The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability

Editor: Robert Brinkmann, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, USA
2023:04 3 vols. 2,400 p. 267 illus. ISBN 978-3-031-01948-7
(Palgrave Macmillan / Springer) -DE-
EUR 1199.99
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Volume 1
Part I Introduction
Part II Energy
Part III Climate Change
Part IV Water
Part V Natural Resource Management
Part VI Waste and Pollution
Part VII Sustainability and Equity
Volume 2
Part VIII Sustainability in the Developing World
Part IX Environmental Justice and Racism
Part X Education and Sustainability
Part XI International Benchmarking and National Sustainability Planning
Part XII Urban and Regional Planning and Sustainability
Part XIII Economics and Sustainability
Part XIV Business and Sustainability
Part XV Economic Development and Sustainability
Part XVI Regulations
Part XVII Culture, Travel, Tourism, and Recreation and Sustainability
Part XVIII Consumerism
Part XIX Tools in Sustainability
Part XX Human History and Sustainability
Part XXI Great Figures of the Sustainability Field
Part XXII International Organizations
Part XXIII National, Regional, or Local Organizations
Volume 1
Part I Introduction
1 Defining Sustainability (Robert Brinkmann)
Part II Energy
2 Global Energy Use (Volkan Ş. Ediger)
3 Oil and Natural Gas and Sustainability (Alban Echchelh)
4 Coal and Sustainability (Sanne Akerboom)
5 Nuclear Power and Sustainability (Aviel Verbruggen and Ben Wealer)
6 Solar Energy (Anish Modi)
7 Wind Energy (Yi Liu and Zhenzhong Zeng)
8 Geothermal Energy (Rosalind Archer)
9 Energy Conservation (Miriam Aczel)
10 Ocean Energy (M. Luisa Martínez, Valeria Chávez, Víctor De la Cruz, Octavio Pérez-Maqueo, Astrid Wojtarowski, and Rodolfo Silva)
Part III Climate Change
11 The Science of Climate Change (Mukhtar Ahmed)
12 The Evidence for Climate Change on Our Planet (Michael Osei Asibey and Patrick Brandful Cobbinah)
13 Low-Carbon Technology and the Energy Grid (Grazia Todeschini)
14 Climate Change and the Spatial Concentration of Population (David Castells-Quintana, Melanie Krause, and Thomas K. J. McDermott)
15 Climate Change Challenges in the Arctic (Kamrul Hossain)
16 The Evidence of Climate Change for Terrestrial Mammals (Diane L. Saraiva and Melissa M. Grigione)
17 Greenhouse Gas Management (Cevat Yaman)
Part IV Water
18 Global Water Use (Hannes Müller Schmied, Martina Flörke, and Petra Döll)
19 Water Resources (Meena Kapahi, Roopa Rani, Ritika Choudhary, and Nikita Thakkur)
20 Water Management (Sudhakar Madhav Rao and Nitish Venkateswarlu Mogili)
21 Innovations in Water Management: Agriculture (Isaac Kwadwo Mpanga, David Sewordor Gaikpa, Eric Koomson,and Harrison Kwame Dapaah)
22 Innovations in Water Management: Systems Efficiency
and Energy Applications in the Water Sector 405(Helena M. Ramos)
23 Learning from the Past: What Cultural Heritage Can Teach
Us About Water Storage and Management (Carlos Hiroo Saito and Maria Manuela Morais)
Part V Natural Resource Management
24 The State of the World’s Natural Resources (Gerry Nagtzaam and Ute Brady)
25 Using Remote Sensing for Sustainable Forest Management in Developing Countries (W. D. K. V. Nandasena, Lars Brabyn, and Silvia Serrao-Neumann)
26 The Pantanal: A Seasonal Neotropical Wetland Under
Threat (Solange Kimie Ikeda-Castrillon, Ernandes Sobreira Oliveira-Junior, Onelia Carmem Rossetto, Carlos Hiroo Saito, and Karl M. Wantzen)
27 Ocean Ecosystem and Its Multidimensional Eco-functionality and Significance (Susanta Kumar Chakraborty)
28 Global Biodiversity: Trends and Regulation (Gerry Nagtzaam and Ute Brady)
29 Mining and Minerals (Jóżef Dubiński and Aleksandra Koteras)
30 Agriculture and Sustainability (Amer Ait Sidhoum and Maria Vrachioli)
31 Local Food, Slow Food, and the Small Farm Movement (Hiran Roy)
32 Aquaculture (Danielle Cantrell)
Part VI Waste and Pollution
33 An Overview of Waste Management (Fly Ash): A Life Cycle Analysis Approach to Sustainability (Aarti Singh)
34 Sewage and Sewage Treatment (Sonia Boudjabi, Nawal Ababsa, and Haroun Chenchouni)
35 Municipal Waste and Its Management (Christia Meidiana, Sekito Tomoo, and Aris Subagiyo)
36 Medical Waste and Its Management (Lynda Andeobu)
37 On the Sustainability of Graveyards in Urban Milieus (Zaheer Allam)
38 Plastics (Tony R. Walker and Eamonn McGuinty)
39 Radioactive Waste (Céline Kermisch)
40 Air Pollution and Sustainability (Wilma Subra)
41 Water Pollution (Linda Schweitzer)
42 Nutrient Pollution (Gabrielle Rabelo Quadra and Emília Marques Brovini)
Part VII Sustainability and Equity
43 Defining the Social Equity Issues in Sustainability (Florianna Lendai Michael and Shanti Faridah Salleh)
Volume 2
Part VIII Sustainability in the Developing World
44 The State of Sustainability in Developing Countries (Karpagam Dhandapani and Hrishikesh Venkataraman)
45 “Business and Human Rights” and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Complementary or Conflicting Agendas (Jordi Vives Gabriel and Florian Wettstein)
46 The Global South and Sustainability (Innocent Chirisa and Zebediah Muneta)
47 Islands and Sustainability (John Connell)
48 Building More Sustainable and Resilient Urban Energy Infrastructures in Southern Africa (Innocent Chirisa and Gift Mhlanga)
Part IX Environmental Justice and Racism
49 Background on Environmental Justice and Racism (Alice Kaswan)
50 Social Equity (Sean McCandless)
51 Indigenous Sustainable Development: Shaping Our Future (Deborah McGregor)
52 Negotiated Gender Subjectivity of Muslim Women and Sustainability in Pakistan (Musarat Yasmin and Muhammad Safdar)
53 Environmental Racism and Environmental Justice in North America (Etsuko Kinefuchi)
54 Environmental Justice in Europe (Attila Antal)
55 Environmental Justice in Asia (Khohchahar E. Chuluu)
56 Environmental Justice in Latin America and the Caribbean (Belén Olmos Giupponi)
57 Stakeholder Engagement for Sustainable Communities (E. Christian Wells, Gabrielle R. Lehigh, and Abby M. Vidmar)
Part X Education and Sustainability
58 Environmental Education (Sally McPhee)
59 Children and Sustainability (Ria Dunkley)
60 K-8 Sustainability Education (Allison Antink-Meyer)
61 Sustainability Curriculum in Secondary Education: Two Case Studies Assess Progress (Stephanie Fattizzi and Melissa M. Grigione)
62 Sustainability Education: A Review Toward Developing Higher Education for Sustainable Development (Randa El Bedawy)
63 Sustainability at Universities and Colleges (Leslie North and Catherine Walters)
Part XI International Benchmarking and National Sustainability Planning
64 The Sustainable Development Goals (Marzia Traverso and Rose Nangah Mankaa)
65 International Organization for Standards ISO 26000 (Matjaž Mulej and Anita Hrast)
66 Human Development Index (Simona Šarotar Žižek, Matjaž Mulej, and Nomi Hrast)
67 National Sustainability Planning: Australian National Strategy for Ecologically Sustainable Development (Michael Howes)
68 National Sustainability Planning in Malaysia (Florianna Lendai Michael and Shanti Faridah Salleh)
69 National Sustainability Planning: China’s Experiences and Lessons (Jingyuan Xu and XiaoHu Wang)
Part XII Urban and Regional Planning and Sustainability
70 Background on Urban and Regional Planning (Constance Carr)
71 Urban Approaches to Sustainability: Transportation (Michelle Oswald Beiler)
72 Urban Approaches to Sustainability: Transportation and Walkability (Adriane Hoff)
73 Urban Approaches to Sustainability: Food (Leticia Canal Vieira)
74 Urban Approaches to Sustainability: Zoning (Thomas Skuzinski)
75 Urban Approaches to Sustainability (Jenni Cauvain)
76 Resiliency (Mathilde Tomine Eriksdatter Giske and Rómulo Pinheiro)
77 Green Building (Dat Tien Doan, Binashi Kumarasiri, and Ali GhaffarianHoseini)
78 Green Infrastructure (Ian Mell)
79 Regional Planning (Eva Purkarthofer)
80 Tiny Homes, Co-housing, and Community Land Trusts (Elizabeth Strom)
81 Proximity-Based Planning and the “15-Minute City”: A Sustainable Model for the City of the Future (Zaheer Allam, Carlos Moreno, Didier Chabaud, and Florent Pratlong)
82 Individual Carbon and Environmental Footprints (Miriam Aczel)
83 Low-Consumption Lifestyles and Well-Being (Kasey Lloyd)
84 Intentional Communities (Paula Escribano)
Part XIII Economics and Sustainability
85 Introduction to Economics and Sustainability (Éloi Laurent)
Part XIV Business and Sustainability
86 Sustainable Business Management (Juan Castañeda-Ayarza)
87 The Circular Economy and Planned Sustainability (David Gibbs)
88 Supply Chain Management and Procurement (Andrea Caccialanza)
89 Green Fashion (Luis Almeida)
90 Green Investing and Financial Services: ESG Investing for a Sustainable World (Artie Ng)
91 Green Information and Communications (Quang N. Nguyen)
92 Just-in-Time Production and Eco-efficiency (Francisco Moreira)
93 Zero-Emission Delivery for Logistics and Transportation (Janfizza Bukhari, Abhishek G. Somanagoudar, Luyang Hou,
Omar Herrera, and Walter Mérida)
94 Greenwashing (Riccardo Torelli)
95 Business Ethics (John Nkeobuna Nnah Ugoani)
Volume 3
Part XV Economic Development and Sustainability
96 Background on Economic Development (Aaron Deslatte)
97 The Meaning of Place and Space in Research & Development for Sustainability: A Case Study of Special Economic Zones in Zimbabwe, Post-2000 (Tafadzwa Mutambisi, Percy Toriro, and Innocent Chirisa)
98 Economic Development and Equity (Jacob Dahl Rendtorff)
99 Green Entrepreneurship (Ada Domańska)
100 Global Sustainability in the Presence of Green Technology Transfer (Festus Fatai Adedoyin)
101 Green Economic Incentives (Razvan Hoinaru)
102 Microcredit (Elisabete Gomes Santana Félix)
Part XVI Regulations
103 A Proposal for the Crypto-Funding of Climate Change Mitigation and Conservation Efforts (Zaheer Allam, Can Biyik, and Yusra Raisah Takun)
104 Introduction to Environmental Regulation (Jason M. Walter)
105 The EPA and Its Regulations (Aaron A. Elrod)
106 Environmental Regulation in Asia (Haeyeon Yoon)
107 Environmental Injustice and Disposal of Hazardous Waste in Africa (Workineh Kelbessa)
108 Protecting Water and Wetlands (Josephine Gillespie
Part XVII Culture, Travel, Tourism, and Recreation and Sustainability
109 Culture and Sustainability (John Clammer)
110 Ecotourism (Valeriya Shapoval)
111 Green Conventions and Events (Hung-Che Wu)
112 Green Restaurants (Dayanne da Costa Maynard, Renata Puppin Zandonadi, and Raquel Braz Assunção Botelho)
113 Cruise Ships and Sustainability (Daniela Buzova)
114 Sport Ecology and the Environmental Sport Movement (Brian P. McCullough and Jessica R. Murfree)
115 Green Media (Rizanna Rosemary)
Part XVIII Consumerism
116 Impacts of Consumption and the Role of Business (N. Bocken, L. Niessen, and A. Tukker)
117 Critical Reflection on Discourses of Sustainable Development (Talia Stough)
Part XIX Tools in Sustainability
118 A Right to an Age-Friendly Environment with a Focus on the Rural Nordic Arctic (Shahnaj Begum and Kamrul Hossain)
119 Community Engagement (Christopher V. Hawkins)
Part XX Human History and Sustainability
120 History of the Environmental Movement (László Erdös)
121 Prehistoric Human Development and Sustainability (Bastiaan van Dalen and Patrick Roberts)
122 The Archaeology of Sustainability (Lynne Goldstein)
123 Sustainability in the Neolithic and the Bronze Age Through the Lens of Archaeobotany (Anna Maria Mercuri, Assunta Florenzano, and Eleonora Clò)
124 Sustainability and the Industrial Revolution (C. M. Vivek, P. Ramkumar, and P. K. Srividhya)
Part XXI Great Figures of the Sustainability Field
125 Carl Sauer’s Contributions to Historical Geography and Human Ecology (Emilie J. Raymer)
126 Henry David Thoreau and Modern Sustainability (Jake A. McGinnis)
127 Marjory Stoneman Douglas and an Everglades Environmentalism (Laura Smith)
128 Gro Harlem Brundtland (Anneke Ribberink)
129 Michael Mann (Joanne Muller, Charles Paxton, Jennifer Collins, and Yi-Jie Zhu)
130 Al Gore: Unpacking the Inconvenient Truths of Gore’s Celebrity Activism (P. David Marshall, Glenn D’Cruz, and Sharyn McDonald)
131 Speculating Sustainability: Framing Octavia E. Butler’s Science Fiction Writing Within Sustainability Issues (Lisa-Marie Pierre)
132 Bill McKibben’s Contributions to Organizing, Activism, and Environmental Thought (Nicholas A. Poggioli)
133 Francia Márquez’s Soul Mining: Recovering Ecology in Afro-Indigenous Activism (Ellen W. Gorsevski)
134 Vandana Shiva: Biodiversity Campaigner of the Global South (Manisha Rao)
135 Jan Gehl (Charles Musselwhite)
136 Wangari Maathai (Etsuko Kinefuchi)
137 Paul Watson of the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society from Activist to Iconoclast (Gerry Nagtzaam)
138 Jane Goodall’s Work for Animals, Nature, and the Human Environment (László Erdös)
139 Dr. Robert D. Bullard (Michael W. Murphy)
140 Edward Abbey’s Misanthropic Vision of Sustainability (Alexander Menrisky)
141 Ray Anderson (Jerry A. Carbo)
142 Agnes Denes (Clarissa Chevalier)
143 Greta Thunberg (Emily D. Ryalls and Sharon R. Mazzarella)
Part XXII International Organizations
144 Contribution of United Nations in Fostering Global Sustainability (Atul Alexander)
145 The Emergence of Greenpeace as a Global Eco-Advocate (Meredian Alam)
146 Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) (James J. A. Blair)
147 Good, Fair and Clean Food for All (Michele F. Fontefrancesco)
Part XXIII National, Regional, or Local Organizations
148 Passive House Institute and US Green Building Council (Alejandro Moreno-Rangel)
149 Philanthropic Organisations and the Global Circulation of Urban Resilience Practices – The Case of 100 Resilient (Alessandro Coppola and Wolfgang Haupt)
150 Entrenching Nature-Oriented Sustainability in Africa: Lessons for Today and the Future from the Green Belt Movement of Wangari Maathai of Kenya (Christine Chivandire and Innocent Chirisa)
151 The Uniqueness of National Park Attributes as the Tourism Competitive Advantage: A Perspective from the Indonesia
National Parks (Bhayu Rhama)
152 World Heritage Sites (Thomas E. Jones)