ラウトレッジ版 ジェンダー必携シリーズ
Routledge Companions to Gender
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The Routledge Companion to Gender, Media and Violence

Editors: Karen Boyle, Professor of Feminist Media Studies at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland & Susan Berridge, Senior Lecturer in Film and Media at the University of Stirling, Scotland
2023:09 656 p. ISBN 978-1-032-06136-8 (Routledge) -GB-
GBP 215
Web販売価格:税込¥49,714 / 標準価格:税込¥68,821
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Introduction Karen Boyle and Susan Berridge
Part 1. News
Introduction Karen Boyle and Susan Berridge
- “Sensational spikes” and “isolated incidents”: examining the misrepresentation of domestic abuse by the media using the case studies of football and Covid-19 Nancy Lombard
- The media and male victim-survivors of domestic abuse Stephen R. Burrell and Alishya Dhir
- Invisible feelings, Anti-Asian violences and abolition feminisms Salonee Bhaman and Rachel Kuo
- Towards a fair justice system in Canada.women and girls homicide database project Kandice Parker, Melanie A. Morrison, Todd G. Morrison, Senator Lillian Eva Quan Dyck and Karissa Wall
- Familicide, gender and “mental illness”: beyond false dualisms Denise Buiten
- Femminicidio in Italian televised news: a case study of La Vita in Diretta Federica Formato
- Cruel benevolence: vulnerable menaces, menacing vulnerabilities and the white male vigilante trope Kathryn Claire Higgins
- Exploring US news media portrayals of girls’ violence in the 1980s and 1990s: the emergence of a moral panic Tia S. Andersen, Jennifer Silcox, Deena A. Isom
- Child sexual exploitation and scapegoating minority communities Aisha K. Gill
- Hidden or hypervisible? Mapping the making of a moral panic over female genital mutilation/cutting Emmaleena Kakela
- Examining the Zimbabwean news media’s framing of men as victims of sexual assault Mthokozisi Phathisani Ndhlovu
- The HIV man, Alexandra man and Hotboy: Swedish news coverage of rape as a folklore of fear Gabriella Nilsson
- Forward and backwards.sexual violence in Portuguese news media Julia Garraio, Ines Amaral, Rita Basilio Simoes and Sofia Jose Santos
- Representations of gender-based violence against children in Nigeria Onyinyechi Nancy Nwaolikpe
- Media, courts and “#RiceBunny” testimonies in China Li Jun
- Journalism, sexual violence and social responsibility Einar Thorsen and Chindu Sreedharan
Part 2. Representing Reality
Introduction Karen Boyle and Susan Berridge
- The politics of the traumatised voice: communicative injustice and structural silencing in contemporary media culture Jilly Boyce Kay
- Public survivors.the burdens and possibilities of speaking as a survivor Tanya Serisier
- Telling an authentic, relatable #MeToo story on YouTube Carol Harrington and MacKenzie Gerrard
- Mental images and emotive voices in true crime podcasts focused on female victims Jennifer O’Meara
- Sexual violence and social justice: the celebrity #MeToo documentary in the US Tanya Horeck
- Remediating the “Yorkshire Ripper” event in the era of feminist true crime Hannah Hamad
- Class, victim credibility and the Pygmalion problem in real crime dramas Three Girls and Unbelievable Helen Wood
- Victimhood and violence: weaponising white femininity in South Africa Nicky Falkof
- Pregnant and disappeared: the Missing White Woman Syndrome in magazines Jennifer Musial
- Discourses and narratives of gender-based violence in Greek women’s magazines Rafaela Orphanides
- Just a fantasy: how the discourse of fantasy attempts to resolve the conflicts of porn consumption Maria Garner and Fiona Vera-Gray
- Patriarchal protectors of the national body: violence, masculinity and gendered constructions of the US/Mexico border Lucia M. Palmer
- Militarised masculinity and the perpetration of violence in Chilean documentary Lisa DiGiovanni
- Women’s activist filmmaking against gendered violence in Pakistan Rahat Imran
Part 3.Gender-based violence online
Introduction Susan Berridge and Karen Boyle
- Technology-facilitated abuse.intimate partner violence in digital society Anastasia Powell
- Tactics of hate.toxic “creativity” in anti-feminist men’s rights politics Debbie Ging
- Bad actors or bad architecture.rethinking gendered violence online Emma A. Jane
- Networked misogyny on TikTok: a critical conjuncture Sarah Banet-Weiser and Sophie Maddocks
- Naming and framing the harms of cyberflashing: men sending non-consensual dick pics Clare McGlynn
- The non-consensual dissemination of intimate images on Telegram: the Italian case Silvia Semenzin and Lucia Bainotti
- Online child sexual exploitation in the news: competing claims of gendered and sexual harm Michael Salter
- Responding to transphobic violence online Ben Colliver
- Homophobic humour in rape memes Maja Brandt Andreasen
- Online discourses of violence against men: portrayals of neglect, discrimination and equality gone too far Satu Venalainen
- The curious case of Karen Carney: the argument for equity over equality in curbing the online abuse of women in sports media Guy Harrison and Melody Huslage
- “Online othering”: the case of women in politics Emily Harmer
- Cyberviolence against women in politics Eleonora Esposito
- Violence and the feminist potential of content moderation Carolina Are and Ysabel Gerrard
Part 4.Feminist Responses
Introduction Susan Berridge and Karen Boyle
- Engaging men online: using online media for violence prevention with men and boys Michael Flood
- Hashtag feminism in Brazil: making sense of gender-based violence with #PrimeiroAssedio Gabriela Loureiro
- After the affect: the tenuous leadership of viral feminists Angela Towers
- Mediatisation of women’s rage in Spain: strategies of discursive transformation in digital spaces Sonia Nunez Puente and Diana Fernandez Romero
- Hashtag feminism straddling the Americas: a comparison between #NiUnaMenos and #MeToo Francesca Belotti, Vittoria Bernardini and Francesca Comunello
- Digital feminist activism against gender violence in South Korea Kaitlynn Mendes and Euisol Jeong
- Women 2020: how Pakistani feminisms unfolded between Twitter and the streets Munira Cheema
- Digital feminist and queer activism against gender violence in China Jia Tan
- Controversies, protests, coalitions: screen media’s lessons from the past Gary Needham
- Collective action, performance and the body-territory in Latin American feminisms Paula Serafini
- Doing feminist activism though creative practice research Eylem Atakav
- Rethinking the curriculum: #MeToo and contemporary literary studies Mary K. Holland and Heather Hewett
- I won’t look: refusing to engage with gender-based violence in women-led screen media Rebecca Harrison