ケンブリッジ版 セクシュアリティの世界史(全4巻)
The Cambridge World History of Sexualities

Editors: Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee & Mathew Kuefler, San Diego State University
2024:04 4 vols. 2,050 p. ISBN 978-1-108-89618-4 (Cambridge U. P.) -GB-
GBP 320
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Volume 1 : General Overviews
ISBN 9781108842082 552 p.
GBP 100 Web販売価格:税込¥30,470 / 標準価格:税込¥32,010
Volume 2 : Systems of Thought and Belief
ISBN 9781108842099 428 p.
GBP 100 Web販売価格:税込¥30,470 / 標準価格:税込¥32,010
Volume 3 : Sites of Knowledge and Practice
ISBN 9781108842105 578 p.
GBP 100 Web販売価格:税込¥30,470 / 標準価格:税込¥32,010
Volume 4 : Modern Sexualities
ISBN 9781108842112 492 p.
GBP 100 Web販売価格:税込¥30,470 / 標準価格:税込¥32,010
「セクシュアリティ」は、二十世紀後半以降の人文・社会科学において、従来の周縁的な対象から、ミシェル・フーコーの名著『性の歴史』(英訳 The History of Sexuality)の圧倒的な影響力のもとに、近代社会そのものを読み解く重要なキーワードと考えられるようになりました。とりわけ今日的には、従来抑圧されてきた女性や性的少数者の権利が課題であり、歴史学の果たす役割は小さくありません。
本書は、学問分野としての「セクシュアリティの歴史」の成熟を示す、記念碑的なレファレンスです。全4巻は、女性史・ジェンダー史の第一人者であるMerry E. Wiesner-Hanksらを編者として、多様な地域・分野の専門家80名以上が寄稿した全83章にて、人類の初期から現在にいたるセクシュアリティの世界史への最も包括的なアプローチを示します。単純な通史というより、第1巻「全体的概論」では重要主題・トピックを人類学や社会学、現代思想と対話しながら論じ、第2巻「思想・信仰体系」では人類の進化から古代までの性を今日の科学やフェミニズムの視座も交えて検討し、第3巻「知と実践の場所」では古代から20世紀の特定の時代・地域における人々の生きられた性の経験に迫るとともに、第4巻「近現代のセクシュアリティ」ではモダニティとセクシュアリティが交わる今日的問題に照準、といった具合に個別の専門の壁を越えるセクシュアリティの歴史の関心領域をマッピングしています。日本について特に「前近代の日本の伝統思想・信仰体系におけるセクシュアリティ」「10-12世紀の平安京(京都)における性」「18世紀の江戸(東京)における性」の3章が充てられているのも注目です。
Volume 1: General Overviews
Editors’ Preface to the Series Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks and Mathew Kuefler
1. Historiography of the History of Sexuality Mathew Kuefler
2. The History of Sexuality and Anthropology Joan Vendrell Ferré
3. The History of Sexuality and Women’s History Judith Allen
4. The History of Sexuality and Lgbtq+ History Emily Skidmore
5. The Impact of Sigmund Freud on the History of Sexuality Alison Downham Moore
6. Michel Foucault’s influence on the History of Sexuality Michael C. Behrent
7. Queer theory and the History of Sexuality Riikka Taavetti
8. The Sexual Body in History Kim M. Phillips
9. Marriage and Families in the History of Sexuality Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
10. Class in the History of Sexuality Helen Smith, With Mathew Kuefler and Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks
11. Sexuality and Race: Representations, Regulations, and Sentiments Jennifer Anne Boittin
12. Male Homoerotic Relations in History Dominic Janes
13. Desire, Love, and Sex between Women in Global History Leila Rupp
14. Trans and Gender Variant Sexualities in History Jen Manion
15. The Sale of Sex in History Magaly Rodríguez García
16. Sexual Violence in History Lisa Featherstone
17. Sexual Science in History Sean Quinlan
18. Sexuality and Emotion Katie Barclay
19. Erotic Art in World History Y. Yvon Wang
20. Erotic Literature in History James Grantham Turner
21. The Material Culture of the History of Sexuality Chris Brickell
22. Public History and Sexuality Melinda Marie Jetté
Volume 2: Systems of Thought and Belief
1. Human Sexuality: the Evolutionary Legacy of Mating, Parenting, and Family Formation Ryan Schacht and Karen Kramer
2. Sexuality in Ancient Egypt: Pleasures, Desires, Norms, and Representations Uroš Matić
3. Sexuality in the Systems of Thought and Belief of the Ancient Near East Ilan Peled
4. Sexuality in Traditional South Asian Systems of Thought and Belief Tara Sheemar Malhan and Jaya Tyagi
5. Discourses of Desire in Ancient Greece and Rome Allison Glazebrook
6. Writing A History of Sexuality For Premodern China Hsaio-Wen Cheng
7. Sexuality in Traditional Systems of Thought and Belief in Premodern Japan Hitomi Tonomura
(ヒトミ・トノムラ 米ミシガン大学教授)
8. African Traditions of Sexualities Yaari Felber-Seligman
9. Sexuality in Traditional Systems of Thought and Belief of the Americas Rosemary A. Joyce
10. Oceanic Sexualities: Persistence, Change, Resistance Margaret Jolly
11. Sexuality in Buddhist Traditions Kali Nyima Cape
12. Sexuality in Jewish Traditions Charlotte Elisheva Fonrobert
13. Sexuality in Christian Traditions Adrian Thatcher
14. Sexuality in Islamic Traditions Serena Tolino
15. Scientific Sex in the Modern World Howard Chiang
16. Sexuality in Socialism and Marxism Jill Massino
17. Feminism and Modern Sexuality Victoria Hesfor
18. Postcolonialism and Sexuality Anne Hardgrove
Volume 3: Sites of Knowledge and Practice
1. Sex in Athens in the Fifth and Fourth Centuries BCE James Robson
2. Sex in Rome in the Late First Century Bce and the Early First Century CE Aven Mcmaster
3. Sex in Constantinople in the Sixth Century CE Shaun tougher
4. Sex in Chang’an in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries CE Ping Yao
5. Sex in Baghdad in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries CE Karen Moukheiber and Nadia Maria El Cheikh
6. Sex in Heian-Kyo (Kyoto) in the Tenth Through Twelfth Centuries CE Joshua Mostow
(ジョシュア・S・モストウ 加ブリティッシュ・コロンビア大学教授)
7. Sex in Iceland in the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries CE Agnes Arnorsdottir
8. Sex in Florence in the Fifteenth Century Ian Frederick Moulton
9. Sexuality in Tenochtitlan in the Early Sixteenth Century Miriam López Hernández
10. Sex in Sixteenth-Century Istanbul Selim S. Kuru
11. Sex in Geneva in the Sixteenth Century Jeffrey R. Watt
12. Sex in Eighteenth-Century Edo (tokyo) Angelika Koch(アンジェリカ・コッホ 蘭ライデン大学講師)
13. Sex in Eighteenth-Century Paris Nina Kushner
14. Sex and Sexuality in Eighteenth-Century Philadelphia Merril D. Smith
15. Sex in Nineteenth-Century Cairo Mario M. Ruiz
16. Sexual Pleasures and Perils in Nineteenth-Century London Paul R. Deslandes
17. Sex in Manila in the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Raquel A. G. Reyes
18. Sex in Lagos From the Mid-Nineteenth to the Mid-Twentieth Century Ndubueze L. Mbah
19. Sex in Bombay in the Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries Aditi Sen
20. Sexuality in A Distant Metropolis: Buenos Aires From the Late Nineteenth to the Mid-Twentieth Century Pablo Ben and Santiago Joaquín Insausti
21. Sex in Early Twentieth-Century Berlin Annette Timm
22. Sex in Sydney in the Twentieth Century Frank Bongiorno
23. toronto the Good, toronto the Gay: Sex and Morality in the Twentieth Century Tom Hooper
24. Sex in Shanghai in the Twentieth Century: intimate Negotiations Ting Guo
25. Sex in Twentieth-Century Rio De Janeiro James N. Gree
Volume 4: Modern Sexualities
1. Sexuality and Capitalism Adriana Zaharijević
2. Colonialism and Modern Sexuality Penny Russell
3. Gender, Migration, and Sexuality in History Kalpana Hiralal
4. ‘Pornography’, ‘Obscenity’, and the Suppression of Libertine Literature James Grantham Turner
5. Sexuality and the Print Media in the Modern World Gretchen Soderlund
6. Eugenics, Public Health, and Modern Sexuality Mirela David
7. Sexuality and Consumerism in the Modern World: the Business of Pleasure Erika Rappaport and
Julie Johnson
8. Sex Education in the Modern World Cris Mayo and Lauren Bialystok
9. Birth Control and Reproductive Rights in the Modern World Darshi Thoradeniya
10. The Impact of the World Wars on Modern Sexuality Cornelie Usborne and Lee Arnott
11. Sexuality and Dictatorships of the Twentieth Century Cristina Scheibe Wolff
12. Sexuality in Postwar Liberal Democracies Barbara Brookes
13. The Sexual Revolution Dagmar Herzog and Yanara Schmacks
14. Sex tourism: Fluid Borders of Meaning Amalia L. Cabezas
15. Stds and Aids in the Modern World Mandisa Mbali
16. Sex Trafficking in the Modern World Anamaria Marcon Venson and Joana Maria Pedro
17. Sex, Law, and Domestic Violence Against Women in the Modern World Conceiçäo Gomes
18. Sexuality under Attack Now andrea Pető