequences in Disaster Populations
  6. Migration Mental Health: Immigrants, Refugees, and Displaced Persons
  7. Victims of Torture
  8. Managing Workplace Mental Health: Multiple Approaches at Patient, Provider, and Systems Levels

Section XII Emergency Psychiatry

  1. Modern Psychiatric Emergency Care
  2. Assessment and Management of Suicidal Risk
  3. Assessment and Management of Violent Behavior
  4. Assessment and Management of Agitation
  5. Restraint and Seclusion

Section XIII Digital Mental Health Services and Technologies

  1. Telepsychiatry
  2. Integrated Digital Platforms for Clinical Care
  3. Online Consumer Tools and Support
  4. Online Psychological Therapy
  5. Devices, Mobile Health, and Digital Phenotyping
  6. Predictive Modeling, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning in Psychiatric Assessment and Treatment

Section XIV Appendices

  1. Brief History of Psychiatry
  2. Research Methodology and Statistics
  3. Climate Change and Psychiatry
  4. Global Perspectives on Psychiatric Education

