ワイリー・ブラックウェル版 ツーリズム必携(第2版)
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Tourism
(Wiley Blackwell Companions to Geography)
Editor: C. Michael Hall, Distinguished Professor of Marketing & Tourism, Department of Management, Marketing & Entrepreneurship, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
2nd ed. 2024:07 704 p. ISBN 978-1-119-75374-2 (Wiley-Blackwell) -US-
USD 185.00
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各分野の最新の研究成果を概観できるように、第一人者の編集の下、第一線の研究者たちが書き下ろしたトピック別のレビューを多数収録する好評シリーズ「ワイリー・ブラックウェル版 地理学必携」に含まれ、観光学の1巻本レファレンスとして重宝された初版(ISBN 9781118474488)から10年ぶりの新版である本書は、こうした近年の激動のさなかのツーリズムの今後を考えるための基礎と最新の視座を提供します。初版の構成を刷新し、全8部・全48章にて、新たなトピックとしては、コロナ禍の観光と観光業界への影響、中国のアウトバウンド・ツーリズムとショッピング、長距離ウォーキングなどに対応します。
Part 1 Introduction
1 Tourism: Conceptualizations, Disciplinarity, Institutions, and Issues
Part 2 Disciplinary and Methodological Perspectives on Tourism
2 Tourist Flows and Spatial Behavior
3 Consumer Behaviour in Tourism
4 Tourism Motivations and Decision Making
5 Economic Perspectives on Tourism
6 International Relations and Geo- political Approaches to Tourism
7 Political Economy Approaches in Tourism: From Radical Political Economy via Cultural Political Economy to Political Ecology
8 Tourism Mobilities
9 The State of Qualitative Research Methods in Tourism and Hospitality: Research Design Issues and The Way Forward
10 Historiography, Tourism and Tourism Marketing
11 GPS, Smartphones, and the Future of Tourism Research
Part 3 Theories of Tourist Practice, Experience, and Encounter
12 Tourism and Landscape
13 From Pseudo- Events to Virtual Reality: The Development of Authenticity in Tourism Scholarship
14 Place Attachment in Tourism
15 Mindfulness and Tourism
16 When the Process is the Destination: Long- distance Walking as Slow Tourism
17 Tourism and Development: Contact, Consumption, and Building Together
18 The Tourist Gaze 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0
19 What’s Left to Say? Late Modern Ruminations on Tourism and Critical Social Theory
Part 4 Producing Tourism and Tourism Spaces
20 Tourism Resourcification
21 Transnational Corporations and the Globalisation of Tourism
22 Tourism and Public Transport
23 Tourism Entrepreneurship
24 Accelerating Innovation in Tourism: Living Labs as a Way Forward
25 Residents’ Attitudes Toward Tourism
26 Chinese Outbound Tourism and Shoppin
27 Tourism Work and Workers in the Context of Sustainable Development
Part 5 Tourist Attractions: Place, Space and Forms
28 Cultural Heritage Tourism: A Future for Sustainable Development?
29 Urban Tourism
30 Second- home Tourism in Troubled Times
31 Mega- events and Tourism
32 Food and Tourism
33 Where to With Evolving Gay and Lesbian Tourism Practices?
Part 6 Tourism and Global Change: Impacts and Response
34 Tourism, Shopping and Connotations of Place
35 Tourism and the Anthropocene
36 The Global Footprint of Tourism
37 Climate Change Implications for Tourism
38 Tourism and Tourists in Nature: Governance of National Parks and Wilderness in an Era of Global Change
39 Tourism and the Precautionary Principle in Theory and Practice
40 Evolution of Concepts: From Tourism Carrying Capacity to Overtourism
41 Tourism and CSR – Time to Shift the Dial
42 Green Human Resource Management in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry: Outlook and Further Research
Part 7 Tourism Policies, Planning and Governance
43 Tourism, Public Policy and Governance
44 Tourism and Innovation: A Cross Sectoral and Interregional Perspective
45 Reviewing Empowerment in Tourism: Conceptualisation to Future Research Directions
46 Tourism and Resilience
47 The Influence of Place- narratives on Destination Development
Part 8 Conclusions
48 Conclusions: Challenges and Futures for Tourism