The SAGE Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology

Editors: Gregory J. Boyle, University of Melbourne, Yaakov Stern, Columbia University, Dan J. Stein, University of Cape Town, Department of Psychiatry,
South Africa, Barbara J. Sahakian, University of Cambridge, Charles J. Golden, Nova Southeastern University, FL, Tatia Mei-Chun Lee, The University of Hong Kong, China & Shen-Hsing Annabel Chen, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
2023:05 2 vols. 1,432 p. ISBN 978-1-5297-1775-4 (Sage) -GB-
GBP 270
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Volume1:The SAGE Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology: Clinical Neuropsychological Disorders
1:History and Advances in Clinical Neuropsychology
Part 1: Background Considerations
2:Role of DSM-5, ICD-11, and ICF/ICIDH-2 in Neuropsychological
3:Neuropsychological applications related to the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC)
4:Clinical Neuropsychology in the Era of Neuroimaging
5:Genomics and phenomics
6:Neurobiology of Decision-Making
7:Sex differences in neurocognitive domains
8:Cognitive Reserve in Healthy Aging and Neurodegenerative Disease
9:Global challenges in neuropsychology
Part 2: Neurodevelopmental Disease
10:Intellectual disabilities
11:Communication disorders
12:Autism spectrum disorder
13:Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity disorder
14: Specific learning disorders
15: Motor disorders
Part 3: Neurological Disorders
16: Motor neuron disease and related autoimmune disorder
17: Multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating disorders
18: Disorders of Purposeful Movements: Motor Intentional and Apraxic Disorders
19: Epileptic disorders
20: Aphasias
21: Normal pressure hydrocephalus
22: Parkinson’s Disease
23: Huntington’s disease
Part 4: Neurocognitive Disorders
24: Delirium and Neuropsychological Disturbances
25: Mild cognitive impairment
26: Alzheimer’s disease
27: Frontotemporal lobar
28: Lewy body disease
29: Vascular neurocognitive disorders
30: Neurocognition in HIV Patients: Evidence from CANTAB Battery
31: Creutzfeldt-Jakob and prion diseases
Part 5: Traumatic Brain Injury
32: Moderate and Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
33: Post-concussion Syndrome
34: Chronic traumatic Encephalopathy
Part 6: Psychiatric Disorders
35: Post-traumatic stress disorder
36: Sleep-wake disorders
37: Alcohol-related disorders
38: Substance abuse, prescribed medications, and toxin exposure
39: Personality disorders
40: Neuropsychological impairment in psychotic disorders (Avi Reichenberg, Anthony S. David, Nina
41: Neuropsychology and mental illness in youth
Volume2:The SAGE Handbook of Clinical Neuropsychology: Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment and Diagnosis
1: History and Advances in Clinical Neuropsychological Assessment
Part 1: Background Considerations
2: Neuropsychological Test-Usage Practices
3: Ecological validity of neuropsychological tests
4: Assessment of invalid presentations in neuropsychological evaluations
5: Personality assessment in neuropsychological evaluations
6: Neuropsychological assessment of cognitive reserve
7: Cognitive test norms in multicultural, multiracial, multilanguage, multi-opportunity South Africa
8: Neuropsychological Assessment and the Cattell-Horn-Carroll (CHC) Model
Part 2: Domain-Specific Neuropsychological Measures
9: Measures of language and communication
10: Measures of short-term working memory
11: Measures of episodic-autobiographical memories
12: Measures of executive functions
13: Measures of executive dysfunction and their localization
14: Measures of social cognition
15: Measures of Affective Cognition: EMOTICOM
16: MSCEIT Measure of Emotional Intelligence
Part 3: General Cognitive Battery Tests
17: Wechsler Memory and Intelligence Scales: CHC Analysis
18: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) and Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS-IV): Critical Evaluation
19: Woodcock-Johnson IV Tests of Cognitive Abilities (WJ IV COG)
20: Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale (SB6 and early SB5)
Part 4: Legacy Neuropsychological Test Batteries
21: Legacy Neuropsychological Batteries: Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery (HRNB)
22: Legacy Neuropsychological Batteries: Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery (LNNB)
23: Halstead-Russell Neuropsychological Evaluation System – Revised (HRNES-R): Historical overview
24: Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (NAB)
25: Paediatric neuropsychological batteries
Part 5: Computerised Batteries, Technological Advances and Teleneuropsychology
26: Clinical utility of computerized neurocognitive testing
27: Technological advances: Teleneuropsychology
28: Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB)
29: NIH Toolbox® for the Assessment of Neurological and Behavioral
30: Automated Neuropsychological Assessment Metrics (ANAM)
31: Continuous performance tests
32: Measures of activities of daily living: (ADLs/IADLs)
33: Enhancing Effectiveness of Neuropsychological Assessment Batteries in Cognitive Drug Trials
Part 6: Neuropsychological Assessment Applications
34: Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status (RBANS)
35: An Overview of the Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer’s Disease Neuropsychological Assessment Battery
36: NINDS-CSN Neuropsychological Battery & Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)
37: Immediate Post-concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT)
38: Cognition in schizophrenia: MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB)
39: Neuropsychological Assessment in a Forensic Setting
40: Neuropsychological assessment before, during and after ‘awake’ brain
41: Role of Neuropsychological Assessment in Brain