Third International Handbook of Lifelong Learning (Springer International Handbooks of Education)

Editors: Karen Evans, UCL Institute of Education, London, UK, Wing On Lee, Institute for Adult Learning, Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore, Singapore, Jörg Markowitsch, 3s Research and Consulting, Vienna, Austria & Miriam Zukas, Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK
2023:03 2 vols. 1,343 p. 58 illus. ISBN 978-3-031-19591-4 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 379.99
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本書は、好評既刊2001年のInternational Handbook of Lifelong Learning(9780792368151)、 2012年のSecond International Handbook of Lifelong Learning (ISBN 9789400723597)の続編ともいうべきレファレンスです。旧版の構成を踏襲しつつ、全て新たな内容に入れ替えた全63章を収録する新版では、2022年までの10年間の研究の進展をまとめ、「気候危機」「デジタル世界」「ポピュリズムの台頭」「移住」「不安定な生活」といった新トピックも取り上げます。
Part I:Introduction
1. Advancing Research and Collecting Evidence on Lifelong Learning Globally
Part II:Philosophy, History, and Theory Development
2. The End of Learning: Living a Life in a World in Motion
3. Risk Society and Its Implications for Rethinking Lifelong Learning
4. On Learning, Responsibility, and Play in Lifelong Learning
5. Learning Potential of the Lifeworld: A Comprehensive Theory of Lifelong Learning
6. Intersectionality: Implications for Research in the Field of Adult Education and Lifelong Learning
7. Lifelong Learning Research: The Themes of the Territory
8. Empowerment Through Lifelong Learning
9. Knowledge and Learning at the Workplace in Times of Digital Transformation
10. Politico-Economic Transformation, Globalization, and Lifelong Learning: The Example of the Russian Federation
11. Apprenance: Rethinking How and Why Adults Learn
12. Taking Forward Perspectives on Reflexivity in Learning: Five Capitals
13. Dialectical Perspectives for Researching Lifelong Learning
14. The Institutionalization of Lifelong Learning in Global Scale
15. Steps to an Ecology of Lifelong-Lifewide Learning for Sustainable, Regenerative Futures
16. Human Strivings and Social Change: Scenarios for Renewal in Lifelong Learning
Part III:Fresh Perspectives on Policy and Policy Development
17. Learning and Life Chances: Rethinking the Dynamics of Inequality and Opportunity
18. Lifelong Learning Systems
19. Educating Rita’s Grandchildren: Formal Adult Education in the Shadow of Educational Expansion
20. Higher Education and Lifelong Learning
21. Worklife Learning: Personal, Educational, and Community Contributions
22. Global Implications for Work-based Learning in Platform Economies
23. Changing Concepts and Tools for Realizing Lifelong Learning Strategies
24. Lifelong Career Guidance: Between Autonomy and Solidarity
25. The European Union and Lifelong Learning Policy
26. Lifelong Learning for Economy or for Society: Policy Issues in Post-Socialist Countries in Europe
27. Lifelong Learning in Asia: A Brief Tour
28. The Evolvement of Lifelong Education in China: A Policy Perspective
29. Lifelong Learning Policies in Latin America
30. Lifelong Learning: Policy Issues in Brazil
31. Lifelong Learning and Education Policy in North America
Part IV:Emerging Programs and New Approaches
32. New Impulses for a Lifelong Learning University: Critical Thinking, Learning Time, and Space
33. Decolonizing Arts-Based Public Pedagogies in the Indigenous, Environmental and Climate Justice Movements
34. The Role That Adult Education Can Play in Supporting Young Adults with Vulnerabilities
35. Competence Development for the Unemployed: Interplay Between the Individual and Organization Intergenerational Learning in Action
36. Neuroplasticity and Adult Learning
37. The Role of Mobile Instant Messaging in Supporting Lifelong Learning
38. Unbundling and Aggregation: Adapting Higher Education for Lifelong Learning to the New Skills Agenda and to Digital Transformation
39. Develop a Qualification Ecosystem for Adult Learners: Micro-credentialing to Formalize Informal and Nonformal Learning
40. Non-formal and Informal Learning: A Gateway to Lifelong Learning for All. The Case of Migrants and Refugees
41. Learning Experiences of Young Adults with Immigrant Background in Local Communities in South Korea
42. Innovation Initiatives in Enterprises: Advancing Learning at Work
43. Employee-Driven Innovation in Medium-Sized Enterprises: The Singapore Insights
44. Enabling Continuous Innovation and Knowledge Creation in Organizations: Optimizing Informal Learning and Tacit Knowledge
45. The Best of Both Worlds: Mutually Enriching Workplace Learning and Program Planning
46. Corporate Governance of Innovation in Singapore Chinese Family Business
Part V:Re-imagining Lifelong Learning for Future Challenges
47. Lifelong Learning and Life-Wide Challenges: Toward the Uncertainty of Sustainable Futures
48. Learning for Climate Justice
49. Indigenous Knowledges as a Catalyst for Change for Lifelong Learning in the 21st Century
50. Adult Education for “Resilience”: Educating in Precarious Times
51. Simulation as a Transformative Pedagogy: Challenging Normativity and Embracing Emergence
52. Rethinking Lifelong Learning in the “Fourth Industrial Revolution”
53. Surveys of Lifelong Learning as Contributors to Neoliberal Processes of “Southering”
54. Fourth Age Learning for Persons Living with Dementia
55. How Adult Learning from Media Cultures Changed the World in 2020
56. Confronting Nationalist Tendencies: The Role of Citizenship Education, Media Literacy and Lifelong Learning in Supporting Democracy
57. Edith Hammer, Christiana Nikolitsa-Winter,
58. Challenges of Digital Professional Learning: Digital Technology Systems Are No Substitute for Human Agency
59. Lifelong Learning: Researching a Contested Concept in the Twenty-First Century
60. Reimagining Refugee Lifelong Education: Towards a New Social Contract
61. Lifelong Learning, Migration, and Conditions for Inclusion
62. Accommodating Sexual and Gender Identities in Societal, Cultural, and Lifelong Learning Contexts
63. Imagining the Future of Lifelong Learning