The UFAW Handbook on the Care and Management of Laboratory and Other Research Animals

Editors: Huw Golledge, Chief Executive Officer and Scientific Director at the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW), UK. He has served as a member of the UK Animals in Science Committee which advises the government on the use of animals in research. / Claire Richardson, has over twenty years of experience in the field of laboratory animal welfare and has worked as a laboratory animal veterinarian as well as an animal welfare scientist, Editorial team at the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW), UK
9TH 2024:07 1,040 p. ISBN 978-1-119-55524-7 (Wiley-Blackwell) -US-
USD 350
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- 動物実験の計画、実験動物の遺伝学、遺伝子改変マウスの表現型データ取得の詳細な解説
- 動物福祉のアセスメントと倫理審査過程の包括的な検討
- グローバルな視点からの動物を用いた研究の実施に関する規制と監督についての実践的な議論
- 現代的な動物施設、特別な居住設備、栄養と給餌といった面の徹底的な考察
1 Introduction
Claire Richardson and Huw Golledge
Part 1 Implementing the Three Rs in research using animals
2 The Three Rs
Adrian Smith and Jon Richmond
3 The design of animal experiments
Simon T. Bate and S. Clare Stanford
4 An introduction to laboratory animal genetics
Michelle Stewart and Sara Wells
5 Phenotyping of genetically modified mice
Jan-Bas Prins and Sara Wells
6 Brief introduction to welfare assessment: a ‘toolbox’ of techniques
Jennifer Lofgren
7 Welfare and ‘best practice’ in field studies of wildlife
Julie Lane and Robbie A. McDonald
8 Legislation and oversight of the conduct of research using animals: a global overview
Kathryn Bayne, Javier Guillen, Malcolm P. France and Timothy H. Morris
9 Planning, design and construction of the modern animal facility
Ken Applebee, Christopher Sear and Steven Cubitt
10 Environmental enrichment: animal welfare and scientific validity
Hanno Würbel and Janja Novak
11 Special housing arrangements
Mike Dennis
12 Transportation of laboratory animals
Sonja T. Chou, Donna Clemons, Nicolas Dudoignon, Guy Mulder and Aleksandar Popovic
13 Nutrition, feeding and animal welfare
Graham Tobin and Annette Schuhmacher
14 Attaining competence in the care of animals used in research
Bryan Howard and Marcel Gyger
15 The use of positive reinforcement training techniques to enhance the care and welfare oflaboratory and research animals
Gail Laule
16 3Rs considerations when using ageing animals in science
J. Norman Flynn, Linda Horan, Carl S. Tucker, David Robb and Michael J.A. Wilkinson
17 Euthanasia and other fates for laboratory animals
Huw Golledge
18 Ethics review of animal research
I. Anna S. Olsson and Peter Sandøe
Penny Hawkins and Maggy Jennings
Part 2 Species kept in the laboratory
19 The laboratory opossum
John L. VandeBerg and Sarah Williams-Blangero
20 Tree Shrews
Eberhard Fuchs
Rodentia and Lagomorpha
21 The laboratory mouse: Biology, behaviour, enrichment and welfare: first principles and realsolutions for laboratory mice
Kathleen R. Pritchett-Corning and Joseph P. Garner
22 The laboratory rat
Sietse F. de Boer and Jaap M. Koolhaas
23 The laboratory gerbil
Elke Scheibler
24 The Syrian hamster
Christina Winnicker and K.R. Pritchett-Corning
25 Voles
Petra Kirsch
26 The naked mole-rat (Heterocephalus glaber)
Chris G. Faulkes
Appendix A
27 The guinea pig
Sylvia Kaiser, Christine Krüger and Norbert Sachser
28 The laboratory rabbit
Lena Lidfors and Therese Edström
29 The ferret
Maggie Lloyd
30 The laboratory dog
Laura Scullion Hall and Jackie Boxall
31 The domestic cat
Emma Desforges
32 Pigs and minipigs
Adrian Zeltner and Henrik Duelund Pedersen
33 Cattle
Ute Weyer and Shellene Hurley
34 Sheep and goats
Colin L. Gilbert and Cathy M. Dwyer
35 The Horse
Heather Ewence and Fleur Whitlock
Non-Human Primates
36 The mouse lemurs
Jennifer Wittkowski, Annette Klein, Annika Kollikowski, Marina Scheumann, Daniel Schmidtke, Elke Zimmermann and Ute Radespiel
37 Marmosets and tamarins
Hannah M. Buchanan-Smith
38 Capuchin monkeys
James R. Anderson, Elisabetta Visalberghi and Arianna Manciocco
39 Old world monkeys
Jaco Bakker, Annet L. Louwerse, Marit K. Vernes and Jan A.M. Langermans
40 The domestic fowl
Ian J.H. Duncan
41 The Japanese quail
Rusty Lansford and Kimberly M. Cheng
42 The zebra finch
Ruedi G. Nager, Michael J.A. Wilkinson and Graham Law
43 Pigeons and doves
Stephen E.G. Lea, Anthony McGregor, Mark Haselgrove and Catriona M.E. Ryan
44 The European starling
Melissa Bateson
45 Corvids
Rachael Miller, Martina Schiestl and Nicola S. Clayton
Reptiles and Amphibia
46 Terrestrial reptiles: lizards, snakes and tortoises
John E. Cooper
47 An amphibian ‘laboratory model’, Xenopus
Richard Tinsley
48 Fishes
Sonia Rey Planellas and Carlos Garcia de Leaniz
49 Zebrafish
Carole Wilson
50 Cephalopoda
Meghan Holst, Ryan B. Howard and Robyn J. Crook
51 Decapod crustaceans
Robert W. Elwood and Ray W. Ingle