教育と児童期研究を国際的にカバーする電子リソース、Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies
2019年、教育と児童期研究を国際的にカバーする体系的かつ包括的なデータベースBloomsbury Education and Childhood Studiesがリリースされました。教育レベルを対象年齢に応じて6段階にわけ、各期間の研究や国間の比較し、各国の教育システム・方針・児童期の性質や経験への理解を深めることを可能にします。
- 就学前教育(early childhood education)
- 児童期(childhood)
- 青年期(youth)
- 初等教育(primary education)
- 中等教育(secondary education)
- 高等教育(higher education)
Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studiesが定期的にご利用者にご案内している特集テーマをピックアップすることで、本データベースが収録する多彩なコンテンツの魅力をご紹介してきます。
FEATURED COUNTRY: Albania(国特集:アルバニア)
アルバニアでは、この20年間に、大学より下の高等教育に対して重要な改革の努力を行ってきました。1991年まで、アルバニアはヨーロッパの中で最も経済的に恵まれない国の1つであり、長年にわたり、社会主義体制下におかれていました。共産主義の終焉に伴い、アルバニアは教育モデル・政策だけでなく、財政支援をも国際機関・組織に頼ってきました。1990年代初頭に、民主主義に関する新しい考え方を取り入れたカリキュラムの見直しが行われました。2001年に、アルバニアは国際連合のミレニアム開発目標(Millennium Development Goals)における貧困削減と教育・保健分野の改革の枠組みを取り入れ、2004年には、義務教育が8年制から9年制に変更されました。

- Gardinier, Meg P. “Albania: An overview.” Education in Non-EU Countries in Western and Southern Europe: Education Around the World. Ed. Terra Sprague . London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. 123–150
- Barr, Abigail , Truman Packard , and Danila Serra. “Participatory Accountability and Collective Action: Evidence from Field Experiments in Albanian Schools.” London: World Bank Group, 2012

- Zhong, Zhou. “China: An Overview.” Education in East Asia. Ed. Pei-tseng Jenny Hsieh . London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. 1–28. Education Around the World
- Dang, Hai-Anh , Yang Huang , and Harris Selod. “Children Left Behind in China.” Children Left Behind in China: The Role of School Fees. , 2016
- “‘I Want to Do the Best Job That I Can, So I Worry’: A Novice Principal in China Reflects on the Responsibility and Complexity of Leading an Urbanizing Rural School: Xiao Liang meets with Fan Heuli, principal of Zhatang Primary School.” New Primary Leaders: International Perspectives. Ed. Michael Cowie . London: Continuum, 2011. 112–124
FEATURED COUNTRY: Australia(国特集:オーストラリア)

- Welch, Anthony. “Federalism in Australian Education.” Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Ed. Michael Crossley , Greg Hancock and Terra Sprague . London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. 41–60. Education Around the World
- Rowe, Emma., “Government, Policy and the Role of the State in Primary Education (Australia).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Rowe, Emma E., “Government, Policy, and the Role of the State in Secondary Education (Australia).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Welch, Anthony , Patricia Konigsberg , Judith Rochecouste , and Glenys Collard. “Australia: Aboriginal Education.” Education in Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific. Ed. Michael Crossley , Greg Hancock and Terra Sprague . London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2015. 91–110. Education Around the World
- Bell and, Amani , and Matthew Benton. “Experiences of Indigenous and Non-Indigenous First Generation Students at an Australian University.” Understanding Experiences of First Generation University Students: Culturally Responsive and Sustaining Methodologies. Ed. Amani Bell and Lorri J. Santamaría . London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2018. 47–72
- Stevens, Robin , and Jane Southcott. “Australia: Recurring problems and unresolved issues.” The Origins and Foundations of Music Education: International Perspectives. Ed. Gordon Cox and Robin Stevens . London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2017. 223–239
- Lovat, Terence. “Service-Learning in the Australian Values Education Program.” Service-Learning and Educating in Challenging Contexts: International Perspectives. Ed. Timothy Murphy and Jon E C Tan . London: Continuum, 2012. 199–216
- “At the Edge of the Silent Centre: An Australian Principal’s Reflections on Leading an Isolated School: A novice principal reflects on his experience with Helen Wildy and Simon Clarke.” New Primary Leaders: International Perspectives. Ed. Michael Cowie . London: Continuum, 2011. 19–30
- Gurr, David , and Lawrie Drysdale. “Australian and Pacific Perspectives.” Successful School Leadership: International Perspectives. Ed. Petros Pashiardis and Olof Johansson . London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. 139–154
FEATURED THEME: Self-confidence in the classroom(特集テーマ:教室で自信を持つこと)

- Ecclestone, Kathryn. “Confident Individuals: The Implications of an ‘Emotional Subject’ for Curriculum Priorities and Practices.” Reinventing the Curriculum: New Trends in Curriculum Policy and Practice. Ed. Mark Priestley and Gert Biesta . London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. 75–98
FEATURED THEME: Play(特集テーマ:遊び)

- Thomas, Amanda , and Alyson Lewis. “International Perspectives on Play.” An Introduction to the Foundation Phase: Early Years Curriculum in Wales. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. 51–72
- Thomas, Amanda , and Alyson Lewis. “Planning for Purposeful Play in the Foundation Phase.” An Introduction to the Foundation Phase: Early Years Curriculum in Wales. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016. 139–158
ARTICLE SPOTLIGHT(高等教育のグローバリゼーション)

- Zhang, Zheng , and Zhen Lin., “Globalization in Higher Education (Canada).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Chirinda, Brantina , and Judah Paul Makonye., “Globalization in Higher Education (South Africa).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Engin, Gizem , and Salih Zeki Genç., “Globalization in Higher Education (Turkey).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
ARTICLE SPOTLIGHTS: Friendship and Peer Cultures(友情とピアカルチャー)

- Du, Xiaoxiao., Crocker, Wendy A., “Friendship and Peer Culture in Childhood (Canada).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Fritz-Macías, Heidi., “Friendship and Peer Cultures in Childhood (Mexico).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Güney Karaman, Neslihan , and Nevra Atış Akyol., “Friendship and Peer Cultures in Childhood (Turkey).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
ARTICLE SPOTLIGHTS: Special Educational Needs and Disabilities(特殊教育の必要性と障害)

- Kotb, Heba , and Hala A. Hak., “Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Primary Education (Egypt).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Pe Symaco, Teri Lee., “Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Primary Education (Philippines).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Banner, Tiffany., “Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Primary Education (Australia).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Wearmouth, Janice., “Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Primary Education (England).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
- Omoke, Charles Makori., “Special Educational Needs and Disabilities in Primary Education (Kenya).” Bloomsbury Education and Childhood Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2019
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