


関連ワード:Springer スポーツ研究 洋書 社会学 経営学 経済学  更新日:2024.11.30

The Palgrave Handbook on the Economics of Manipulation in Sport

Editors: Markus Breuer (Professor at SRH University Heidelberg) & David Forrest (Professor at the University of Liverpool

2nd ed. 2024:10 328 p. ISBN 978-3-031-63580-9  (Palgrave Macmillan / Springer) -DE-
EUR 199.99
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スポーツは、夢や希望を与えると言われる一方で、個人的栄誉、国家的威信、経済的成功など、懸かっているものも大きく、ドーピングなどの不正行為が絶えません。本書は、この問題に経済の視点から切り込んだ好評レファレンス(初版ISBN 9783319773889)の6年ぶりの新版です。






Part I: Introduction and Overview

  1. Editors’ Introduction and Overview
  2. Different Types of Manipulation in Sport (Wladimir Andreff)
  3. Manipulation in Sport: Historical Evidence and Economic Analysis (Wray Vamplew)

Part II: Specifc Types of Manipulation in Sport

  1. Doping in High-Performance Sport: The Economic Perspective (Frank Daumann)
  2. Match-Fixing (David Forrest)
  3. Multi-club Ownership (Markus Breuer)
  4. Financial Regulation as an Anticompetitive Institution (Oliver Budzinski)
  5. Deconstructing Sportswashing: Analytical Concept or Ideological Prejudice? (Marcelo Moriconi)

Part III: Interventions to Mitigate Manipulation in Sport

  1. Analysing Betting Markets to Detect Potential Cases of of Manipulation (Ian McHale)
  2. Guarding the Sport: A Legal Analysis of the Macolin Convention in the Fight Against Sports Manipulation and Shaping Its Future (Serhat Yilmaz and Argyro Elisavet Manoli)
  3. Tournament Design for a FIFA World Cup with 12 FourTeam Groups: Every Win Matters (Mario Guajardo and Alex Krumer)
  4. “Helplines” Instead of “Hotlines”. Perspectives for Whistleblowing Policies Against the Manipulation of Sports Competitions (Pim Verschuuren)
  5. Good Governance to Mitigate the Manipulation of Sport (Christina Philippou)

Part IV: Manipulation in Sports Organisations and Disciplines

  1. Corruption in the Bidding, Construction, and Organisation of Mega-events: An Analysis of the Olympics and World Cup (Victor A. Matheson, Daniel Schwab, and Patrick Koval)
  2. FIFA: A Century of Crime and No Punishment (Bruce W. Bean)
  3. Manipulation in Esports (Brett Abarbanel)

(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)