Handbook of Academic Integrity

Editor: Sarah Elaine Eaton, Associate Professor at the Werklund School of Education, University of Calgary, Canada
2nd ed. 2024:02 3 vols. 1,958 p. ISBN 978-3-031-54143-8 (Springer)-DE-
EUR 449.99
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本書は、これらの問題を包摂するキーワード「学問的誠実性」(Academic Integrity)に焦点を当てた初のレファレンスとして好評を博した初版(ISBN 9789812870971)から7年ぶりの新版です。初版の編者Tracey Bretagが2020年に死去した後を受けた新編者Sarah Elaine Eatonの下で、さらに広がる問題系に対応して、初版の全2巻・72章から、全3巻・112章に拡充されました。初版の特長であった哲学、言語学、社会学、心理学、教育学、人類学、法学、会計学、数学、医学などの分野を越境する、学際・総合的な視座を堅持しつつ、世界各地からの豊富な事例研究を加え、今版での新テーマとして、人工知能、監視技術、平等、多様性、包摂、アクセシビリティ、脱植民地化なども論じています。
Volume 1
1 Comprehensive Academic Integrity (CAI): An Ethical Framework for Educational Contexts Sarah Elaine Eaton
Part I Global Perspectives on Academic Integrity
2 Global Perspectives on Academic Integrity: Introduction Sarah Elaine Eaton
3 Academic Integrity in China Shuangye Chen and Bruce Macfarlane
4 Academic Plagiarism in Malaysia: Perspectives Joyce Kim Sim Cheah
5 Improving Academic Integrity in Indonesia: Proposed Recommendations for Managing Alleged Misconducts Ide Bagus Siaputra and Dimas Armand Santosa
6 Perspectives on Academic Integrity in the ASEAN Region Jasper Roe, Mike Perkins, Caroline Wong, and Gi Kunchana Chonu
7 Academic Integrity in South Asia: Focus on India, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka Shiva D. Sivasubramaniam
8 Academic Integrity in Nepal Bibek Dahal
9 Academic Integrity Perspectives: Insights from Africa Stella-Maris Orim and Anirejuoritse Awala-Ale
10 Academic Integrity in Czechia and Slovakia Tomáš Foltýnek, Veronika Krásničan, and Dita Henek Dlabolová
11 The State of Academic Integrity in the Anglophone Caribbean Ruth Baker-Gardner
12 Academic Integrity in North America: A Comparison of Canada and the USA Sarah Elaine Eaton and Teresa “Teddi” Fishman
13 Aligning Theoretical and Practical Considerations for Academic Integrity Education: A Canadian Perspective Matt Rahimian
Part II Academic Integrity Through Ethical Teaching and Assessment
14 Academic Integrity Through Ethical Teaching and Assessment: Overview and Current Trends Brenda M. Stoesz
15 Academic Integrity and the Affordances and Limitations of Authentic Assessment Jason Openo
16 Coordinating Ethical Assessment at the Program Level Susan L. Bens
17 Academic Integrity and Accommodations: The Intersections of Ethics and Flexibility Meghan E. Norris, Tara A. Karasewich, and Heidi K. Kenkel
18 Guidelines for Creating Online MCQ-Based Exams to Evaluate Higher Order Learning and Reduce Academic Misconduct Philip M. Newton
19 Integrity Through Experience: Fostering a Culture of Academic Integrity Through an Experiential Learning Approach Rebecca M. Brooks
20 Integrating Academic Integrity: An Educational Approach Erica J. Morris
21 Walking the Talk: Modelling Integrity as University Professionals as Part of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment Activities Amanda White
22 Grading Standards in Higher Education: Trends, Context, and Prognosis Gigi Foster
23 On Recycling Our Own Work in the Digital Age Miguel Roig
Part III Supporting Students with Academic Integrity and Ethical Learning
24 Supporting Students with Academic Integrity and Ethical Learning: Introduction Silvia L. Rossi
25 Teaching Academic Integrity as Good Historical Practice Mairi Cowan and Andrew Nurse
26 Moral Disengagement Leading to Social Acceptance of Academic Misconduct: A Predictor of Behavior Pablo Ayala-Enríquez and Jean Guerrero-Dib
27 Patchwriting, Plagiarism, Pedagogy: Definitions and Implications Sandra Jamieson
28 Plagiarism, International Students, and the Second-Language Writer Diane Pecorari
29 Modeling Scientific Writing as Scientific Problem-Solving Bronwen M. M. Wheatley
30 Academic Integrity and Creative Order: A Case from South AfricaZander Janse van Rensburg and Sonja van der Westhuizen
31 Framing Students’ Perspectives on Academic Integrity Lee Adam
32 Academic Integrity in Creative Arts and Media Sarah Keith
Part IV Student Breaches of Academic Integrity: Plagiarism, Exam Cheating, and More
33 Student Breaches of Integrity: Introduction Joseph F. Brown
34 Challenges and Benefits of an Academic Integrity Office: Sustaining an Academic Integrity Culture Focused on Student
Development Camilla J. Roberts
35 Lessons Learned During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Concerns Moving Forward: Academic Leadership Lens Kara E. Latopolski and James Orr
36 Academic Integrity and the Canadian University Ombudsperson Emma J. Thacker
37 Cheating and Honor: Lessons from a Long-Term Research Project Donald McCabe
38 Encountering and Countering Academic Misconduct in Student Mathematical Work Katherine A. Seaton
39 Courageous Conversations: Approaching Amnesty Through Honesty as Reparations to a Learning Community Kane Murdoch and David House
Volume 2
Part V Contract Cheating and the Commodification of Academic Misconduct
40 Contract Cheating: Introduction Guy J. Curtis
41 Understanding Contract Cheating Businesses Cath Ellis
42 Prevalence, Incidence, and Rates of Contract Cheating Guy J. Curtis and Joseph Clare
43 Understanding the ‘Supply End’ of Contract Cheating: A Kenyan Youth (Un)Employment Perspective Chloe Walker
44 Writing the Self: Ghostwriter Perspectives and Identity Construction Emma J. Thacker
45 Contract Cheating: Legal, Regulatory, and Policy Responses Michael Draper and Mairéad Boland
46 Contracting During COVID-19: Why Academic Integrity Issues Spread with the Pandemic? Leah P. Hollis
47 Understanding Contract Cheating and Essay Mills Through a Social Lens in the Era of Web 3.0 Zeenath Reza Khan, Prakash Vel, Elvira Asylguzhina, and Veena Mulani
48 Student Peer-to-Peer File Sharing as an Academic Integrity Issue Ann M. Rogerson
49 Contract Cheating: Practical Considerations Thomas Lancaster
Part VI Academic Integrity Policy and Quality Assurance
50 Linking Quality, Standards, and Integrity Irene Glendinning
51 Transformative Change in Academic Integrity Policy at Australian Universities Saadia Mahmud
52 Academic Integrity in the United Kingdom: The Quality Assurance Agency’s National Approach Luke Myer and Andy W. Smith
53 Enhancing Cultures of Academic Integrity in Irish Higher Education Sue Hackett, Yvonne Kavanagh, William Kelly, and Iain MacLaren
54 US Accreditation and Quality Assurance: Standards and Processes; Issues and Opportunities Teresa “Teddi” Fishman
55 Framework of Considerations for Academic Integrity in Quality Assurance in Canadian Higher Education Patti Dyjur and Kimberley A. Grant
56 Academic Integrity Policies in Hispanic South American Higher Education: Status and Recommendations Beatriz Antonieta Moya
57 Quality Assurance and Academic Integrity in Higher Education in India N. V. Varghese
58 Quality and Policies for Academic Integrity: Challenges Faced by Russian Universities Anna Abalkina
59 Academic Integrity in China: Challenges for Policy, Practice, and Quality Assurance in Higher Education Stephen Gow and Qingyang Sun
60 European Cooperation in Academic Integrity Tomáš Foltýnek and Irene Glendinning
61 Networking and Initiatives on Quality Standards and Integrity in Higher Education in the Middle East Nadia Badrawi and Maha Rashwan
62 Global Networking on Secure Academic Credentials Alexander Knoth, Kathleen Clancy, Leo Peters, and Herman de Leeuw
63 “Big Q” and “Small q” Quality: A Taxonomy for Assuring Academic Quality, Standards, and Integrity in Online Learning Dawn Gilmore
64 Governing Academic Integrity: Conceptualizing the Assurance and Efficacy of Strategies and Outcomes Sharon Andrews and Irene Glendinning
Part VII Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Academic Integrity
65 Decolonization, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in Academic Integrity: Introduction Ceceilia Parnther
66 Inclusion Within a Holistic Approach to Academic Integrity: Improving Policy, Pedagogy, and Wider Practice for All
Students Mary Davis
67 High Tuition, Low-Quality Education, and Racism: The Spiral Eroding Academic Integrity Arthur Scarritt
68 Enabling Ableism: Using Academic Integrity Arguments to Create Disability in Testing Environments Brenda McDermott
69 Academic Integrity and International Students: An Inclusive Approach Elena Denisova-Schmidt
70 Understanding How Faculty Members Act When Faced with Plagiarism: A Cross-Cultural Study Debora Gottardello and Solmaz Filiz Karabag
71 The Integrity of Good Relations: Indigenous Approaches to Respect, Relationality, and Reciprocity in Higher Learning Keeta Gladue and Yvonne Poitras Pratt
72 Academic Integrity, Ableist Assessment Design, and Pedagogies of Disclosure Ann Gagné
73 An Equitable Approach to Academic Integrity Through Alternative Assessment Eliana Elkhoury
74 Toward Reflexive Practice: Deconstructing Academic Integrity, EDI, and Awareness Training from an Indigenous Perspective Gabrielle Weasel Head
Volume 3
Part VIII Ethics and Integrity in Research, Publishing, and Educational Leadership
75 Ethics and Integrity in Research, Publishing, and Educational Leadership: Introduction Loreta Tauginienė
76 Educational Ethical Leadership: Characteristics and Styles Vilma Žydžiūnaitė
77 Publication Ethics and Graduate Students Deborah C. Poff
78 Doctoral Supervision as a Bedrock for the Academic Integrity Infrastructure Erika Löfström
79 Academic Integrity, Moral Courage, and Whistleblowing in Student Research Libia Lara Carrion and Katrina A. Bramstedt
80 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Academic Research and Education Nader Ghotbi
81 Citizen Science and Credit Per Sandin and Patrik Baard
82 Preprints Are Here to Stay: Is That Good for Science? Jadranka Stojanovski and Ana Marušić
83 Understanding and Addressing Drivers of Corruption in Academic Publishing Irene Glendinning and Sarah Elaine Eaton
Part IX Role of Technology and Cybersecurity in Academic Integrity
84 Role of Technology and Cybersecurity in Academic Integrity: Introduction Zeenath Reza Khan
85 Cybersecurity: The Next Defense Against Academic Misconduct? Clare Johnson, Mike Reddy, and Ross Davies
86 Forensic Assignment Stylometry Robin Crockett
87 Reframing and Broadening Adversarial Stylometry for Academic Integrity Jamie J. Carmichael
88 Machine Translation in the Writing Process: Pedagogy, Plagiarism, Policy, and Procedures Daniel G. Dusza
89 Remote Proctoring: Understanding the Debate Phillip Dawson
90 Framework for Ethical Implementation of Remote Proctoring in Education Jarret Dyer
91 Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Academia Zeenath Reza Khan
92 Academic Integrity and Artificial Intelligence: An Overview Rahul Kumar, Sarah Elaine Eaton, Michael Mindzak, and Ryan Morrison
93 Games and Gamification: Can Playful Student Engagement Improve Academic Integrity? Mike Reddy and Clare Johnson
94 Considering the Dimensions of Trust, Privacy, and Technology Innovations to Enable Quality-Assured Credential Assessment Practice Joanne Duklas
Part X Integrity as a Field of Scholarship
95 Integrity as a Field of Scholarship: Introduction Sarah Elaine Eaton
96 Academic and Research Integrity as Transdisciplinary Fields of Scholarship and Professional Practice Sarah Elaine Eaton
97 Academic Integrity Scholarship: The Importance of Theory Guy J. Curtis and Joseph Clare
98 Academic Misconduct Through a Criminological Lens Rebecca Awdry
99 Design, Run, and Interpret Survey-Based Research in the Fields of Academic Integrity and Misconduct Philip M. Newton
100 Designing International Research to Promote Academic Integrity: From Funding to Educating Martine Peters, Irene Glendinning, and Sandra Jamieson
101 Streamlined Collaboration to Face Academic Integrity Threats Salim Razı
102 Building a Multinational Transdisciplinary Integrity Project: Insights from the BRIDGE Project Sonja Bjelobaba and Inga Gaižauskaitė
103 Rebooting a Legend: The ICAI/McCabe Student Survey David A. Rettinger, Courtney Cullen, Andrew H. Perry, and Darragh McNally
Part XI Academic Integrity Leadership at National and International Levels
104 Academic Integrity Leadership at National and International Levels: Overview Wendy Sutherland-Smith
105 Legislative Leadership in the Academic Integrity Space Wendy Sutherland-Smith and Michael Draper
106 ENRIO’s Leading Pathway to Research Integrity Promotion Helga Nolte, Kalle Videnoja, Loreta Tauginienė, Hjördis Czesnick, and Siret Rutiku
107 Academic Integrity in Africa: Role of Leadership Goolam Mohamedbhai
108 History of the International Center for Academic Integrity (ICAI): Exigence, Genesis, and Impact Teresa “Teddi” Fishman
109 Academic Integrity Leadership and Community Building in Canadian Higher Education Sarah Elaine Eaton, Brenda M. Stoesz, and Amanda McKenzie
110 Commercialization of Higher Education Adrianna Kezar and Samantha Bernstein-Sierra
111 Leveraging Institutional Integrity for the Betterment of Education Tricia Bertram-Gallant
112 Challenges and Solutions: A National Perspective from Australia Helen Gniel, Karen Treloar, Rosemary Marcon, and Alistair Maclean