


関連ワード:Springer 地域研究 地理学 洋書 環境学 社会学 経済学 都市  更新日:2024.01.28

The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban and Regional Futures

Editor: Robert Brears, Our Future Water, Christchurch, New Zealand
2022:12 2,180 p. ISBN 978-3-030-87744-6
(Palgrave Macmillan / Springer) -DE-
EUR 1199.99
Web販売価格:税込¥227,671 / 標準価格:税込¥294,356

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  • Adapting Cities to Climate Change
  • Adapting to a Changing Climate Through Nature-Based Solutions
  • Age-Friendly Future Cities
  • Amsterdam’s Pathway to Climate Neutrality: Creating an Enabling Environment
  • Applying Smart Frameworks to Arctic Cities
  • Artificial Urban Wetlands
  • At the Intersection and Looking Ahead
  • Augmented Reality: Robotics, Urbanism, and the Digital Turn
  • Bag-of-Words Model: Sustainability Lacks Influencers
  • Behavioral Science Informed Governance for Urban and Regional Futures
  • Beyond Knowledge: Learning to Cope with Climate Change in Cities
  • Big Data for Smart Cities and Inclusive Growth
  • Bioregionalism
  • Blue-Green Cities: Achieving Urban Flood Resilience, Water Security, and Biodiversity
  • Building Community Resilience
  • Building Energy: How Building Efficiency Can
  • Be Improved in Government Facilities
  • Building Resilient Communities Over Time
  • Butterfly Gardening in Colombo, Sri Lanka: Approach to Biodiversity Conservation, Monitoring, Education, and Awareness in Urbanizing Habitats
  • Carbon Neutral Adelaide
  • Carbon Sequestration Through Building-Integrated Vegetation
  • The Centrality of Ellensburg
  • The Challenges for Wildland-Urban Interfaces (WUI) in Metropolitan Areas: Reducing Fire Risk, Providing Employment Opportunities, and Preserving Natural Habitat
  • Challenges of Delivering Regional and Remote Human Services and Supports
  • Changing Paradigms in Urban Planning 2000–2020
  • Children, Urban Vulnerability, and Resilience
  • Circular Cities
  • Circular Economy and the Water-Food Nexus
  • Circular Economy Cities
  • Circular Water Economy
  • Cities in Nature
  • City Financing and Social Urbanism in Latin America: The Importance of Good Fiscal Management
  • City Visions: Toward Smart and Sustainable Urban Futures
  • Climate Change and Surface Water Resources in Sri Lanka
  • Climate Gentrification
  • Climate Resilience in Informal Settlements: The Role of Natural Infrastructure
  • Climate-Induced Relocation
  • Climate-Resilient Technologies and Innovations for Sustainable Agriculture, Improved Landscape, and Food Security
  • Closing the Loop on Local Food Access Through Disaster Management
  • Collaborative Climate Action
  • Collective Emotions and Resilient Regional Communities
  • Collectively Adapting to Sea-Level Rise Through Disaster Response, Commons Management, and Social Mobilization
  • Community Engagement and Climate Change: The Value of Social Networks and Community-Based Organizations
  • Community Engagement for Urban and Regional Futures
  • Community in a Changing Climate: Shaping Urban and Regional Futures
  • Community Vulnerability to Extractive Industry Disasters
  • Computational Urban Planning
  • Concepts, Approaches, and Methodologies for Ecological Flood Resilience Assessment: A Review
  • Conceptualizing the Urban Commons
  • Connecting Urban and Regional Innovation Ecosystems to Enhance Competitiveness
  • Crops and Panels: A Farm Model with Trade-offs in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus
  • Digital City Modeling and Emerging Directions in Public Participation in Planning
  • Digital Twin and Cities
  • Digitalization, Urbanization, and Urban-Rural Divide
  • Disaster Risk in Informal Settlements andOpportunities for Resilience
  • Disruptive Mobility: Sharing Electric Autonomous Vehicles (SEAVs) Reshape Our Future Cities
  • Ecosystems Restoration and Habitats Enhancement
  • Education for Inclusive and Transformative Urban Development
  • The Elusive Quest for Affordable Housing:Five Principles of a Comprehensive Approach
  • Embedding Justice in Resilient Climate Change Action
  • Emerging Concepts Exploring the Role of Nature for Health and Well-Being
  • Environmental Education and Non-governmental Organizations
  • Epidemiological Shifts in Urban Bangladesh
  • ESG in Real Estate Investment
  • European Green Deal and Development Perspectives for the Mediterranean Region
  • Faith Communities as Hubs for Climate Resilience
  • Feminist Planning and Urbanism: Understanding the Past for an Inclusive Future
  • Financing: Fiscal Tools to Enhance Regional Sustainable Development
  • Fisheries Crime and Ocean Resilience
  • Formulating Sustainable Foodways for the Future: Tradition and Innovation
  • From Vulnerability to Urban Resilience to Climate Change
  • Furthering the Sustainable Development Agenda by Putting Urban Heritage and Value Extraction at the Center
  • Future Foods for Urban Food Production
  • The Future of Reducing Urban Vulnerability with Perspectives of Child Development in Zimbabwe
  • Future of the City-Region Concept and Reality
  • Future of Urban Governance and Citizen Participation
  • Future of Urban Land-use Planning in the Quest for Local Economic Development
  • Gender Inequalities in Cities: Inclusive Cities
  • Getting Our Built Environments Ready for an Aging Population
  • Global Homelessness: Neoliberalism, Violence, and Precarious Urban Futures
  • Global Survey of Food Waste Policies
  • The Governance of Smart Cities
  • Governing for Food Security: A Cultural Perspective
  • Green and Blue Infrastructure (GBI) in Urban Areas
  • Green and Smart Cities in the Developing World
  • Green Belts
  • Green Cities
  • Green Cities in Theory and Practice
  • Green Cities: Implementing the Miyawaki Method in Lahore, Pakistan
  • Green Cities: Nature-Based Solutions, Renaturing and Rewilding Cities
  • Green Economy Policies to Achieve Water Security
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Green Infrastructure in Metropolis Dimension: Case Study of Llobregat River, Barcelona Metropolitan Area
  • Growth, De-growth, and Nature-Based Solutions
  • Growth, Expansion, and Future of Small Rural Towns
  • Guidelines for Water-Sensitive Informal Settlement Upgrading in the Global South
  • Habitat Provisioning
  • Harare
  • Health and the City: How Cities Impact on Health,
  • Happiness, and Well-Being
  • Health and the Role of Nature in Enhancing Mental Health
  • Healthy Cities
  • Hidden Enemy for Healthy Urban Life
  • Hidden Potential of Wastewater
  • Housing Affordability
  • Housing and Development
  • How Cities Can Be Resilient
  • How Cities Cooperate to Address Transnational Challenges
  • Impact of Universities on Urban and Regional Economies
  • Improving Social Equity and Community Health and Well-Being in Low-Income Suburbs and Regions
  • Increasing Young People’s Environmental Awareness
  • Industrial Symbiosis
  • Innovation to Bring Nature-Based Solutions to Life: Tales of Two Cities
  • Integrated Urban Green and Grey Infrastructure
  • Integrating Agriculture, Forestry, and Food Systems into Urban Planning: A Key Step for Future Resilient and Sustainable Cities
  • Integrating Sustainability into Construction Project Management
  • Internationalization of Cities
  • The Interplay of Intersectionality and Vulnerability Towards Equitable Resilience
  • Land Use Planning Systems in OECD Countries
  • Lead Exposure in US Cities
  • Local and Regional Development Strategy
  • Localizing Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Through Co-creation of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS)
  • Low-Carbon Transport
  • Mainstreaming Blue Green Infrastructure in Cities: Barriers, Blind Spots, and Facilitators
  • Making of Smart and Intelligent Cities
  • Managing Africa’s Urban Flooding Challenges from the Bottom Up: A View from Ghana
  • Managing the Risk of Wildfire Where Urban
  • Meets the Natural Environment
  • Master Planned Estates and the Promises of Suburbia
  • The Mediatized City
  • Meeting SDG6: Ensuring Safe Drinking Water for All in Rural India
  • Metropolitan Discipline: Management and Planning
  • Moving Towards Sustainable, Liveable, and Care-Full Urban Environments: Pre-schoolers’ Rights and Visions for Planning Just, Socially, and Ecologically Integrated Cities
  • Multiple Benefits of Green Infrastructure
  • Multi-stakeholder Partnerships to Support Climate Migrants in Fragile Cities
  • Nature-Based Solutions for River Restoration in Metropolitan Areas
  • Need for Greenspace in an Urban Setting for Child Development
  • Need for Nature Connectedness in Urban Youth for Environmental Sustainability
  • Neither Rural Nor Urban: A Critical Review of the Fringe Dynamics of Settlements
  • Neoliberalism and Future Urban Planning
  • Networking Collaborative Communities for Climate-Resilient Cities
  • New Cities
  • New Forms of Shared Governance and Local Action Plan in Socially Vulnerable Settlements
  • The New Leipzig Charter: From Strategy to Implementation
  • New Localism: New Regionalism
  • New Orbital Urbanization
  • Overcoming Barriers in Green Infrastructure Implementation
  • An Overview of the Relationship of the Sustainable Development Goals and Urban and Regional Development
  • Participatory Governance for Adaptable Communities
  • Participatory Irrigation Management: Barind Model – A New Sustainable Initiative
  • Participatory Planning: A Useful Tool for the Development of Sustainable Mega-City Regions
  • Perception and Reality for Sustainable Irrigation System with Micro-irrigation
  • Peri-urban Regions
  • Peri-urbanization
  • Personal Delivery Robots: How Will Cities Manage Multiple, Automated, Logistics Fleets in Pedestrian Spaces?
  • Philanthropy in Sustainable Urban Development: A Systems Perspective
  • Planning for Food Security in the New Urban Agenda
  • Planning for Peri-urban Futures
  • Planning Healthy and Livable Cities
  • Policies for a Just Transition
  • Policy and Practices of Nature-Based Solutions to Build Resilience in Seoul, Korea
  • The Practice of Resilience Building in Urban and Regional Communities
  • Pre-schoolers and Sustainable Urban Transport
  • Proptech: Issues for the Future
  • Public Awareness of and Participation in Municipal Solid Waste Management in Urban Areas of the Mekong River Delta, Vietnam
  • Public Policies to Increase Urban Green Spaces
  • Public Procurement for Regional and Local Development
  • Public Space
  • Public-Private Partnerships: The Danish Way of Turning Climate Change Measures into Policies and Long-Term Commitments
  • Rainwater Harvesting for Water Security in Informal Settlements: Techniques, Practices, and Options
  • Regulation of Urban and Regional Futures
  • Residential Crowding in Urban Environments
  • Resilient Rural Electrification for the Twenty-First Century
  • Resource Effectiveness in and Across Urban Systems
  • Resource Recovery from Human Excreta in Urban and Regional Settlements
  • Responsibility to Prepare and Prevent (R2P2): Applying Unprecedented Foresight to Addressing Unprecedented Climate Risks
  • Role of Disaster Relief Policy in Building Resilient Coastal Regions in the United States
  • Role of Nature for Ageing Populations
  • Role of Urban Agriculture Policy in Promoting Food Security in Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
  • Rural-Urban Continuum Settlements: Selected Case Studies
  • Sanctuary Cities and Its Impact on Quality of Life of Its Citizenry
  • Senegalese Ecovillage Network
  • Shrinking Towns and Cities
  • Small Towns in Asia and Urban Sustainability
  • Small Water Retention Measures in Haluzice Gorge
  • Smart Agriculture and ICT
  • Smart City: A Universal Approach in Particular Contexts
  • Smart Densification
  • Smart Grids to Lower Energy Usage and Carbon Emissions: Case Study Examples from Colombia and Turkey
  • Smart(er) Cities in the Time of Change
  • The Social and Solidarity Economy
  • Social Urbanism: Transforming the Built and Social Environment
  • Soil Water Erosion Assessment for Conservation Planning in a Data-Pour Contest
  • Solar Energy Communities in the Urban Environment
  • The Source Waters of Tanga
  • Spatial Demography as the Shaper of Urban and Regional Planning Under the Impact of Rapid Urbanization
  • Spatial Justice and the Design of Future Cities in the Developing World
  • Spatial Planning Under the Impact of Urbanization and Rural Transformation in Zimbabwe: A Review of Theories, Philosophies, and Practices
  • The State of Extreme Events in India
  • Stewarding Street Trees for a Global Urban Future
  • Strategies for Liveable and Sustainable Cities: The Singapore Experience
  • Strategies for Taming the City
  • Sustainability Competencies in Higher Education
  • Sustainability Transition and Climate Change Adaption of Logistics
  • The Sustainable and the Smart City: Distinguishing Two Contemporary Urban Visions
  • Sustainable Cities via Urban Ecosystem Restoration
  • Sustainable Community Masterplan
  • Sustainable Development and Responsible Tourism: The Grijalva-Usumacinta Lower River Basin
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Sustainable Development Goals and Urban Policy Innovation
  • Sustainable Development Goals from an Urban Perspective
  • Sustainable Development Goals in Relation to Urban and Regional Development in Japan
  • Sustainable Urban Mobility
  • Systemic Innovation for Thrivable Cities
  • Theme Cities Networks
  • Toward a Sustainable City
  • Toward Smart Public Lighting of Future Cities
  • Towards a Social Capital Resilience Model in Coping with Floods and Droughts: The Case of Muzarabani, Zimbabwe
  • Transnational Crimes: Global Impact and Responses
  • Transnational Migrants on the Margin
  • Transport Resilience in Urban Regions
  • Transportation and Land Use Integration: Shaping Transportation Demand and Delivering Transport Supply
  • Transportation and Mobility
  • Understanding Smart Cities Through a Critical Lens
  • Understanding Urban Engineering
  • Understanding Women’s Perspective of Quality of Life in Cities
  • Unpacking Cities as Complex Adaptive Systems
  • Urban and Regional Leadership
  • Urban Atmospheric Microbiome
  • Urban Climate Resilience
  • Urban Commons as a Bridge Between the Spatial and the Social
  • Urban Densification and Its Social Sustainability
  • Urban Ecosystem Services and Sustainable Human Well-Being
  • Urban Food Gardens
  • Urban Forestry in Sidewalks of Bogota, Colombia
  • Urban Futures: Pathways to Tomorrow
  • Urban Greening and Green Gentrification
  • Urban Health Paradigms
  • Urban Heat Islands
  • Urban Management in Bangladesh
  • The Urban Planning-Real Estate Development Nexus
  • Urban Policy and the Future of Urban and Regional Planning in Africa
  • Urban Resilience
  • Urban Resilience: Moving from Idealism to Systems Thinking
  • Urban Structure and Its Impact on Mobility Patterns: Reducing Automobile Dependence Through Polycentrism
  • Urban Sustainability: Multifunctional and Multipurpose Planning of Urban Space
  • Urban Well-Being
  • Urbanization, Planning Law, and the Future of Developing World Cities
  • US Urban and Suburban Yardscaping
  • The Vegan Food Justice Movement
  • Voluntary Programs for Urban and Regional Futures
  • Vulnerability to Food Insecurity Among the Urban Poor in Sri Lanka: Implications for Policy and Practice
  • Wadi Sustainable Agriculture Model, The
  • Walkable Access and Walking Quality of Built Environment
  • Wash (Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene): Infrastructure as a Measure of Sustainable Development
  • Water Policy in the State of Tabasco
  • Water Pollution and Advanced Water Treatment Technologies
  • Water Security and Its Role in Achieving SDG 6
  • Water Security and the Green Economy
  • Water Security, Sustainability, and SDG 6
  • Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Question of Future Cities of the Developing World
  • Watershed Sustainability: An Integrated River Basin Perspective
  • Water-Smart Cities
  • Weathering Change
  • Why Large Cities Won’t Survive the Twenty-First Century
  • Wildlife Corridors
  • Women in Urbanism, Perpetuating the Bias?
  • Youth and Public Transport
  • Zombie Subdivisions
  • Zooming Regions into Perspective
