The Sage Handbook of Global Sociology

Editors: Gurminder K. Bhambra, University of Sussex, UK, Lucy Mayblin, University of Sheffield, UK, Kathryn Medien, The Open University, UK & Mara Viveros-Vigoya, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Colombia
2023:12 656 p. ISBN 978-1-5297-7212-8 (Sage) -GB-
GBP 135
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Editors’ Introduction (Gurminder Bhambra, Lucy Mayblin, Kathryn Medi)
1: The Hostile Environment, Covid-19, and the Creation of Asylum Colonies in the UK (Hyab Teklehaimanot Yohannes, Tesfalem Habte Yemane, and Peninah Wangari-Jones)
2: Contemporary Colonial Frontier Making: Thinking From the Operational Digital Enclosure of Muslims in Northwest China (Darren Byler)
3: Postcolonial Governmentalities: Brownface in Singapore (Terri-Anne Teo)
4: Blackness and Anti-Blackness: Social Death and Ancestry throughout the Americas (Osmundo Pinho)
5: Not just an imperial thing: Homonationalism in the Philippines (John Andrew G. Evangelista)
6: Problematizing Hongkonger Political Subjectivity: The Struggle for, and over, Democracy (Petula Sik Ying Ho, Sui Ting Kong, Stevi Jackson)
Part 2: LABOUR
7: Domestic work in India: examining caste and gender in
constructing labour (Supurna Banerjee)
8: Labour transformations in Central and Southern Africa from
colonial to postcolonial times (Kleoniki Alexopoulou)
9: Amidst gender and race violence: political potencies of the
work of care in schools (Cláudia Vianna and Alanis Bello Ramírez)
10: Developing decolonial aesthetics with migrant domestic worker creative communities (Julie Ham, Christine Vicera, and Jemima Joy Gbadago)
11: Gender reversal in the workplace: Female bodies in male strongholds (Halima Diallo)
12: Time and Gradations in Europe: Temporality and Racialized Labour among Young Russian migrants in Helsinki (Daria Krivonos)
13: Textile Companions (Tania Cristina Pérez-Bustos)
14: Building coalitions across structural borders as a form of radical intimacy and kinship (Phoebe Kisubi Mbasalaki)
15: ‘Maitri’ and the Possibilities of Reconfiguring ‘Friendship’ in ‘Post-Hindu India’ (Dhiraj Singha)
16: Beyond the Colonial Ontological Turn: Social and emotional wellbeing and Indigenous knowledge systems in Australia (Pat Dudgeon & Abigail Bray)
17: Lesbianas and Queer Kinship in Mexico City (Anahi Russo Garrido)
18: Collective Pathways in Feminist Cultural Studies of the Global South (Mónica Inés Cejas, María Teresa Garzón Martínez & Merarit Viera Alcazar)
Part 4: BELIEF
19: Community and Improvement of the Self in Pre-Modern Philosophy: The Case of Ibn Bâja and Ibn Tufayl (Soumaya Mestiri)
20: Saints and their replicants: a decolonization of power through ultra-baroque devotion (Renée de la Torre)
21: Interrogating the Other: Belief in Witchcraft among the Akan Nzema People in Pentecostal-Charismatic Africa (Genevieve Nrenzah)
22: Sikh Philosophy: Transforming Self, World and Society (Arvind-Pal S. Mandair)
23: Who Art Babylon? Decoding Rastafari Experiential Realities in Critiquing Modernity (Ras Wayne Rose)
24: Indigenous Spirituality Inspires Decolonization of Religious Beliefs (Sylvia Marcos)
25: (Un)blocking Utopia: Blockchain Imperialism and Crypto-colonialism in Global Development (Jillian Crandall)
26: Technologies at ‘the edge of the world’. Space, global inequalities and the promise of progress (Alessandra Marino)
27: The Creole Web: A Theory of Place, Space, Time, and Race (Douglas-Wade Brunton)
28: Globalization of assisted reproduction: “Intimate” Politics of Race and reproduction (Amrita Pande)
29: The Ethno-Stack (Héctor Beltrán)
30: Precarious Disruption: Revisiting Worker Control and Consent in the Age of Algorithms and Apps (Srravya Chandhiramowuli, Janaki Srinivasan, Pradyumna Taduri)
31: Connecting Sociologies of Extraction, Monoculture and Pollution (Su-ming Khoo)
32: African Environmental Philosophy and the Quest for a Sustainable Future (Workineh Kelbessa)
33: Diverse ways of interaction between humans and nonhumans: Demands of indigenous women of politicization of life to confront extractivism in Latin America (Astrid Ulloa)
34: Revaluing the mundane: Citizen science after Fukushima (Yasuhito Abe阿部 康人・同志社大学准教授)
35: Greenpeace, Alang, and the Binary Labels that Defined the Existence of the Indian Shipbreaking Industry (Ayushi Dhawan)
36: Climate: An Atmosphere of Violence, A Canopy for Decolonial Turns (Daniel Voskoboynik)