
Galeが提供するデータベース、U.S. Declassified Documents Onlineは、これらのアメリカ政府関連文書の中でも最高度に重要な文書群を収録します。

◆ ホワイトハウス |
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アメリカ政府の機密指定解除文書 100,000件以上を搭載、毎年約 5,000 件を追加
U.S. Declassified Documents Onlineは、アメリカ連邦政府が発行した文書のうち、機密指定の解除された文書を搭載、フルテキスト検索を実現したものです。150,000件以上の文書を搭載し、最も古い文書は1900年のものです。毎年5,000件の文書がサプルメントとして追加されます。連邦政府省庁の機密指定 解除文書を提供するコレクションとしては最大規模を誇る電子リソースです。
1960 年代以降の情報公開制度は機密文書へのアクセスを容易にしました。
ニクソン大統領が発行した大統領行政命令第11,652号において、機密文書解除に関する体系的審査(Systematic Review)と強制的審査(Mandatory Review)の手続きが定められました。これにより、原機密指定において定められた機密期間が満了する以前に、然るべき手続きを踏めば機密文書が開示される道が開かれることになりました。また、1960年代に制定されその後 修正された情報自由法(Freedom of Information Act)に基づく機密文書の開示も制度化されるようになりました。こうして1970年代になると強制的審査や情報自由法に基づく機密文書開示請求(MR 請求や FOIA 請求)が盛んになります。
開示請求される文書は開示請求されるだけの内容を持つことが予想されるため、これらの文書を広く利用できる形で提供するサービスが待たれるようになりました。こうして始まったのが、Declassified Documents Reference System(DDRS)です。DDRS は、政府省庁や大統領図書館が開示請求を受け、機密解除した文書に関して、索引と抄録を紙媒体で、文書をマイクロフィッシュ版で提供しました。その後DDRSは2000年代にウェブ版に移行、さらに新しい機能を追加したU.S. Declassified Documents Online(USDDO)としてアップグレードされ、現在に至っています。
本データベースは、国務省、国防省、CIA、FBI、国家安全保障会議、ホワイトハウス等、約60機関の米国政府省庁の機密文書を収録し、機密 (Top Secret)、極秘 (Secret)、秘 (Confidential) 等の機密類型、文書種別、文書発行期間、機密指定解除機関での絞込みを実現しただけでなく、OCR処理による全文検索をも実現し、文書の発見を飛躍的に容易にしました。

さらに、用語の時系列での出現頻度や検索語の関連ワードをグラフ化する視覚化機能、 PDFファイルダウンロード機能、OCRテキストダウンロード機能、タグ付与機能等を実装し、文書単位だけでなく、単語レベルでの詳細な分析への道を開き、機密文書の学術利用に新次元をもたらします。
2019年サプルメント ハイライト
タイトル |
刊行年月日 |
情報源 |
White House staff secretary Kenneth Cole, Jr. provides President Richard M. Nixon with an agenda in preparation for a 9//15//1969 meeting with Office of Science and Technology director Lee DuBridge. Items include: release of the Pitzer report on underground nuclear tests; scientific mission to Europe; Environmental Quality Council recommendations; research and development (R&D) budget for 1971 |
September 13, 1969 |
White House |
Detailed information on the history and publications of the U.S. Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (USA CRREL). The USA CRREL conducts research and engineering studies pertaining to materials, techniques, and events unique to cold environments, and to the design of material introduced into cold environments |
March 1, 1971 |
Department of Defense |
Secretary of State George Shultz provides officials at all U.S. diplomatic posts with an update on the international Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Treaty, adopted on 9/16/1987. This treaty is designed to protect the ozone layer by phasing out the production of numerous substances that are responsible for ozone depletion. This Protocol was negotiated under the auspices of the UN Environment Program |
October 14, 1987 |
Department of State |
Secretary of State George Shultz provides officials at all U.S. diplomatic posts with an update on the international Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer Treaty, adopted on 9/16/1987. The U.S Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced on 12/1/1876 proposed regulations to implement the Protocol |
January 30, 1988 |
Department of State |
Secretary of State George Shultz informs officials at U.S. diplomatic posts in China and India of concern over China ad India’s possible decision not to participate in the international Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Shultz asks officials to promote the ratification of this Protocol by China and India |
January 30, 1988 |
Department of State |
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Environment, Health and Natural Resources William Nitze provides an update on the legal and institutional mechanisms of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Response Strategies Working Group (RSWG). |
August 15, 1989 |
Department of State |
Report lays out policy guidelines for the UN Response Strategies Working Group (RSWG) when they meet at the 10/2-10/6/1989 sessions at Geneva, Switzerland, with regard to climate changes – research, legal measures, financing |
September 28, 1989 |
Department of State |
Informational memorandum with regard to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Working Group. The IPCC was formed by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the UN Environment Program (UNEP). The IPCC assesses the science of climate change, examines the socioeconomic impacts, and explores possible mitigative strategies |
June 7, 1990 |
Department of Energy |
Office of Microeconomic Analysis director John Hambor informs Secretary of the Treasury Paul O’Neill of an upcoming State Department briefing on U.S. climate change policy |
February 20, 2001 |
Department of the Treasury |
Department of the Treasury Deputy Chief of Staff Jeffrey Kupfer is provided with questions surrounding global climate change and possible multi-emissions strategy concerning carbon dioxide’s impact on coal use and electricity prices |
March 11, 2001 |
Department of the Treasury |
Summary of an early December 2003 climate change conference held in Milan, Italy. The presentation was given by Harlan Watson, senior climate negotiator and special representative of the U.S. Department of the U.S. Department of State |
January 7, 2004 |
Department of State |
タイトル |
刊行年月日 |
情報源 |
U.S. District Court Western District of Washington vs. President Donald J. Trump, Homeland Security Secretary John Kenny, and Acting Secretary of State Thomas Shannon with a Motion for Temporary Restraining Order. President Trump signed an Executive Order (E.O.) banning Muslims from entering the U.S., which is being challenged by the courts |
January 30, 2017 |
Department of Justice |
In a letter to U.S. Senator Ronald Wyden (D-Oklahoma), Christopher Krebs, senior official performing the duties of the Under-Secretary of Homeland Security, questions why Wyden objects to Senate consideration of President Donald J. Trump’s nomination for him to serve as the Under-Secretary of DHS National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) |
May 22, 2018 |
Department of Homeland Security |
Lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia by Citizens For Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW), National Security Archive, and Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations [Plaintiffs], versus President Donald J. Trump and the Executive Office of the President [Defendants]. This is a civil action against the “Defendants” asking that the White House create and preserve records of presidential meetings with foreign leaders, as required by the Presidential Records Act |
May 7, 2019 |
Department of Justice |
(センゲージ ラーニング株式会社)
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