


関連ワード:Springer 哲学 宗教学 思想 教育学 教育心理学 教育社会学 洋書 発達  更新日:2024.10.01

The Palgrave Handbook of Educational Thinkers

Editor: Brett A. Geier, Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Leadership, Research, and Technology in the College of Education and Human Development at Western Michigan University, USA

2024:08 2 vols. 2,002 p. ISBN 978-3-031-25133-7 (Palgrave Macmillan / Springer) -DE-
EUR 799.99  Web販売価格:税込¥138,844 / 標準価格:税込¥179,516
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  • 1部「古代から1200年まで」(14名):ソクラテス、アリストテレス、ブッダ、孔子など
  • 2部「1200年から1900年まで」(31名):トマス・アクィナス、ルソー、カント、フレーベル、メアリ・ウルストンクラフト、ミル、スペンサー、ルイーザ・メイ・オルコット、グルントヴィなど
  • 3部「1900年から1970年まで」(33名):モンテッソーリ、デュルケム、デューイ、シュタイナー、ヘレン・ケラー、タゴール、ガンディー、シモーヌ・ヴェイユ、チョムスキー、サイードなど
  • 4部「1970年から現在」(57名):フレイレ、ジルー、アップル、マーサ・ヌスバウム、池田大作など





Volume 1

Part I: Antiquity to 1200

  • Frameworks of Education: Aristotle’s Legacy and the Foundations of Knowledge
  • The Buddha: Wisdom from the East
  • Cicero
  • Confucius
  • Hipparchia
  • Horace (Quintus Horatius Flaccus)
  • Hypatia of Alexandria
  • Isocrates
  • Plutarch’s Old World in the Modern Era
  • The Critical Fortunes of Pythagoras’ Probes
  • Augustine
  • What Is a Socratic Education?
  • Thucydides
  • Hildegard von Bingen: An Educational Visionary for Our Time

Part II: 1200–1900

  • Louisa May Alcott
  • Thomas Aquinas
  • Matthew Arnold
  • Francis Bacon: Prophet of Science
  • Louis Braille
  • Charlotte Hawkins Brown
  • John Calvin’s Impact on Education
  • John Amos Comenius
  • Gabriel Compayré
  • Michel de Montaigne: Education as Self-Awareness and Autonomy
  • Thomas Elyot’s Theory of Political Counsel: The Right of the Citizen and a Humanist Education for the Public Good
  • Benjamin Franklin: Lover of Liberty and Learning
  • Friedrich Froebel
  • Nikolai Frederik Severin Grundtvig
  • Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel
  • Eugenio María de Hostos y de Bonilla
  • A Broader Vision of Education: Jefferson’s Efforts to Reform Educational Philosophy
  • Immanuel Kant
  • John Locke: The Empirical Educator
  • Martin Luther: Challenging Medieval Assumptions
  • Horace Mann
  • John Stuart Mill: Education, Freedom, and Dependence
  • Friedrich Nietzsche: Educational Critic
  • Robert Owen: Education for a New Moral World
  • Wolfgang Ratke: An Unfinished Agenda
  • Between the Ancients and the Moderns: Charles Rollin, Popular Historian and Pedagogue of Virtue
  • Jean-Jacques Rousseau: A Paradoxical Life of Tragedy and Triumph
  • Ignatius of Loyola
  • Herbert Spencer
  • Wilhelm von Humboldt: A Continuing Legacy of Self-Cultivation in Education
  • Mary Wollstonecraft

Part III: 1900–1970

  • Jane Addams’ Contributions to American Educational Practices, Policies, and Philosophies
  • R. Ambedkar as Visionary Educator
  • Margaret Bancroft
  • Restless Pioneer: The Achievements of Alfred Binet
  • Benjamin S. Bloom: More Than a Taxonomy
  • Martin Buber
  • Cyril L. Burt
  • Noam Chomsky: A Lifelong View from the Precipice
  • Recovering a Foundational Spirit: The Educational Thought of Dr. Anna Julia Haywood Cooper
  • Lawrence A. Cremin and the Educative Potential of Social Institutions
  • John Dewey: Education for Democracy
  • Émile Durkheim: Father of the Sociology of Education
  • The Psychical Dynamics of Learning: Sigmund Freud and Education
  • Gandhi: Toward a Vision of Nonviolence, Peace, and Justice
  • Antonio Francesco Gramsci: The Origins and Originator of the Concept of Hegemony
  • Bel Kaufman
  • Helen Keller: A Voice of People with Disabilities
  • Clark Kerr
  • Play, Fantasy, and the Object-Relations: Melanie Klein’s Route to Understand Children’s Inner World
  • Rights of the Unknown Person: The Life and Legacy of Janusz Korcak
  • The Maverick Known as Montessori
  • S. Neill and Children’s Freedom: The Evolution of a Radical Idea

Volume 2

  • Hugh Victor Perkins, Jr.
  • Carl Rogers: A Person-Centered Approach
  • Edward Said and Education
  • F. Skinner: Lasting Influences in Education and Behaviorism
  • Rudolph Steiner: Education for Freedom
  • When Education Enriches, Enables, and Empowers: Rabindranath Tagore’s Experiences, Insights, and Contributions
  • Ralph W. Tyler: One of the Most Important Educators of the Twentieth Century
  • Max Weber, Education, and the Rise of Modern Societies
  • Weil, Simone
  • Cai Yuanpei
  • Now More Than Ever: Howard Zinn

Part IV: 1970–Current

  • Cami Anderson
  • Michael W. Apple
  • James Banks: Preeminent Scholar of Multicultural Civic Education
  • David C. Berliner: Champion of Teachers and Public Education
  • Pierre Bourdieu: Revisiting Reproduction, Cultural Capital, and Symbolic Violence in Education
  • Geoffrey Canada: Reimagining the School Community
  • Raj Chetty
  • Marie Clay: International Literacy Scholar and Mother of Reading Recovery
  • David Cooperrider
  • Edward de Bono
  • Carol Dweck
  • Elliot Eisner: Proponent of Surprise (1933–2014)
  • Richard Elmore
  • Chester E. Finn, Jr: A Self-Identified Troublemaker
  • Paulo Freire
  • Beyond Intelligence: The Life and Work of Howard Gardner
  • Henry Giroux: The Pedagogical Is the Political
  • Standing on the Shoulders of a Giant: Gene Glass
  • Kenneth Goodman
  • Eric Hanushek
  • Shaun R. Harper: Addressing the Conditions of Black Males and Racism in the US Higher Education
  • Julian Vasquez Heilig
  • Johann Friedrich Herbart
  • Hess, Frederick
  • bell hooks: Exploring Intersectionality, Black Feminist Thinking & Radical Love
  • Daisaku Ikeda: Introduction to the Man, His Influences, and Educational Thought
  • Adrianna Kezar: Designing Meaningful Change in Higher Education
  • Wendy Kopp
  • Situated Learning Within Practice, Culture, and Community: Jean Lave’s Political Project
  • Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot: Pioneering Sociologist
  • Carol D. Lee: Signifying and Standing in the Gap Through Research and Praxis
  • Zeus Leonardo: The Critical Scholar of Race in Exile
  • Pauline Lipman
  • Bettina Love: Restoring Humanity in K-12 Classrooms and Beyond
  • Loris Malaguzzi and the Educational Project of Reggio Emilia, Italy
  • Deborah Meier
  • Rich Milner
  • Sugata Mitra
  • Celestina Cordero y Molina: A Legacy of Labor, Gender, and Racial Equity
  • Michael Grahame Moore
  • Martha C. Nussbaum: Educational Justice and Critical Thinking
  • Gary Orfield
  • S. Peters
  • Robert C. Pianta: From Birth, for All – Making the Case for High-Quality Education
  • Michael Pressley (1951–2006)
  • Diane Ravitch: The Influential Historian Who Chronicles and Alters the History of American Education
  • Why Creativity Is Necessary: The Passion of Sir Ken Robinson
  • Pasi Sahlberg
  • Lee S. Shulman: An Icon of Teaching
  • Theodore Sizer: Rebuilding Education Through Principled Conversations
  • Bridging Research and the Classroom: The Legacy and Learning of Robert E. Slavin
  • Carol Ann Tomlinson: A Legacy of Differentiated Instruction and Empathetic Classrooms
  • Virginia Uribe
  • Etienne Wenger: A Social Learning Theorist
  • Patrick Wolf
  • Yong Zhao: Leading the Paradigm Shift
  • Angela Duckworth
