ケンブリッジ版 ベトナム戦争の歴史(全3巻)
The Cambridge History of the Vietnam War

Editors: Edward Miller, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, Andrew Preston, University of Cambridge, and Pierre Asselin, Hawaii Pacific University
2024:11 3 vols. 1,872 p. set ISBN 978-1-107-10515-7 (Cambridge U. P.) -GB-
GBP 320
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Volume 1 : Origins
2024:11 512 p. ISBN 9781107105089 GBP 120
Web販売価格 ¥28,512 (税込) / 標準価格 ¥35,904 (税込)
Volume 2 : Escalation and Stalemate
2024:11 712 p. ISBN 9781107105102 GBP 120
Web販売価格 ¥28,512 (税込) / 標準価格 ¥35,904 (税込)
Volume 3 : Endings and Aftermaths
2024:11 648 p. ISBN 9781107105126 GBP 120
Web販売価格 ¥28,512 (税込) / 標準価格 ¥35,904 (税込)
Volume 1 : Origins
Introduction: Points of departure: the global and local origins of the Vietnam War (Edward Miller)
Part I. Empires and Nations:
1. Memory, tradition, and the history of ‘Vietnam’ (Liam Kelly)
2. The origins of the Vietnamese revolution (Hue-Tam Ho Tai)
3. Hồ Chí Minh and the rise of the Vietnamese Communist Party (Pierre Brocheux)
4. Indochina during World War II (Eric T. Jennings)
5. The august revolution of 1945 Stein Tønneson
Part II. The First Indochina War:
6. The birth of the democratic republic of Vietnam (David Marr)
7. Empire and decolonization in France and Indochina (Pierre Grosser)
8. China, the Soviet Union, and the first Indochina (War Chen Jian)
9. The first Indochina War in the Central Highlands (Oscar Salemink)
10. The first Indochina War in Northern Vietnam and the red river delta (Christopher E. Goscha)
11. The battle of Điện Biện Phủ (Christopher E. Goscha)
Part III. The Two Vietnams:
12. The Geneva Conference of 1954 (Martin Thomas)
13. Eisenhower and Vietnam (David Anderson)
14. Ngô Đình Diệm and the birth of the Republic of Vietnam (Phi Van Nguyen)
15. Nation building in South Vietnam after Geneva (Van Nguyen-Marshall)
16. Building socialism in North Vietnam after Geneva (Alec Holcombe)
17. North Vietnam’s road to war (Tuong Vu)
18. Laos between two wars (Vatthana Pholsena)
19. The origins of the insurgency in South Vietnam (David Elliot)
20. Kennedy and Vietnam (Marc Selverstone)
21. The crises of 1963 (Edward Miller)
Volume 2 : Escalation and Stalemate
Introduction (Andrew Preston)
Part I. Battlefields:
1. Reconsidering American strategy in Vietnam (Gregory Daddis)
2. The air wars in Vietnam (Mark Clodfelter)
3. US combat soldiers in Vietnam (Ron Milam)
4. American women and the Vietnam War (Heather Marie Stur)
5. The conundrum of Pacification (John Prados)
6. The US military presence in South Vietnam (Meredith Lair)
7. The ARVN experience (Andrew Wiest)
8. The National Liberation Front (Robert K. Brigham)
9. The people’s army of Vietnam (Hai Thanh Nguyen)
10. Vietnamese women and the war (Amanda Boczar)
11. Vietnam’s ethnic minorities at war (Oscar Salemink)
12. The war in numbers (Edwin Moïse)
13. The Tet Offensive (James H. Willbanks)
Part II. Homefronts:
14. Dominoes abroad and at home (Fredrik Logevall)
15. LBJ, the great society, and Vietnam (Julian E. Zelizer)
16. Politics in South Vietnam, 1963 –68 (Simon Toner)
17. Politics in the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, 1963 – 68 (Martin Grossheim)
18. The antiwar movement in the United States (Simon Hall)
19. Vietnam and American race relations (Brenda Gayle Plummer)
20. Prowar sentiment in the United States (Sandra Scanlon)
21. The US news media and Vietnam (Chester Pach)
22. The South Vietnamese Homefront (Mai Elliott)
23. The North Vietnamese Homefront (Pham Quang Minh)
Part III. Global Vietnam:
24. International radicalism and antiwar protest (Judy Tzu-Chun Wu)
25. The Vietnam war and the Sino-Soviet Split (Sergey Radchenko)
26. Western Europe and the Vietnam war (Christian Ostermann)
27. International peace initiatives (James G. Hershberg)
28. Japan and the Vietnam war (Jennifer M. Miller)
29. The economics of the Vietnam War (Daniel Sargent)
30. The Global 1968 (Adrienne Minh-Chau Le)
Volume 3 : Endings and Aftermaths
Introduction (Pierre Asselin)
Part I. The Late Vietnam War:
1. Nixon’s war (Antoine Coppolani)
2. US military strategy in the Nixon Era (Gregory A. Daddis)
3. The US congress and the war (Robert David (KC) Johnson)
4. US antiwar sentiment and international relationships in the late Vietnam war (Jessica Frazier)
5. Saigon war politics, 1968–1975 (Sean Fear)
6. Hanoi’s politburo at war, 1969–1975 (Pierre Asselin)
7. The Vietnam war and the regional context (Wen-Qing Ngoei)
8. Moscow, Beijing, and Détente (Lorenz Luthi)
9. The easter offensive and the second air war (Stephen Randolph)
10. The Second Civil War, 1973–75 (Jay Veith)
11. Cambodia at war (Chris Jespersen)
12. Laos at war (Ian Baird)
Part II. The Postwar Era:
13. Vietnam after ‘Liberation’ (Vinh-Long Ngo)
14. The third world and the Communist Triumph in Vietnam (Paul Chamberlin)
15. The Third Indochina War (Cheng Guan Ang)
16. Vietnam in the reform era (Tuong Vu and Thuy Nguyen)
17. Postwar US-Vietnam relations (George Herring)
18. Refugees and US-Vietnam relations (Amanda Demmer)
19. The US POW Experience, American Veterans, and the war (Michael Allen)
Part III. Legacies:
20. The Vietnam War and International Law (Kevin Heller and Samuel Moyn)
21. The environmental impact of war (David Biggs)
22. The Vietnamese diaspora (Tuan Hoang)
23. How Vietnam remembers the war (Trinh Luu)
24. The Vietnam war in American culture (Patrick Hagopian)
25. The Spectre of Vietnam (Lloyd Gardner)
26. Vietnam’s search for its place in the world (Alexander Vuving)
(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)