The Palgrave Handbook of Supply Chain Management
Editor: Joseph Sarkis, Professor of Management, Business School, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, USA
2024:02 2 vols. 1,533 p. ISBN 978-3-031-19883-0
(Palgrave Macmillan/ Springer) -DE-
EUR 599.99
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本書は、サプライチェーン管理の世界的第一人者で Web of Science(Clarivate)の論文引用数でもトップレベルのJoseph Sarkis を編者として、それぞれのフィールドのトップランナーたちが執筆した全 61 章にて、基礎から最前線までを網羅する決定版レファレンスです。商流のコアともいえるサプライチェーンを全体的に理解するために、調達・生産・流通・在庫管理の過程(アップストリームからダウンストリームまで)をシームレスなオペレーション最適化、コスト削減、顧客満足最大化のための統合的なシステムとしてとらえるアプローチを特長とします。分野を越える近年のトレンドを示すキーワード「持続可能性」「レジリエンス」「インダストリー4.0」「アジャイル」「リーン」「グリーン」などを随所で取り上げています。
Volume 1
Part I: Strategic Issues
1. Strategic Management and Supply Strategy
2. Maturity Tools in the Supply Chain Context: A Framework Proposal
3. Global Supply Chain Management
4. Africa and Supply Chain Management
5. Supply Chain Management in Latin America
6. Entrepreneurship in Supply Chain Management
7. Gender Diversity for Supply Chain Sustainability
8. Integrated Thinking of the Construction Supply Chain and Project Management
9. Conceptualizing Circular Supply Chains: A Theory Building Approach
10. Remanufacturing and the Supply Chain
11. Supply Chain Strategizing in New Product Development
12. Viewing Supply Chain Ambidexterity (SCX) Through Paradox Theory and an Innovation Framework
13. Operations and Supply Chain Planning
Part II: Operational Issues
14. Production Management and Supply Chain Integration
15. Supply Chain “Flows” Management .
16. Agile Supply Chain Management
17. Agility in the Supply Chain
18. Lean Supply Chain 5.0 Management (LSCM 5.0): Lean and Value Reconceptualized
19. The Role of Quality Management in Healthcare
20. Perspectives on the Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains
21. Supply Chain Performance Measurement: Current Challenges and Opportunities
22. Performance Measurement: Value Creation
23. The Inter-play Between Performance and Risk in Supply Chain Management
24. Supply Chain Security
25. Supply Chain Mapping for “Visilience”: Role of Blockchain-Driven Supply Chain Management
26. Resilience in the Supply Chain
27. Conflict in Supply Chain Relationships: A Review, Conceptualization, and Future Research Agenda
28. Human Resource Management in Supply Chains
29. Putting Worker Safety at the Heart of Supply Chain Management
30. Behavioral Supply Chain Management
Volume 2
Part III: Logistics and Transportation
31. Air Cargo and Supply Chain Management
32. Coopetitive Urban Logistics to Decrease Freight Traffic and Improve Urban Liveability
33. Railway Transport and Its Role in the Supply Chains: Overview, Concerns, and Future Direction
34. Maritime Logistics
35. Facility Location Modeling in Supply Chain Network Design: Current State and Emerging Trends
36. Outsourcing in Supply Chain Management
37. Reconfiguring the Global Supply Chain: Reshoring
38. Retail Supply Chains and Sustainability: True Possibilities or Insolvable Paradox?
39. Reverse Logistics Within the Supply Chain
Part IV: Upstream Management
40. Collaboration Within the Supply Chain
41. Coordination in Supply Chains
42. Relationships Between Disruptions and Unethical Procurement and Supply Chain Practices: Insights from the Covid-19 Pandemic
43. Multi-tier Sustainable Supply Chain Management and Blockchain Technology Solutions
44. Sub-supplier Management
Part V: Downstream Relationships
45. Supply Chain Management and Customer Relationship Management
46. Managing Customer Order Decoupling Points in Supply Chains
47. Product Innovation and Organization of the Supply Chain: Present Knowledge and Future Concerns
48. Product Portfolio Rationalization and Management in the Supply Chain
Part VI: Technology
49. Cross-Border E-commerce and Supply Chain Management
50. Internet of Things
51. Virtual Project Teams in Supply Chains
52. Applying Artificial Intelligence in the Supply Chain
53. Supply Chain Analytics: Overview, Emerging Issues, and Research Outlook
54. Big Data Applications in Supply Chain Management
55. Machine Learning and Supply Chain Management
56. Blockchain and Supply Chain Management: Applications and Implications
57. Additive Manufacturing in the Supply Chain
58. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Supply Chain Management
59. Servitization, Modularity, and Innovation in Supply Chain Management
60. Sustainability and the Digital Supply Chain
61. The Lithium-Ion Battery Supply Chain