Weedon’s Skin Pathology 6TH

By James W. Patterson, MD, MD, FACP, FAAD, Professor Emeritus of Pathology, University of Virginia Health System, Charlottesville, VA, USA
2024:11 1,376 p. 1,660 images. ISBN 978-0-323-93550-0 (Elsevier) -US-
USD 389.99
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Chapter 1. What’s new in the sixth edition
Chapter 4: The lichenoid reaction pattern (“interface dermatitis”)
Chapter 5: The psoriasiform reaction pattern
Chapter 6: The spongiotic reaction pattern
Chapter 7: The vesiculobullous reaction pattern
Chapter 8: The granulomatous reaction pattern
Chapter 9: The vasculopathic reaction pattern
Chapter 10: Disorders of epidermal maturation and keratinization
Chapter 11: Disorders of pigmentation
Chapter 12: Disorders of collagen
Chapter 13: Disorders of elastic tissue
Chapter 14: Cutaneous mucinoses
Chapter 15: Cutaneous deposits
Chapter 16: Diseases of cutaneous appendages
Chapter 17: Cysts, sinuses, and pits
Chapter 19: Metabolic and storage diseases
Chapter 21: Cutaneous drug reactions
Chapter 22: Reactions to physical agents
Chapter 24: Bacterial and rickettsial infections
Chapter 25: Spirochetal infections
Chapter 26: Mycoses and algal infections
Chapter 27: Viral diseases
Chapter 28: Protozoal infections
Chapter 29: Marine injuries
Chapter 30: Helminth infestations
Chapter 31: Arthropod-induced diseases
Chapter 32: Tumors of the epidermis
Chapter 33: Lentigines, nevi, and melanomas
Chapter 34: Tumors of cutaneous appendages
Chapter 35: Tumors and tumor-like proliferations of fibrous and related tissues
Chapter 36: Tumors of fat
Chapter 37: Tumors of muscle, cartilage, and bone
Chapter 38: Neural and neuroendocrine tumors
Chapter 39: Vascular tumors
Chapter 40: Cutaneous metastases
Chapter 41: Cutaneous infiltrates—nonlymphoid
Chapter 42: Cutaneous infiltrates—lymphomatous and leukemic
Chapter 2. An approach to the interpretation of skin biopsies
Major tissue reaction patterns
Minor tissue reaction patterns
Chapter 3. Diagnostic clues
Features of particular processes
Histological features—what do they suggest?
Clues to a particular disease
General helpful hints and cautions
Section 2. Tissue reaction patterns
Chapter 4. The lichenoid reaction pattern (“interface dermatitis”)
Lichenoid (Interface) Dermatoses
Other Lichenoid (Interface) Diseases
Chapter 5. The psoriasiform reaction pattern
Major psoriasiform dermatoses
Other psoriasiform dermatoses
Chapter 6. The spongiotic reaction pattern
Other spongiotic disorders
Chapter 7. The vesiculobullous reaction pattern
Intracorneal and Subcorneal Blisters
Subepidermal Blisters—A Classification
Subepidermal Blisters with Little Inflammation
Subepidermal Blisters with Lymphocytes
Subepidermal Blisters with Eosinophils
Subepidermal Blisters with Neutrophils
Subepidermal Blisters with Mast Cells
Miscellaneous Blistering Diseases
Chapter 8. The granulomatous reaction pattern
Necrobiotic (collagenolytic) granulomas
Lichenoid and granulomatous dermatitis
Chapter 9. The vasculopathic reaction pattern
Vascular occlusive diseases
Other vascular occlusive diseases
Chronic lymphocytic vasculitis
Vasculitis with granulomatosis
Miscellaneous vascular disorders
Chapter 10. Disorders of epidermal maturation and keratinization
Palmoplantar keratodermas and related conditions
Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
Acantholytic dyskeratosis
Hypergranulotic dyscornification
Discrete keratotic lesions
Miscellaneous epidermal genodermatoses
Chapter 11. Disorders of pigmentation
Disorders characterized by hypopigmentation
Disorders characterized by hyperpigmentation
Section 4. The dermis and subcutis
Chapter 12. Disorders of collagen
Other hypertrophic collagenoses
Variable collagen changes
Syndromes of premature aging
Chapter 13. Disorders of elastic tissue
Solar elastotic syndromes
Variable or minor elastic tissue changes
Chapter 14. Cutaneous mucinoses
Chapter 15. Cutaneous deposits
Calcium, bone, and cartilage
Pigment and related deposits
Chapter 16. Diseases of cutaneous appendages
Inflammatory diseases of the pilosebaceous apparatus
Chapter 17. Cysts, sinuses, and pits
Panniculitis secondary to large vessel vasculitis
Section 5. The skin in systemic and miscellaneous diseases
Chapter 19. Metabolic and storage diseases
Vitamin and dietary disturbances
Lysosomal storage diseases
Miscellaneous metabolic and systemic diseases
Chapter 20. Miscellaneous conditions
Confluent and reticulated papillomatosis
Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica
Chapter 21. Cutaneous drug reactions
Clinicopathological reactions
Chapter 22. Reactions to physical agents
Reactions to trauma and irritation
Reactions to heat and cold
Reactions to light (photodermatoses)
Section 6. Infections and infestations
Chapter 23. Cutaneous infections and infestations—histological patterns
Histological patterns in infections and infestations
Chapter 24. Bacterial and rickettsial infections
Superficial pyogenic infections
Deep pyogenic infections (cellulitis)
Corynebacterial infections
Miscellaneous bacterial infections
Chapter 25. Spirochetal infections
Chapter 26. Mycoses and algal infections
Superficial filamentous infections
Mycetoma and morphologically mimilar conditions
Chapter 27. Viral diseases
Papovaviridae (papillomaviridae)
Chapter 28. Protozoal infections
Chapter 29. Marine injuries
Chapter 30. Helminth infestations
Chapter 31. Arthropod-induced diseases
Chapter 32. Tumors of the epidermis
Pseudoepitheliomatous hyperplasia
Intraepidermal carcinomas
33. Lentigines, nevi, and melanomas
Lesions with basal melanocyte proliferation
Atypical nevomelanocytic lesions
Dermal melanocytic lesions
Miscellaneous melanocytic and melanocytic-like lesions
34. Tumors of cutaneous appendages
Cutaneous oncocytoma (periocular oncocytoma)
Nevoid follicular lesions
Benign nongerminative follicular neoplasms
Benign follicular neoplasms with germinative-type differentiation
Neoplasms with differentiation toward follicular mesenchyme
Malignant pilar neoplasms
Pseudoneoplastic sebaceous proliferations
Tumors with focal sebaceous differentiation
Malignant sebaceous tumors
Nevi and malformations of sweat glands
Benign sweat gland tumors
Tumors of modified apocrine glands
Malignant sweat gland tumors
Adnexal carcinomas with benign counterparts
Adnexal carcinomas with distinctive features
Other sweat gland carcinomas
Chapter 35. Tumors and tumor-like proliferations of fibrous and related tissues
Fibrous overgrowths, fibromatoses, myofibroblastic proliferations, and fibrosarcoma
Chapter 36. Tumors of fat
Benign lipomatous lesions
Atypical lipomatous tumors335–338
Malignant lipomatous tumors
Chapter 37. Tumors of muscle, cartilage, and bone
Tumors of striated muscle
Chapter 38. Neural and neuroendocrine tumors
Chapter 39. Vascular tumors
Hamartomas and malformations
Vascular dilatations (telangiectases)
Vascular proliferations (hyperplasias and benign neoplasms)
Tumors with variable or uncertain behavior
Tumors with a significant vascular component
Chapter 40. Cutaneous metastases
Clinical and morphological features
Chapter 41. Cutaneous infiltrates—nonlymphoid
Histiocytic infiltrates (nonLangerhans cell)
Langerhans cell infiltrates
Chapter 42. Cutaneous infiltrates—lymphomatous and leukemic
Cutaneous T-Cell and NK-Cell Lymphomas
Cutaneous B-Cell Lymphomas
Precursor Hematological Neoplasm
Secondary cutaneous involvement in T-Cell lymphomas and leukemias
Other B-Cell lymphomas that may involve the skin
Cutaneous infiltrates of leukemias
Lymphoid hyperplasias mimicking primary lymphoma
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