


関連ワード:SAGE 心理学 洋書 社会学 神経科学 経済学 臨床心理学 遺伝学  更新日:2024.11.30

The Sage Handbook of Addiction Psychology

Editors: Ingmar H.A. Franken, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Reinout Wiers, University of Amsterdam, & Katie Witkiewit, University of New Mexico

2024:10 688 p. ISBN 978-1-5296-2474-8 GBP 135  (Sage) -GB-

GBP 135
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Editors’ Introduction

PART 1: Background

1: The history of addiction concepts: from ‘addiction’ to ‘addictions’
2: Addiction, brain disease, and free will
3: The epidemiology of substance use and substance use disorder
4: The epidemiology of behavioral addictions
5: The developmental epidemiology of substance use and disorder
6: Health equity considerations for drug and alcohol addiction research and treatment

PART 2: Vulnerability & Mechanisms

7: Contemporary psychological theories of addiction
8: Cognitive models of addiction
9: Behavioral economics of addiction: A reinforcer pathology approach
10: Stress and addictive disorders: Drug- and stressor-related effects on stress biological and psychological response
11:Trauma and addiction
12: The role of impulsivity in addictive behavior
13: Early life risk factors of substance abuse and substance use disorder
14: Adolescent development and vulnerability for addiction
15: Beyond the individual: Considering contextual factors in addiction psychology
16: The genetic basis of addiction
17: Mapping brain structure and function in addiction:  A narrative review of neuroimaging studies
18: The relevance of animal studies for human addiction

PART 3: Interventions

19: Preventing substance use
20: Public health interventions for addiction
21: Using Brief Motivational Interviewing as an Early Intervention for Reducing Risk of Substance Use Problems and Substance Use Disorder in Young People
22: Psychological interventions for addictive behaviors
23: Care for chronic patients using harm reduction strategies
24: Cognitive Bias Modification as add-on to the treatment of substance use disorders

PART 4: Specific Addictions

25: Alcohol use disorder
26: Tobacco smoking addiction and nicotine dependence
27: Opioid Use and Misuse
28: Stimulant use disorders
29: The epidemiology of cannabis use
30: Gambling addiction
31: Gaming disorder and other online addictive behaviors
32: Eating addiction

PART 5: Future directions

33: Value and potential of network models for conceptualizing, assessing, and treating addiction and co-occurring disorders
34: Identity and Addiction
35: To flourish or flounder: The relation between meaning in life and addiction
36: Psychedelic therapy in the treatment of addiction
37: Neuromodulation technologies for substance use disorders
38: Artificial intelligence in substance use research

(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)