
Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press / コールド・スプリング・ハーバー研究所出版局 (日本販売総代理店:株式会社紀伊國屋書店)
70-Year Online Archive of Symposia on Quantitative Biologyとは
二重らせん構造、遺伝コード、ヒトゲノムプロジェクト、ジャンピング遺伝子、ポリメラーゼ連鎖反応(PCR)、RNA干渉(RNAi)など数百もの生物学における重要な進歩が Cold Spring Harborのシンポジウムで発表されてきました。
本商品は、そのうち 1933 年から 2003 年の 70 年にかけて行われた重要な シンポジウム のアーカイブ版です。

70-Year Online Archive of Symposia on Quantitative Biology – http://symposium.cshlp.org/site/misc/index_archive.xhtml
1933: Surface Phenomena, Vol. I
1934: Aspects of Growth, Vol II
1935: Photochemical Reactions, Vol. III
1936: Excitation Phenomena, Vol. IV
1937: Internal Secretions, Vol. V
1938: Protein Chemistry, Vol. VI
1939: Biological Oxidations, Vol. VII
1940: Permeability and the Nature of Cell Membranes, Vol. VIII
1941: Genes and Chromosomes: Structure and Organization, Vol. IX
1942: The Relation of Hormones to Development, Vol. X
1946: Heredity and Variation in Microorganisms, Vol. XI (微生物の遺伝と変異)
1947: Nucleic Acids and Nucleoproteins, Vol. XII
1948: Biological Applications of Tracer Elements, Vol. XIII
1949: Amino Acids and Proteins, Vol. XIV
1950: Origin and Evolution of Man, Vol. XV(人間の起源と進化)
1951: Genes and Mutations, Vol. XVI(遺伝子と遺伝子変異)
1952: The Neuron, Vol. XVII
1953: Viruses, Vol. XVIII(ウイルス)
1954: The Mammalian Fetus: Physiological Aspects of Development, Vol. XIX
1955: Population Genetics: The Nature and Causes of Genetic Variability in Population, Vol. XX
1956: Genetic Mechanisms: Structure and Function, Vol. XXI
1957: Population Studies: Animal Ecology and Demography, Vol. XXII
1958: Exchange of Genetic Material: Mechanism and Consequences, Vol. XXIII
1959: Genetics and Twentieth Century Darwinism, Vol. XXIV
1960: Biological Clocks, Vol. XXV
1961: Cellular Regulatory Mechanisms, Vol. XXVI
1962: Basic Mechanisms in Animal Virus Biology, Vol. XXVII
1963: Synthesis and Structure of Macromolecules, Vol. XXVIII
1964: Human Genetics, Vol. XXIX
1965: Sensory Receptors, Vol. XXX
1966: The Genetic Code, Vol. XXXI(遺伝コード)
1967: Antibodies, Vol. XXXII
1968: Replication of DNA in Microorganisms, Vol. XXXIII
1969: The Mechanism of Protein Synthesis, Vol. XXXIV
1970: Transcription of Genetic Material, Vol. XXXV
1971: Structure and Function of Proteins at the Three-Dimensional Level, Vol. XXXVI
1972: The Mechanism of Muscle Contraction, Vol. XXXVII
1973: Chromosome Structure and Function, Vol. XXXVIII
1974: Tumor Viruses, Vol. XXXIX
1975: The Synapse, Vol. XL
1976: Origins of Lymphocyte Diversity, Vol. XLI
1977: Chromatin, Vol. XLII
1978: DNA: Replication and Recombination, Vol. XLIII
1979: Viral Oncogenes, Vol. XLIV
1980: Movable Genetic Elements, Vol. XLV(可動遺伝因子)
1981: Organization of the Cytoplasm, Vol. XLVI
1982: Structures of DNA, Vol. XLVII
1983: Molecular Neurobiology, Vol. XLVIII
1984: Recombination at the DNA Level, Vol. XLIX
1985: Molecular Biology of Development, Vol. L
1986: Molecular Biology of Homo Sapiens, Vol. LI
1987: Evolution of Catalytic Function, Vol. LII(触媒機能の進化)
1988: Molecular Biology of Signal Transduction, Vol. LIII
1989: Immunological Recognition, Vol. LIV
1990: The Brain, Vol. LV(脳)
1991: The Cell Cycle, Vol. LVI
1992: The Cell Surface, Vol. LVII
1993: DNA & Chromosomes, Vol. LVIII
1994: Molecular Genetics of Cancer, Vol. LIX
1995: The Dynamics of Protein Kinesis, Vol. LX
1996: Function & Dysfunction in the Nervous System, Vol. LXI
1997: Pattern Formation During Development, Vol. LXII
1998: Mechanisms of Transcription, Vol. LXIII
1999: Signaling and Gene Expression in the Immune System, Vol. LXIV
2000: Biological Responses to DNA Damage, Vol. LXV
2001: The Ribosome, Vol. LXVI
2002: The Cardiovascular System, Vol. LXVII
2003: The Genome of Homo sapiens, Vol. LXVIII(ホモ・サピエンスのゲノム解析)
買切価格: USD 3,000.00
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