ラウトレッジ版 アジア映画必携
The Routledge Companion to Asian Cinemas (Routledge Media and Cultural Studies Companions)

Editors: Zhen Zhang (New York University), Debashree Mukherjee (Columbia University) , Intan Paramaditha (Macquarie University) & Sangjoon Lee (City University of Hong Kong)
2024:06 570 p. 46 illus. ISBN 978-1-032-19940-5 (Routledge) -GB-
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Introduction: Trans-Asian Cinemas at Home in the World
SECTION I: Cine-Activism & Feminist Aesthetics
Introduction Zhen Zhang
1. Film Societies and the Screen within the Crowd in Bangladesh Lotte Hoek
2. Genres of Ecofeminism: Women Filmmakers in India and the Environment Sangita Gopal
3. Rewriting History, Changing the Story: An Interview with Anocha Suwichakornpong Graiwoot Chulphongsathorn
4. Riding the Waves: An Interview with Yim Soon-Rye Shin Chi-yun
5. Through the Lens of South Korean Cine-feminism: House of Hummingbird (2018) and Moving On (2020) Hyun Seon Park
6. Transnational Women’s Cinema in Southeast Asia: The Case of Marlina The Murderer in Four Acts Intan Paramaditha
7. Taiwan Queer Cinema, Marriage Equality, and Homo(trans)nationalism Shi-yan Chao
8. Love In Pacific Time: Asian Screen Culture in Vancouver Helen Leung
SECTION II: Mediating Colonial, National and Trans-Asian Imaginaries
Introduction Debashree Mukherjee
9. What Is “Asian Cinema” in Japan? Film and Political Economy in the 1940s Daisuke Miyao
10. Filming Taiwan Between a Quest for Artistic Purity and Propaganda in the People’s Republic of China: The Case of Taiwan Wangshi (My Bittersweet Taiwan, 2004) Zhuoyi Wang
11. In the Name of Love: Screen Representations of Taiwanese Indigenous People (1920s-1940s) Ting-wu Cho
12. Desiring Nanyang, Nation, and Home: Fictions of Belonging in Two Rediscovered Post-war Films from Singapore Elizabeth Wijaya
13. Where is Shangri-La? Imagining Kathmandu in Film Dikshya Karki
14. Affective-Scap/ing in Zhang Lu’s Inter-Asian Quartet Ma Ran
15. Postcards from Russia: Left Discourse and Telugu Cinema C. Yamini Krishna
SECTION III: Trans-border Industrial Cultures: Imagined Audiences and Diasporic Dreams
Introduction Debashree Mukherjee
16. Media Topographies of East Asia: Cinema, Cables, Wirelessness and the (Somewhat) Material Imaginaries of Territory Alexander Zahlten
17. Looking Out and On the Move: Aesthetics of Infrastructure in Recent Singapore Cinema Gerald Sim
18. North Korea’s International Co-production Ventures: Nation and the Post-national Hyanjin Lee
19. Trans-Asian Circuits of Cinema and Media Exchange Between Australia and Asia Olivia Khoo
20. Global Stories, Local Audiences: Dubbing Netflix in India Tejaswini Ganti
21. Webtoon-based Korean Films on Netflix: Shifting Media Ecology in the Digital Platform Era Dal Yong Jin
22. Exile at the Edges: Donald Richie at the Pinch Point between Japan and the World Markus Nornes
23. Trans-Pacific Connection and Cine Nikkei in Peru: A Conversation Jimena Mora and Talia Vidal with Zhen Zhang
SECTION IV: Beyond Genre: Modes, Motifs, Memories
Introduction Intan Paramaditha
24. The Melodramatic Mode in Asian Cinema: Usmar Ismail’s Lewat Djam Malam (After the Curfew) Stephen Teo
25. Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite as a Remake of Kim Ki-young’s The Housemaid: Creating an Aesthetic Genealogy within South Korean Cinema Christina Klein
26. Melting the Iron Curtain: Metal-morphosis and the Caricatured Western Leaders in Agitprop Animation in Socialist China, 1949-1965 Daisy Yan Du
27. The “Mirrored” Cultural Revolution – The Geo-political Making of Apolitical Hero in Chang Cheh’s The Assassin Raymond Tsang
28. Listening to Small-Gauge Stories: Sonic Memories and Sensory Histories in Mysterious Object at Noon (Apichatpong Weerasethakul, 2000) and Big Boy (Shireen Seno, 2011) Philippa Lovatt
29. Global Aspirations/ Local Affilations: Exploring the tensions of “Post-Crisis” Thai Cinema, 1997-2004 Rachel Harrison
30. Revisiting the Face Veil in Post-Pandemic Times: The Fhyun Humane Visual Ethics of Indonesian Islamic Filmmaking Alicia Izharuddin
31. Karma-Image; Insight-Image: On Buddhism and the Cinema Victor Fan
32. Personality and Morality in Screen Performance: Hong Kong Film Criticism and Social Reform of the 1920s Enoch Yee-lok Tam
SECTION V: Independent Practice: Networks, Labor, and Voices at the Margins
Introduction Intan Paramaditha
33. ‘Still Doing It Themselves, With a Little Help from Friends’: Independent Filmmaking in Malaysia Two Decades Hence Gaik Cheng Khoo
34. Slippers Outside the Door: An Annotated Interview with Tan Pin Pin Sophia Siddique
35. Let’s Love Hong Kong: Hyper-density, Virtual Possibility, and Queer Women in Hong Kong Independent Film Arnika Fuhrmann
36. Care in Filming, Change by Love Shuting Li
37. Domestic temporalities and film practice: Los Otros, Quezon City and Forum Lenteng, Jakarta Jasmine Trice
38. Unstable Pixels, Modular Selves: Digital Subjectivity in Chinese Independent Animations Jinying Li
39. Experimentation and Transnational Influences: Documentary Film in Post-Authoritarian Indonesia Eric Sasono
40. Filming Resistance: A Conversation with Deepa Dhanraj Fatima Nizaruddin
SECTION VI: Archives, Festivals, and Film Pedagogy
Introduction Sangjoon Lee
41. Festivalizations and Cultural Constructions of “Asian Cinema” Anne Ciecko
42. Curating the City: 10 Years of the Urban Lens Documentary Festival in Bangalore Subasri Krishnan
43. To Be Continued: Women Make Waves Beth Tsai
44. Film Festival Journeys – Past, Present, Future: A Conversation with Roger Garcia Thong Kay Wee
45. Reflection on Film Restoration, Acculturatie and Democracy – The Case Studies of Lewat Djam Malam and Aladin Lisabona Rahman
46. Thai Film Archive and Early Thai Queer Cinema Sanchai Chotirosseranee and Atit Pongpanit