World Scientific Handbook of Transboundary Water Management : Science, Economics, Policy and Politics

Editor-in-Chief: Shlomi Dinar, Florida International University, USA
2025:03 4 vols. 1,284 p. set ISBN 978-981-12-9985-8 (World Scientific) -US-
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Volume 1
Cooperating Over Shared Freshwater Resources Using International Law:
- Introduction
- A Historical Overview of the Evolution and Broadening of International Water Law
- International Water Law and Cooperation Over Shared Freshwater Resources: An Introduction
- Cooperation in a Transboundary Water Context: The African Experience
- The Importance of Environmental Flows in International Water Agreements
- The Role of International Law in Water Security: A Focus on Transboundary Groundwater
- The Nexus Approach in the Framework of International Water Law: Legal Challenges and Opportunities for Cooperation
- Water and Indigenous Peoples: The Jurisprudence of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and its Impacts on the Governance of International Watercourses
- Participation of Local Actors in the Management of Shared Freshwater Resources: The Case of the Silala
- Factors Affecting the Adoption of Transboundary Groundwater Agreements and Potential Solutions: A Focus on the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System
- Managing Transboundary Waters through Treaties: The Case of the Ganges Basin Practice, Problems, and Prospects
- Incremental Cooperation Linking Science and International Water Law: The Stampriet and Ocotepeque-Citalá Transboundary Aquifers
Volume 2
Tapping Technologies: The Role of Technological Change in Transboundary Water Management:
- The Technological Transformation of Transboundary Water Management
- An Overview of Disruptive Technologies for Transboundary Water Management
- Systems Analysis to Inform Transboundary Resource Management
- Desalination and the Transformation of Transboundary Water Policy
- Wastewater Recycling in Transboundary Non-humid Settings: Will Win–Win–Win Options Materialize?
- Using Satellite-Derived Surface Wetness to Monitor Water Resources and River Discharge
- Technological Advances in Remote Sensing: Help or Hindrance for Groundwater Governance?
- Applications of Satellite-Based Remote Sensing for Transboundary Water Management in Marine Environments: Mapping Wastewater Effluent Off the Coast of Gaza
- Application of Ensemble and Deep Learning Algorithms to Model Groundwater Levels in a Data-Scarce Aquifer in Southern Africa
- Forecasting High-Resolution Groundwater Level Anomalies Using an Autoregressive Machine Learning Approach: A Case Study of the Ramotswa/North West/Gauteng Dolomite Aquifers of Southern Africa
- Cybersecurity in the Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WaSH) Sector: Implications for Transboundary Water Management
- Technological Fix: An Anatomy and Antonym of a Term
Volume 3
The Role of Formal and Informal Institutions in Managing Transboundary Basins:
- The Role of Institutions in Governing Transboundary Rivers: An Introduction
- Changing Values: Trends in International Freshwater Agreements
- The Role of Basin Water Treaties and Basin Organizations in Managing Transboundary Water Resources: Taking Stock of Current Practice
- Enduring Transboundary Water Treaties: Complex Redundancy as a Condition of Treaty Persistence
- Transboundary Water Organizations: Mechanisms and Challenges for Managing Evolving Disputes
- Governing the North American Great Lakes across National and Subnational Borders
- The Politicization of Water: How Water Fell Hostage to Israeli Jordanian Politics
- Historical Review of Formal and Informal Water Institutions in the Euphrates-Tigris Region with a Specific Focus on Water Relations between Turkey and Iraq
- Transboundary Water Governance Institutions in La Plata Basin: The Quaraí Sub-Catchment and the Role of Rice Farmers
- Institutions in the Nile Basin: Extending the Present State of Transboundary Affairs
- River Management in the GBM Basin: A Comparative Analysis of Formal and Informal Water Management Institutions in India and Bangladesh
Volume 4
Transboundary Water Management Across Scales: Understanding the Domestic-International Interplay:
- The Domestic-International Interplay in Transboundary Waters
- The Politics of Scale Framing in the River Rhine Negotiations: Restoring Migration Routes for Anadromous Fish
- Governance of a Transboundary River: A Comparative Geohistorical Analysis of the Rhȏne River in France and Switzerland
- DomesticéInternational Nexus of Transboundary Interactions: The Case of Finnish–Russian Water Diplomacy and Cooperation
- Sectors and Scales in Transboundary Water Governance: A Case Study of the Mekong Region
- Employing Non-Decision Making: A Thoughtful Strategy and Tactics Used in the Brahmaputra River Basin
- Benefit Sharing and Its Application in China’s Shared Rivers: Views from the Chinese Epistemic Community
- Multilevel Hydropolitics in the Euphrates-Tigris River Basin
- Managing Wastewater across Borders: A Case-Study from Palestine and Israel
- Two-Level River Games: Egypt, Ethiopia and GERD Negotiations on the Nile
- Transnationalization of Water Knowledge in South Africa’s Inkomati-Usuthu Water Management Area
- National and International Institutional Frameworks for the Multilevel Management of Surface and Groundwater Resources: The La Plata Basin
(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)