
ケンブリッジ版 国民国家とナショナリズムの歴史(全2巻)


関連ワード:Cambridge University Press CUP エスニシティ ナショナリズム 世界史 政治史 歴史学 洋書  更新日:2024.02.06

ケンブリッジ版 国民国家とナショナリズムの歴史(全2巻)
The Cambridge History of Nationhood and Nationalism

Editors: Cathie Carmichael, University of East Anglia, Matthew D’Auria, University of East Anglia & Aviel Roshwald, Georgetown University,Washington DC

2023:11 2 vols. 1,300 p. ISBN 978-1-108-78123-7  (Cambridge U. P.) -GB-
GBP 200
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Volume 1 : Patterns and Trajectories over the Longue Durée
2023:11 650 p. ISBN 9781108427050 GBP 120
Web販売価格:税込¥36,564 / 標準価格:税込¥38,412

Volume 2 : Nationalism’s Fields of Interaction
2023:11 650 p. ISBN 9781108427067 GBP 130
Web販売価格:税込¥39,611 / 標準価格:税込¥41,613

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Volume I: Patterns and Trajectories over the Longue Durée
Part I. The Politics of Ethnicity, Nationhood and Belonging in the Settings of Classical Civilizations:
1. Nationality and ethnicity in the ancient near east
2. Nationhood: Was there such a thing in antiquity?
3. The holy roman empire
4. Ancient China
5. Politicized ethnicity in pre-colonial southeast Asia
6. ‘India’ before the Raj: Space and identity in south Asian history
Conclusion to Part I
Part II. Paradigm Shifts and Turning Points in the Era of Globalization (1500 to the Present):
7. Colonial expansion and the making of nations: The Spanish case
8. The reformation and national identity Gabriele
9. Europe’s eighteenth century and the quest for the Nation’s origins
10. Empire, war and racial hierarchy in the making of the Atlantic revolutionary nations
11. The rise of the Charismatic nation: Romantic and Risorgimento nationalism (Europe, 1800-1914)
12. Revolution and independence in Spanish America
13. A tale of two cities: The American civil war
14. The cycle of inevitability in imperial and republican identities in China
15. Colonial subjects and the struggle for self-determination, 1880-1918
16. The First World War
17. Anticolonialism and Nationalism in the French empire
18. Patriotism in the second world war: Comparative perspectives on countries under axis occupation
19. Decolonization and the cold war
20. 1968: The death of nationalism?
Conclusion to Part II


Volume II: Nationalism’s Fields of Interaction
Part I. Imperial and Post-Colonial Settings:
1. Building nation-empires in the eighteenth-century Iberian Atlantic
2. Nations and nationalisms in the late Ottoman empire
3. The Dutch empire
4. The Habsburg monarchy
5. The British empire
6. The French empire
7. Germany as a ‘Global nation’:1840-1930
8. The Russian and Soviet empire
9. The Japanese empire (Sherzod Muminov)
10. American internationalism
11. The Indian subcontinent: From Raj to partition
12. Middle Eastern and North African nationalisms
13. African Nationalisms
14. Bringing empires back in: The imperial origins of nations in Indochina
Conclusion to Part I
Part II. Transnational and Religious Missions and Identities:
15. Liberalism and nationalism: Trajectories of an entangled relationship
16. Marxism and the national question
17. The Catholic Church
18. Islam and nationalism
19. On Jewish nationhood and nationalism: A Historical survey from antiquity to the establishment of the state of Israel
20. Buddhism
Conclusion to Part II
Part III. Intersections: National(Ist) Synergies and Tensions With Other Social, Economic, Political and Cultural Categories, Identities and Practices:
21. Self-determination and national sovereignty
22. Citizenship and nationhood: From antiquity to Gaia citizenship
23. Religion and nationhood
24. Nationalism and capitalism
25. Economic nationalism in an imperial age, 1846-1946
26. National identity and the idea of race in the dinaric region
27. Nationalism, Ethnic cleansing and genocide: A view from below
28. Warfare, nation-formation and the legitimacy of states: An ethno-symbolic perspective
29. Nationalism, terrorism, and the state: Historical perspectives
30. Negotiating national identity through tourism in colonial south asia and beyond
31. Gendered nations and institutions
32. Historiographies and commemorative practices
33. Nation and literature
34. Food ways and nationhood
35. The dynamics of national music: Opera and classical music in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
36. Media and nationalism: Europe and the US, 1500-2000
Conclusion to Part III
