Trans-Pacific Cultural Studies
(SAGE Benchmarks in Culture and Society)
【編者】巽 孝之(慶應義塾大学教授、第16代日本アメリカ文学会会長)
Editor: Takayuki Tatsumi, Professor, Keio University
Foreword: Shelley Fisher Fishkin
2019年7月刊行 全4巻 1,208頁 ISBN 978-93-5328-458-9
(SAGE) -GB- 日本総代理店:(株)紀伊國屋書店


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Shelley Fisher Fishkin
Editor’s Introduction:
Trans-Pacific Cultural Studies
Takayuki Tatsumi
Volume I: Trans-Pacific Americanism
- U.S.-Japan Literary Interactions in the Transpacific Cultural History
Takayuki Tatsumi
- Asian Crossroads/Transnational American Studies Shelley
Fisher Fishkin
- Historical Lessons in Asian-American Relations: Searching for Inter-Civilizational Dialogue
Daizaburo Yui
- A New Perspective on American History from the Other Side of the Pacific
Jun Furuya
- Toward a Pacific Civilization
Gary Y. Okihiro
- Reprogramming Memories: The Historicization of the Vietnam War from the 1970s through the 1990s
Eikoh Ikui
- A Global Superpower or a Model of Democracy?: Images of America in Post-Cold War Japan
Fumiko Nishizaki
- Chop Suey as Imagined Authentic Chinese Food: The Culinary Identity of Chinese Restaurants in the United States
Haiming Liu
- To Clear Up a Cloud Hanging on the Pacific Ocean: The 1927 Japan-U.S. Doll Exchange
Rui Kohiyama
- A Tragedy of Democracy: Japanese Confinement in North America
Greg Robinson
- The Transnational Artists Yun-Fei Ji, Hung Liu, and Zhang Hongtu: Globalization, Hybridity, and Political Critique
Joyce Brodsky
- The Archipelagic Black Global Imaginary: Walter White’s Pacific Island Hopping
Etsuko Taketani
- Witnessing Atrocity, Auto-bio-graphy: Wing Tek Lum’s The Nanjing Massacre: Poems
Gayle K. Sato
- Black Bottom of Modernity: The Racial Imagination of Japanese Modernism in the 1930s
Keiko Nitta
Volume II: Trans-Pacific Literary Studies
- Literary History on the Road: Transatlantic Crossings and Transpacific Crossovers
Takayuki Tatsumi
- Editors’ Introduction: New Perspectives on “The War-Prayer”
Shelley Fisher Fishkin and Tatsumi Takayuki
- Mark Twain’s “The War-Prayer” – Reflections on Vietnam and Iraq
- The Realm of an Empire and the Reach of Empathy: Reconsideration of Humanism in Mark Twain’s “The War-Prayer”
Arimitsu Michio
- Mark Twain and Gensai Murai: A Japanese Inspiration for “The War-Prayer”
Kevin Mac Donnell
- The Transpacific Gaze in Tropic of Orange
Gayle K. Sato
- The Melancholy Melodrama of “Honorary Whiteness”: The Case of Yuasa Katsuei’s Colonial Fiction
Mary A. Knighton
- Herman Melville’s “Pequot Trilogy”: The Pequot War in Moby-Dick, Israel Potter, and Clarel
Yukiko Oshima
- Rethinking Cultural Awareness Toward Nature: Oriental Animals in Herman Melville’s Clarel
Mikayo Sakuma
- Japanese Ishmael: “John” Manjiro Nakahama Crossing the Vital Year 1850
Arimichi Makino
- Onoto Watanna’s Japanese Collaborators and Commentators
Yuko Matsukawa
- “Will White Man and Yellow Man Ever Mix?”: Wallace Irwin, Hashimura Togo, and the Japanese Immigrant in America
Yoshiko Uzawa
- Surviving the Perpetual Winter: The Role of Little Boy in Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle
Nagano Fumika
- Absent Presence as a Nonprotest Narrative: Internment, Interethnicity, and Christianity in Hisaye Yamamoto’s “The Eskimo Connection”
Rie Makino
- Pioneer Narrative of an Internee Girl: Cynthia Kadohata’s Weedflower (2006) and Nikkei Reclaim for the American West
Yukari Kato
- The Imaginary Space in Indian-American Fiction: A Catalyst for Rebellion in Jhumpa Lahiri’s The Lowland
Shunsuke Shiga
- Beyond K’s Specter: Chang-rae Lee’s A Gesture Life, Comfort Women Testimonies, and Asian American Transnational Aesthetics
Belinda Kong
- Global America Revisited: Ezra Pound, Yone Noguchi, and Modernist Japonisme
Anita Patterson
- There Is Nothing Grittier Than a “Grunt’s Eye View”: American Comic Books and the Popular Memory of the Vietnam War
Richard Young
Volume III: Science Fiction and Cyber Culture
- A Soft Time Machine: From Translation to Transfiguration
Takayuki Tatsumi
- Horror and Machines in Prewar Japan: The Mechanical Uncanny in Yumeno Kyûsaku’s Dogura magura
Miri Nakamura
- Two Essays on Science Fiction
Abe Kôbô
- From Parody to Simulacrum: Japanese SF, Regionalism, and the Inauthentic in the Early Works of Komatsu Sakyō and Tsutsui Yasutaka
William O. Gardner
- Sakyo Komatsu’s Planetary Imagination: Reading Virus and The Day of Resurrection
Tatsumi Takayuki
- Japanese SF, Its Originality and Orientation (1969)
Kôichi Yamano
- “Collective Reason”: A Proposal (1971, rev. 2000)
Shibano Takumi
- Space, Body, and Aliens in Japanese Women’s Science Fiction
Kotani Mari
- Has the Empire Sunk Yet? – The Pacific in Japanese Science Fiction
Thomas Schnellbächer
- Techno-Orientalism with Chinese Characteristics: Maureen F. McHugh’s China Mountain Zhang
Christopher T. Fan
- “Great Wall Planet”: Introducing Chinese Science Fiction
Yan Wu
- On the Mythologerm: Kalpavigyan and the Question of Imperial Science
Bodhisattva Chattopadhyay
- Crossing the Border: The Depiction of India in Ian McDonald’s River of Gods and Cyberabad Days
Suparno Banerjee
- Alternate Histories of Korean National Sovereignty in 2009: Lost Memories
Duy Lap Nguyen
- Xenogenesis: Monstrous Mothers and Evolutionary Horrors in Contemporary Japanese Science Fiction
Raechel Dumas
- The I Ching and Philip K. Dick’s The Man in the High Castle
Paul Mountfort
Volume IV: Cool Asia
- Introduction to Three Asias: Japan Invisible Asias, Other Japans
Takayuki Tatsumi
- Storming the Floating World of Postmodern Hyperreality
Larry McCaffery
- Introduction to New Japanese Fiction
Larry McCaffery and Sinda Gregory
- Under the Blue Sky of Iowa: Those Who Write in Their Own Language
Minae Mizumura
- On the Monstrous Planet, Or How Godzilla Took a Roman Holiday
Takayuki Tatsumi
- The Japan Fad in Global Youth Culture and Millennial Capitalism
Anne Allison
- Doll Beauties and Cosplay
Mari Kotani
- Shin Takahashi’s Tom Sawyer: A Japanese Manga Adaptation
Tsuyoshi Ishihara
- Little House in the Far East: The American Frontier Spirit and Japanese Girls’ Comics
Hisayo Ogushi
- Where Is My Place in the World? Early Shōjo Manga Portrayals of Lesbianism
Fujimoto Yukari
- Tezuka Is Dead: Manga in Transformation and Its Dysfunctional Discourse
Itō Gō and Miri Nakamura
- Invasive Species: Manga’s Insect-Human Worlds
Mary A. Knighton
- The Animalization of Otaku Culture
Azuma Hiroki and Thomas LaMarre
- Tracking the Mystery Man with the 21 Faces
Marilyn Ivy
- The Sacrificial Economy of Cuteness in Tamala 2010: A Punk Cat in Space
Emily Raine
- What Can a Vocaloid Do? The Kyara as Body without Organs
Sandra Annett
- Martyrs, Apostates, and the Modern Japanese Subject
Rebecca Suter
- City Botany: Reading Urban Ecologies in China through Amitav Ghosh’s River of Smoke
Kanika Batra