Encyclopedia of Sustainable Management

Editors: Samuel O. Idowu, – London Metropolitan University, UK & René Schmidpeter, BFH – Bern, Switzerland, Nicholas Capald, Loyola University New Orleans, USA, Liangrong Zu, International Labor Organization, Italy, Mara Del Baldo, University of Urbino Carlo Bo, Urbino, Italy & Rute Abreu, – Instituto Politécnico da Guarda, Portugal
2023:11 4 vols. 4,003 p. ISBN 978-3-031-25983-8 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 2999.99
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地球環境の危機の時代を迎えて、あらゆる分野で「持続可能性」への取り組みが求められています。それはもちろんビジネス・経営についても例外ではなく、「持続可能な経営」(Sustainable Management)というキーワードには、企業が自社の短期的利益ばかりを求めるのでなく、地球をはじめとする多様なステークホルダーと共存しながら長期的な成長を目指していくビジョンが込められています。「SDGs」「ESG」「CSR」などの関連性の深い概念とともに、環境・社会・経済を軸とする新たな経営の理念をいかに理解し実践していくかが、今後の組織のありかた全般的に問われることになります。
- エコロジカル・フットプリント
- 環境・社会・ガバナンス(ESG)
- グリーンウォッシング
- 経営倫理の数値化
- システム思考
- 持続可能な企業責任(SCR)
- 持続可能な幸福
- 消費者の社会的責任
- 戦略的経営と企業の社会的責任(CSR)
- ニートの若者のマネジメント
- ビジネス・エコシステム
- 不動産業における持続可能性と持続可能な開発
Section Editor: Andrea Venturelli
- Adversarial Ethics
- Affirmative Action
- Agenda21 (UN)
- Anthropological Sustainability
- Audit
- Benchmarking
- Civil Economy
- Climate Ethics
- Collective Bargaining
- Conspicuous Consumption/Positional Goods
- Corporate Governance Reporting
- Corporate Social Performance
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Corporate Social Responsibility in Tourism
- Corporate Sustainability Reporting Index
- Corruption
- Cross-Cultural Management
- Disaster Management
- Employment Engagement
- Environmental Disclosure
- Equality of Opportunity
- Eudaimonic Management
- European Union Directive: The 8th Company Law Directive on Disclosure and Transparency
- Finance and CSR
- Fiscal Fairness
- Good Governance
- Green Circular Economy
- HR and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Humanistic Management and Entrepreneurship
- Mandatory CSR
- Market for Corporate Control and CSR
- Market-Based Mechanism of Regulation
- Media CSR Forum
- Quantification of Business Ethics
- Regulations
- Reporting Framework
- Risk Management and CSR
- SAM Sustainability Indices
- Sarbanes-Oxley and Nonfinancial Reporting
- SMEs (and CSR)
- Social Capital, Measurement of
- Social Case of CSR
- Social Legitimacy
- Social Risk
- Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
- Stakeholder Thinking
- Sustainable Stakeholder Dialogue
- Sustainable Marketing II
- United Nations Environment Program (UNEP)
- United Nations Intergovernmental Working Group of Experts on International Standards of Accounting and Reporting
Section Editor: Prof. Arto O. Salonen
- Acceptability of Operations
- Asbestos
- Assurance Market
- Awareness Management
- Brand Management
- Collaborative Consumption
- Collaborative Teamworking
- Communication and Innovation
- Communication of CSR Information
- Compulsive Buying
- Corporate Governance
- Corporate Manslaughter
- Corporate Objectives
- Corporate Strategy
- Covestro AG
- Culture, Tourism, and Sustainability (Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism, Social Sustainability of Tourism, Socio-cultural Sustainability of Tourism)
- Customer Service
- Embedded CSR
- Embedded Sustainability
- Emerging Markets
- Enlightened Self-Interest
- Environment, Tourism, and Sustainability (Ecotourism Management, Environment and Sustainable Tourism)
- Forest Stewardship Council
- Insider Trading
- John Gerard Ruggie and the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights Knowledge Management
- Leadership Communication
- Legitimacy of Operations
- Managing Change for Sustainability
- Mindfulness
- New Markets
- Phronesis
- Residual Claimant Theory
- Resource-Based View
- Role of the Private Sector in Sustainable Development
- Shareholder Model
- Sharing Economy
- Social License to Operate
- Societal Marketing
- Sovereign Wealth Funds
- Stakeholder Model
- Standards for the Assurance of CSR Information
- Sustainability in Tourism Marketing (Sustainable Tourism Marketing)
- Sustainable Communities
- Sustainable Competitiveness
- Sustainable Tourism (Sustainable Development of Tourism, Sustainable Tourism Management)
- Sustainable Tourism Products and Policies
- Sustainable Transition
- Systemic Transition
- Modern Corporation and Private Property, The United Nations Human Rights Committee
- William C. Frederick
Section Editor: Prof. Benedict Sheehy
- Balanced Scorecard
- Base of the Pyramid
- Behavioral Finance
- Blue Economy (Sustainability)
- Business Ethics
- Circular Economy
- Consumerism
- Controlling the Building Energy Footprint
- Corporate Citizenship
- Corporate Codes of Conduct
- Corporate Compliance
- Corporate Finance
- Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility
- Cradle to Cradle
- CSR 1.0/2.0/3.0
- Energy Efficiency in Public Building Procurement
- Energy Pricing for Households for Promoting
- Energy Efficiency
- Environmental Responsibility
- European Framework on CSR
- Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs)
- Global Reporting Initiative
- Global Reporting Initiative Standards
- Greenwashing
- Inclusive Innovation
- Innovation and CSR
- Institutional Theory
- Integrated Reporting
- Kaizen
- Life Cycle Management II
- Malnutrition and Sustainable Management
- Media Ethics
- Needs and Barriers for Local Energy Market Solutions
- Net Neutrality
- Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises
- OECD Principles of Corporate Governance
- Personhood and Sustainable Management
- Porter and Kramer’s (2006) “Shared Value”
- Prahalad’s “Bottom of the Pyramid”
- Product-Service Systems
- Social Care
- Social Marketing
- Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility
- Strategic Management and CSR
- Supply Chain Management
- Sustainability of Waste Management System: Environmental Impact Management with Life Cycle Assessment
- Sustainability of Waste Management System: Treatment and Separation for Material Recovery
- Sustainability of Waste Management System: Waste Generation and Collection
- Sustainability of Waste Management Systems: Energy Recovery
- Sustainability of Waste Management Systems: Final Disposal
- Sustainability Reporting Guidelines
- Sustainable Business Solutions
- Sustainable Energy Grids: Cooperation Between Prosumers, Producers, and Operators
- Sustainable Sports Stadiums
- Triple Bottom Line
- UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights
- UN Principles on Responsible Management Education
- Utilitarianism
- Values Management System
Section Editor: Berna Kirkulak-Uludag
- Bribery
- Building Energy Management
- Business Compliance Initiatives
- Business Ecosystems
- Business Judgment Rule
- Carbon Management
- Carroll, A.B.
- Cause Promotions
- Cause-Related Marketing
- Change Management
- Climate Change
- Core Values
- Corporate Philanthropy
- Corporate/Corporation
- Creating Shared Value
- CSR in Emerging Markets
- CSR Pyramid
- Data Protection
- Discourse Ethics
- Diversity
- Education for Sustainable Environment
- Employee Engagement
- Externalities
- Fairtrade
- Fraud Prevention and Detection
- Global Value Chains
- Green Globe Certification
- Intrapreneurship
- Islamic Business Ethics
- Labor Social Responsibility
- Nondiscrimination
- Professional Ethics
- Resilience
- Shared Value
- Shareholder Democracy
- Social Accountability International (SAI)
- Social Contract
- Social Innovation
- Social Responsibility According to ISO 26000
- Soft Law
- Sustainability (World Commission on Environment and Development Definition)
- Sustainability Science
- Sustainable Construction Management
- Value Chain Analysis
- Volunteering
Section Editor: Dr. Brian Jones
- Altruistic CSR
- Carbon Footprint
- Carbon Footprint II
- Carbon Handprint
- Circular Economy in the Built Environment
- Conflict Management
- CSR Communication and Annual Reports
- CSR Communication and Perspective
- Decade of Education for Sustainable
- Development
- Employee Volunteer Programs
- Environment and Ethics in Sustainability
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Foundations
- Geo-engineering
- Greenpeace (NGO) II
- Hostile Takeover
- Life Cycle Assessment
- Mandatory CSR an Indian Companies Act 2013
- Marketing (Ethics of)
- Marketing and CSR
- Mezzanine Finance
- Private Finance Initiative
- Public Relations and Finance
- Spirituality in Management
- Supplier Self-Assessment Questionnaire
- Sustainability and Sustainable Development in Real Estate Industry
- Sustainable Happiness
- Venture Capital
- Whistleblowing and CSR
Section Editor: Carmela Gulluscio
- Accountability
- Animal Testings
- Arms Export
- Board Diversity and Inclusivity
- Bribe Payers Index (BPI)
- BS8001 Circular Economy Standard
- Business Case of CSR
- Carbon Balance
- Conflict Minerals
- Confucian Ethics
- Consumer’s Social Responsibility
- Communication (CNSRC)
- Corporate Governance, Measurement of
- Corporate Sustainable Innovation
- CSR Butterfly Effect 2
- CSR Communication
- Debt Relief Systems: Equitable Allocation
- Directors and CSR
- Domini Social Index
- E-waste
- Emulative Consumption and Bankruptcy
- Environmental Protection Agency
- Environmentalism Movement
- Ethical Theories II
- Executive Remuneration and CSR
- Forum Ethibel Sustainability Index
- Greenbury Report (UK)
- Greenpeace (Environment)
- Hampel Report (UK)
- Higgs Report (UK)
- Johannesburg Declaration
- John Elkington
- Responsible Consumption
- Reverse Innovation
- Shadow Trades
- Shareholder Theory/Shareholder Value
- Social Acceptance
- Solar as a Sustainable Energy
- Stakeholder Management
- Stakeholder Theory
- Sustainability and Vulnerability
- Sustainability Resilience
- Sustainable Brands
- Sustainable Chain Management
- Sustainable Entrepreneurship
- Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Theorizing Governance from a Banking Perspective
- Total Quality Management and European
- Foundation of Quality Management
- UK Corporate Governance Code (2010)
- Walker Review (2009) on Banks’ Corporate Governance
- Waste Dumping
Section Editor: Prof. Dirk Reiser
- Bamako Convention
- Banks and the Sustainable Development Goals
- Basel Convention on the Control of Hazardous Wastes
- Basel Declaration on the Control of Hazardous Wastes (Basel Convention)
- Basel Recommendations on Corporate Governance Principles for Banks
- Chief Executive Officer (CEO Duality)
- Codes of Good Governance
- Community Sustainability
- Corporate Sustainability Performance
- Credit Unions and Credit Cooperatives
- CSR and Role of Government as a Regulator
- Degrowth
- Employee Sustainability Behaviors
- Environmental Assessment
- Environmental Impact
- Environmental Transparency
- European Corporate Governance Institute
- Food Security
- Green Technology for Food Sustainability
- Greenhouse Effect
- Inclusive/Selective/Compliant Finance/Banking
- Institutional Investors
- Millennium Development Goals (2000)
- Milton Friedman
- Net Zero Emission
- Non-executive Director (NED)
- Nonfinancial Disclosure
- Paris Agreement
- Participatory Development
- Postgrowth
- Public Participation
- Rebound Effects of Eco-efficiency
- Renewable Resource
- Shareholder Rights
- Slow Food Movement and Sustainability
- SufficiencySustainability and Sustainable Development in the Food Industry
- Sustainability in Curricula (SE)
- Sustainable Dialogue
- Sustainable Food Design and Innovation
- Theoretical Paradigms of the Board of Directors
- Traditional and New Sustainable Production Methods in Food Industry
- United Nations Convention on Climate Change
Section Editor: Duygu Türker
- Accounting for Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions
- Acid Rain
- Air Pollution
- Biodiversity
- Business Model
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM)
- Clean Development Mechanism (CDM): Benefits and Project Cycle
- Climate Finance
- Corporate Purpose
- Corruption Perception Index
- Dynamic Efficiency
- Energy Biofuels
- Environmental Compliance Audit
- Environmental Economics
- Ethical Dilemmas
- Ethics Management
- Externalities (Economics)
- Greenhouse Gas Emissions
- Human Development Index (HDI)
- Hunger and Poverty
- Islamic Banking
- Issue Management: A Typology of Approaches
- Issue Management: Market Approach
- Issue Management: The Network Approach
- Issue Management: The Strategic Approach
- Katowice Climate Negotiations
- Kyoto Protocol
- Life Cycle Management
- NEET Youngsters Management
- Organizational Culture
- Pollution
- Resource Intensity
- Responsible Care
- Rio Declaration on Environment and Development
- Risk Management
- Sense Making, Organizational
- Shareholder and Stakeholder Activism
- Sustainability and Profitability
- Sustainability as a Management Approach
- Sustainability Management and Reporting
- Sustainability Measurement
- Sustainability, Peak Oil
- Sustainable Business Model
- Sustainable Energy
- Sustainable Economic Growth
- Sustainable Investment
- Sustainable Leadership
- Systems Thinking
- Tracing Corporate Governance to Its Roots
- Transition Sustainability
- UN Principles for Responsible Investments (PRI)
- United Nations Global Compact
- University Social Responsibility
- Whistleblowing
- World Economic Forum (Davos)
Section Editors: Adjunct professor and Dr. Eila Jeronen
- Accountability in Nonprofit Sector
- Ageism
- Anglo-American Model vs. Continental Europe Model
- Authentic CSR
- Authority vs. Bureaucracy
- Big Data and Data Mining
- Biodiversity Education
- Black Economic Empowerment
- Business in the Community (UK+Derivatives)
- Business in the Community Index
- Climate Change and Role of IPCC
- Co-ownership/Collective Ownership
- Collaborative Economy
- Communication Climate and Culture
- Competitive Advantage
- Cooperatives
- Corporate Community Involvement
- Corporate Development
- Corporate Family Responsibility
- Corporate Social Responsibility Strategy
- Corporate Sustainability
- Critical Corporate Social Responsibility
- CSR and Data Protection
- CSR Disclosure Quality: Role of NEDs
- CSR Disclosure, Quality Measurement of
- CSR Reporting
- Definitions of CSR
- Deming 14 Points Model
- Disability Management
- Earth Summit (1992)
- Education for Sustainable Development
- EMAS: Eco-Management and Audit Scheme
- Employee Downsizing
- Endowment Fund
- Environmental Report Following GBS Standard
- Ethics of Sustainability Education
- EU Communication CSR
- Event Studies
- Five Capitals Framework (Forum for the Future)
- G20
- G7
- Glocality
- Green Jobs
- Green Taxation
- Innovative Business Models
- Integrated Reporting for Sustainability
- ISO 26000 Standard
- Johannesburg Declaration (2002)
- Johannesburg Summit of 2002 on Sustainable Development
- King III Report and CSR
- Life Cycle Assessment: Products and Services
- Locally Grown, Locally Raised
- Lohas
- Making Sense of CSR Reports: A Methodological
- Perspective from Semiotics
- Management
- Mergers and Acquisitions
- Moral Hazard
- Natural Capital
- New Generation of Academics Programme
- Nongovernmental Organization
- Operational Ethical Dilemma
- Organizational History and Evolution of Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
- Phenomenon-Based Learning
- Politics (Role of Politics in Sustainable Development)
- Positional Goods
- Product Life Cycle
- Quality Empowerment
- Rights of Employees
- SA8000 Standard II
- Sexual Harassment
- Shared Community-Based Governance
- SIGMA Management Framework
- Social Enterprise
- Stakeholder
- Stakeholder Mapping
- Stakeholder Value Creation
- Stakeholders
- Strategy in a Circular Economy: Discussion of
- Opportunities and Limitations
- Sunken CSR and SMEs
- Sustainability Accounting
- Sustainability and Solar Energy
- Sustainability Report and Sustainability Reporting
- Sustainable Companies
- Sustainable Lighting Design
- Tall Building Sustainability
- AA1000 Series of Standards, The
- Tobin Tax
- Transdisciplinary Learning
- Transformative Learning
- Ubuntu
- UN Declaration on Cleaner Production
- UNIDO: United Nations Development Organization
- United Nations Development Programme
- United Nations Environment Programme Finance
- Initiative
- Value
- Value Creation
- Venture Philanthropy
- World Social Forum
Section Editor: F. Sciarelli
- Balanced Scorecard and Sustainability
- Benefit Corporations
- Carbon Disclosure Project
- Carbon Offsets
- Carbon Trading Schemes
- Carpooling
- CERES Principles
- Corporate Social Responsibility and Institutional Theory
- Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure
- CSR and Women
- CSR Butterfly Effect
- CSR: Evolution of Concept
- Family-Owned Firms
- Life-Cycle Analysis
- Management Accounting and Sustainability
- Management Control Systems and Sustainability
- Paradoxical Lens in Sustainability Tensions: Chinese and New Zealand Partnerships
- Reports on Payments to Governments
- Sustainable Corporate Responsibility (SCR)
- Sustainable Performance
- Tax Benefits in Brazil
- Tax Incentives from a Brazilian Perspective
- Tax Uncertainty
- Unknown Stakeholders
- Value Chain Management II
- Win-Win Situation
- World Business Council for Sustainable Development
- World Economic Forum (Davos) II
Section Editor: Dr. Ivana Mijatovic
- Action Research
- Altruism
- Blue Ocean Strategy
- Charismatic Leaders
- Corporate Mission, Vision, and Values
- CSR and Soccer
- CSR and Sports
- Eco-efficiency
- Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG)
- Ethical Absolutism vs. Ethical Relativism
- Ethics and Ethical Theories
- Global Governance
- Green Economy
- Green Economy II
- Green, Circular, and Bio Economy
- ISO 20121 Standard (Event Sustainability)
- Marketing to Children Responsibly: Sustainable
- Marketing
- Principle of Solidarity
- Principle of Subsidiarity
- Risk Management (Environmental Risk and Social Risk) and CSR
- SA8000 Standard
- Selling Cycle for Sustainability
- Social Management
- Social Marketing, Development Education, and Corporate Social Responsibility: The Common Grounds Sustainability
- Social Sustainability
- Supply Chain
- Sustainability Education and Environmental Awareness
- Sustainable Events
- Sustainable Logistics
- Sustainable Marketing
- Sustainable Tourism
- Sustainable Transportation
- Chartered Institute of Marketing, The
Section Editor: Prof. Kristijan Krkač
- Abundance (CSR)
- Access Economy (Ethics)
- Biodiversity: Environment
- Biodiversity: Sustainability
- Biomimicry
- Blue Circular Economy
- Board Capital
- Bonuses (Employee for Performance)
- Club of Rome
- Community of Practices
- Conservation: Sustainability
- Contingency Theory
- Control-Enhancing Mechanisms (CEMs)
- Corporate Activism
- Corporate Environmental Management Maturity
- Cross-Cultural Attitudes to CSR
- Customer Value Creation
- Dieselgate
- Diversity of Boards
- Eco-sustainability Innovations Performance Measurement
- Ecology and Ecosystem: Sustainability
- Energy Conservation: More Efficient Use of Energy
- Environmental Law
- Environmental Management Accounting
- Global Corporate Governance Institute (GCGI)
- Global Warming
- Governance
- Green Jobs Social Life Cycle Assessment
- Green Marketing
- Happy Planet Index
- Hospital Governance
- Human Rights
- Inclusion
- Institute of Chartered Secretaries and Administrators (ICSA)
- Integrated Value
- Integrity
- Islamic Governance
- Islamic Stakeholder Theory
- Islamic Sustainability
- Lean Thinking
- Local Agenda 21
- Nicholas Capaldi
- Policy and Military Force Sustainability
- Prequalification Processes (Clients Demanding of
- Potential Suppliers)
- Public Procurement and CSR
- Responsibility
- Smart Grid
- Social Dumping (CSR)
- Social Obligations (CSR)
- Stakeholder Governance and Citizen Science
- Sustainability of Boards
- Tax
- United Nations Agenda 2030 on Sustainable Development Goals, The
Section Editor: Prof. Lars Moratis
- Actors of Development Management
- Bioremediation
- Climate Change Adaptation in Coastal Cities
- Clinton Global Initiative
- Compliance
- Compliance Management System
- Development Management
- Development Program
- Durable Survival of the Organization
- Effectiveness
- Energy Demand Management
- Exxon Valdez
- Healthcare Value
- HRM of Sustainable Development Phases
- Integrity Management
- ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management Systems
- ISO19600 Compliance Management Systems
- Lifecycle of Sustainable Development
- Phytoremediation
- Public Value
- Smart Cities
- Sustainability Management and Market Risk
- Sustainable Education
- Aral Sea Disaster, The
- Chernobyl Disaster, The
- Poff-Michalos Procedure, The
- Theory of Simultaneous Maximums
Section Editor: Assoc. prof. (tenure) Mirja Mikkilä
- African Integrated Maritime Strategy 2050: Challenges for Implementation
- Brundtland Report
- Competitiveness
- Consumer Social Responsibility (CnSR)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Counterproductive Work Behaviors
- Crisis Management
- Cross-Cultural Orientations and CSR
- CSR in Tourism
- Ecological Footprint
- Economic Sustainability
- Employee Participation/Ownership
- Employer Branding
- Environmental Disaster
- Ethic of Love
- Ethics
- Fisheries Committee for the West Central Gulf of Guinea (FCWC)
- Global Performance
- Green Building
- Green Rewards
- Human Capital Management
- Impact Assessment
- Inclusive Leadership
- Legitimacy Theory
- Legitimacy Theory II: Legitimacy Judgments
- Materiality
- Mis-selling
- Online Communities
- Power Equalizing
- Precautionary Principle
- Responsiveness
- Rewards Effectiveness
- Social Impact Assessment
- Social Justice
- Speciesism
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Stockholm Convention (2001)
- Strong Sustainability
- Sustainable Consumption
- Sustainable Development
- Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
- Sustainable Development Planning
- Sustainable Growth
- Sustainable Remediation
- Sustainable Rewards
- United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030, The
- Total Rewards
- UNEP Abidjan Convention Secretariat, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire
- United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education
- Weak Sustainability
- Work–Life Balance
Section Editor: Assoc. prof. Nirmala Lee
- Ashoka (Innovators for the Public)
- Board Diversity and Gender Quotas
- Bonus
- Codes of Conduct in Greece
- Corporate Governance Perspectives (Shareholder vs. Stakeholder Perspective)
- Entrepreneurial Sustainability
- Equator Principles
- Ethical Banking
- Hybrid Organizations
- Index of Sustainable Economic Welfare
- Medicine and CSR
- NP 4469: Portuguese Social Responsibility Standard
- Pigouvian Taxation
- Reporting
- Sanctions of Social Capital
- Shareholder Engagement
- Shareholder Resolutions and CSR
- Social Capital, Interpretation of
- Social Life Cycle Assessment
- Socially Responsible Investing and Finance
- Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB)
- SWOR Analysis
- Tax Citizenship
- Value Chain Management
- Water
- Water Problems
Section Editor: Dr. Pedro Antonio Martín Cervantes
- Activist Investor
- Agency Theory
- Anglo-American Board Model (One-Tier) Versus European Model (Two-Tier)
- Auditing and Sustainability
- Capacity of Innovation
- Cooperation and Open Innovation
- Cross Border Equity
- Disruptive Innovation
- Disruptive Sustainability
- Diversity Management
- Dividend
- Ecocultural Tourism
- Economic Sustainability and Development
- Environmental Accounting
- Geopark Serra da Estrela
- Geotourism and Sustainability
- German Corporate Governance Code
- Health and Safety
- Holistic Development
- Inclusive Business
- Innovation and Territorial Development
- Islamic Finance
- OECD Guidelines for SMEs
- One-Tier Board
- Planned Obsolescence
- Product RED
- Resilient Sustainability
- Sustainability in Economy of Communion Enterprises
- Sustainable and Innovation Process
- Sustainable Innovation
- Sustainable Modernity
- Tipping Point
- Triple Helix and Innovation
- Two-Tier Board
- University Gardens for Sustainable Development
- Workplace Health Promotion
Section Editor: Dr. Shuchi Pahuja
- Algae Bioenergy
- Aquaculture and Blue Farming
- Auditors and Corporate Governance
- Board Committees and Corporate Governance
- Board of Directors and Corporate Governance
- Carbon Emissions
- CSR and Media
- Deforestation
- Desertec
- Desertification
- Dow Jones Sustainability Index
Ecology and Ecosystem
- Economic Sanctions
- Energy-Renewable
- Fisheries
- Greenhouse Gases
- Guidance on Social Responsibility
- Integrated Management Systems
- Integrated Quality and Environmental Management
- ISO 14000 Standards Series
- ISO 14001 Standard
- ISO 31000: Risk Management Guidelines
- ISO 9000
- Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment
- Marine and Coastal Resources
- Modeling in Sustainability
- Ocean Sustainability
- Peak Oil
- Pollution Prevention
- Quality Management
- Sustainability and NGOs
- Sustainability Management Process
- Sustainability Standards and Standardization
- Sustainable Business Model Innovation
- Sustainable City Branding
- Sustainable Development Goals (UN Global Goals)