ラウトレッジ版 幸福の歴史
The Routledge History of Happiness (Routledge Histories)

Editors: Katie Barclay, Head of Historical and Classical Studies and Co-Director of the Fay Gale Centre for Research on Gender, University of Adelaide, Darrin M. McMahon, David W. Little Class of 1944 Professor and Chair of the Department History at Dartmouth College, and Peter N. Stearns, Distinguished University Professor of History at George Mason University
2024:05 472 p. ISBN 978-1-032-32319-0 (Routledge) -GB-
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本書は、古代から21世紀まで、また、欧米のみならず東アジア、中南米やアフリカにも重点を置くグローバルなアプローチで、「幸福の歴史」の最前線の風景を全27章にて概観します。仏教的幸福観の影響から、消費主義や大衆文化的な現象、「ポジティブ心理学」の興隆などの科学的な幸福の探求まで、「幸福」の歴史的形成に迫ります。著名文化史家Peter N. Stearnsが共編者を務め、感情史の第一人者バーバラ・ローゼンワインが老年における幸福の小史を寄稿します。日本研究者として著名な社会言語学者フロリアン・クルマスが21世紀の日本の幸福について写真付きエッセイで論じるのも注目です。
1. A History of Happiness: an Introduction
Part 1: Continuity and Change
2. Buddhism and Happiness: A Modern Romance or Tale as Old as Time? (Lang Chen)
3. Happiness and Grieving Well: Family Bonds and Mourning Practices in China (Becky Yang Hsu and Joseline Lu)
4. The Transition from Early to Modern Happiness in Bhutan (Michael S. Givel)
5. Happiness in Old Age: A Very Brief History of a Complex Topic (Barbara H. Rosenwein)
Part 2: Classical and Postclassical
6. Happiness in the Classical Greco-Roman World (David Konstan)
7. Qur’anic Happiness: With Remarks on Late Antique Fear of God, Asceticism, and Emotions as Moral Understanding (Karen Bauer)
8. Medieval Happiness Reconsidered: The Unstable Human Heart in This World and the Next (Michael Barbezat)
Part 3: Early Modern
9. Historicizing Happiness Management in the Joseon Korean Kingdom (Susan Broomhall)
10. Family, Care and the Affective Universe of Novohispanic Baroque Happiness: The Chiaroscuros of an Enduring Tradition (Estela Roselló Soberón)
11. Shakespeare’s Unhappiness Archive and the Early Modern Social (Cora Fox)
12. Western Laughter and Happiness in Transition (Joy Wiltenburg)
Part 4: Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries
13. Happiness and the Enlightenment (Ritchie Robertson)
14. Happiness and Industrialization: Western Society in the Nineteenth Century (Peter N. Stearns)
15. Definitions of Happiness in Ottoman Syria: Hegemonic and Subordinate Voices during the Nineteenth Century (Fruma Zachs)
16. Who Can be Happy in Russia? (Jane Costlow)
Part 5:Twentieth Century
17. “We Strive to Make the People a Little Happier Every Day.” Political Discourse and Practices of Happiness in Brazil and Argentina in Mid-Twentieth Century (María Bjerg and Sandra Gayol)
18. Happiness and the Origins of Modern Consumerism (Gary Cross)
19. The Rise of Positive Psychology (Daniel Horowitz)
20. Politics and Happiness, an Unhappy Inheritance: Liberal Democracies and the Return of Fascist Populism (Ross Abbinnett)
Part 6: Twenty-first Century
21. How to be Happy in Botswana (Deborah Durham)
22. Happy Japan: An Essay (Florian Coulmas)
23. In Pursuit of the Good Life: Young Men’s Cultivation of Enjoyment in Niger (Adeline Masquelier)
Part 7: Interdisciplinary Contexts
24. The History of Happiness in Academic Psychology (Max Genecov, Abigail Blyler, Noah Love and Martin E. P. Seligman)
25. Decades of Scientific Research on Human Happiness: Questions, Findings, and Urgent Future Directions (Carol D. Ryff)
26. Contemporary Happiness Efforts (Mariano Rojas)
27. Epilogue: Joy’s Futures (Katie Barclay)