Brockelmann Online:
アラビア語の歴史的文献を読むすべての研究者に必備の参考書Carl Brockelman(1868-1956)の“Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur”を電子化しました。ドイツ語原典版と補遺3巻を収録します。

Brockelmann in English:

Table of contents
- Introduction
- I. The task of literary history
- II. Sources and earlier accounts of the literary history of the Arabs
- III. Division of the history of Arabic literature
Book 1. The national literature of the Arabs
First Section. From the beginnings until the appearance of Muḥammad
- Chapter 1. The Arabic language
- Chapter 2. The beginnings of poetry
- Chapter 3. Forms of Arabic poetry
- Chapter 4. General characteristics of ancient Arabic poetry
- Chapter 5. The transmission of Arabic poetry
- Chapter 6. The sources for our knowledge of ancient Arabic poetry
- Chapter 7. The six poets
- Chapter 8. Other poets of pre-Islamic times
- Chapter 9. Jewish and Christian poets before Islam
- Chapter 10. The beginnings of Arabic prose
Second Section. Muḥammad and his time
- Chapter 1. Muḥammad the Prophet
- Chapter 2. The Qurʾān
- Chapter 3. Labīd and al-Aʿshā
- Chapter 4. Ḥassān b. Thābit
- Chapter 5. Kaʿb b. Zuhayr
- Chapter 6. Mutammin b. Nuwayra
- Chapter 7. Al-Khansāʾ
- Chapter 8. Abū Miḥjan and al-Ḥuṭayʾa
- Chapter 9. Minor poets
- Chapter 10. Two forgeries
Third Section. The period of the Umayyads
- Chapter 1. General characteristics
- Chapter 2. ʿUmar b. Abī Rabīʿa
- Chapter 3. Other poets in Arabia
- Chapter 4. Al-Akhṭal
- Chapter 5. Al-Farazdaq
- Chapter 6. Jarīr
- Chapter 7. Dhu ̓l-Rumma
- Chapter 8. The rajaz poets
- Chapter 9. Minor poets
- Chapter 10. Prose writing at the time of the Umayyads
Book 2. Islamic literature in the Arabic language
First section. The Classical period from ca. 750 until ca. 1000
- Chapter 1. Introduction
- Chapter 2. Poetry
- Chapter 3. Rhymed prose
- Chapter 4. Philology Historiography
- Chapter 5. Belles lettres in prose
- Chapter 6. Ḥadīth
- Chapter 7. Fiqh
- Chapter 8. Sciences of the Qurʾān
Second Section. The post-Classical period of Islamic literature from ca. 1000 until ca. 1258
- Chapter 1. Poetry
- Chapter 2. Rhymed prose and stylistics
- Chapter 3. Philology
- Chapter 4. Historiography
- Chapter 5. Belles lettres in prose
- Chapter 6. Ḥadīth
- Chapter 7. Fiqh
- Chapter 8. The sciences of the Qurʾān
- Chapter 9. Dogmatics
- Chapter 10. Mysticism
- Chapter 11. Philosophy and politics
- Chapter 12. Mathematics
- Chapter 13. Astronomy
- Chapter 14. Geography and travelogues
- Chapter 15. Medicine
- Chapter 16. A. Natural sciences and technology/B. Games, sports, and war C. Music
- Chapter 17. Occult sciences
- Chapter 18. Encyclopaedias
Book 3. The decline of Islamic literature
First Section. From Mongol rule until the conquest of Egypt by Sultan Selīm I in the year 1517
- Chapter 1. Egypt and Syria
- Chapter 2. Iraq and al-Jazīra
- Chapter 3. North Arabia
- Chapter 4. South Arabia
- Chapter 5. Iran and Turan
- Chapter 6. India
- Chapter 7. The Turks of Rūm and the Ottoman empire
- Chapter 8. North Africa
- Chapter 9. Spain
Second Section. From the conquest of Egypt by Sultan Selīm I in 1517 to the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt in 1798
- Chapter 1. Egypt and Syria
- Chapter 2. Al-Jazīra, Iraq, and Bahrain
- Chapter 3. North Arabia
- Chapter 4. South Arabia
- Chapter 5. Oman, East Africa, and Abessinia
- Chapter 6. Iran and Tūrān
- Chapter 7. India
- Chapter 8. The Malay Archipelago
- Chapter 9. Rumelia and Anatolia
- Chapter 10. The Maghreb
- Chapter 11. The Sudan
Third Section. From the Napoleonic expedition to Egypt in 1798 until the present day
- Chapter 1. Egypt
- Chapter 2. Syria
- Chapter 3. Mesopotamia and Iraq
- Chapter 4. Mecca (North Arabia)
- Chapter 5. South Arabia
- Chapter 6. Oman
- Chapter 7. Persia
- Chapter 8. Afghanistan
- Chapter 9. India
- Chapter 11. Istanbul
- Chapter 12. Russia
- Chapter 13. The Maghreb
- Chapter 14. The Sudan
- Addenda & Corrigenda
- Postscript
- Abbreviations
Brockelmann’s Geschichte der arabischen Litteratur offers bio-bibliographic information about works written in Arabic and their authors, with an emphasis on the classical period. This originally multivolume reference work is divided in chronologically organized sections, which are subdivided by literary genre. Individual entries typically consist of a biographical section and a list of the author’s works in manuscript and print, with references to secondary literature.
The present English translation reproduces the original German of Carl Brockelmann’s Geschichte der Arabischen Litteratur (GAL) as accurately as possible. In the interest of user-friendliness the following emendations have been made in the translation: Personal names are written out in full, except for ibn; Brockelmann’s transliteration of Arabic has been adapted to comply with modern standards for English-language publications; modern English equivalents are given for place names, e.g. Damascus, Cairo, Jerusalem, etc.; several erroneous dates have been corrected, and the page references to the two German editions have been retained in the margin, except in the Supplement volumes, where new references to the first two English volumes have been inserted. Supplement volume SIII-ii offers the thee Indices (authors, titles, and Western editors/publishers).
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