
ブラックウェル版 複言語・異文化間言語学習ハンドブック

文化間教育の第一人者Michael Byramをはじめ、久保田竜子やバトラー後藤裕子を含む世界的に著名な研究者が寄稿

関連ワード:Wiley コミュニケーション 教育学 洋書 異文化間教育 社会言語学 言語学 言語教育  更新日:2025.01.16

ブラックウェル版 言語学ハンドブック
Blackwell Handbooks in Linguistics


ブラックウェル版 複言語・異文化間言語学習ハンドブック
Handbook of Plurilingual and Intercultural Language Learning

Editors: Christiane Fäcke, University of Augsburg, Germany, Xuesong (Andy) Gao, University of New South Wales, Australia & Paula Garrett-Rucks, Georgia State University, USA

2024:12   672 p.  ISBN 978-1-394-16591-9  (Wiley-Blackwell) -US-

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本書は、真にグローバルな環境に適応できる言語コミュニケーション能力を磨くために、複言語および異文化間に特化した言語教育の最前線の潮流を全37章にまとめあげます。異文化間教育の第一人者Michael Byramをはじめ、久保田竜子やバトラー後藤裕子を含む世界的に著名な研究者が寄稿し、「異文化間能力」「複言語・複文化能力」「就学前・小学校の異文化間学習」「言語間理解と外国語学習能力の教授」などの注目トピックを詳しく解説します。






Key Perspectives on Intercultural and Plurilingual Discourses

Section 1: Fundamentals of Intercultural and Plurilingual Learning

Section 1a: Culture

  1. Identity, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Michele Back
  2. From Multiculturalism to Social Justice: Implications for Language Education in the United States and Canada (Ryuko Kubota)
  3. Intercultural Competence (Lamia Nemouchi & Michael Byram)
  4. Critical Interculturality in Language Learning: Plurilingualism for Problematizing and Enriching the Notion

Section 1b: Language:

  1. Language, Languages, Plurilingual Education
  2. Endangered Languages and Language Revitalization
  3. Conceptualizing and Positioning Lingua Francas: English and Other Languages
  4. Language Comparison in Plurilingual Learning and Processing
  5. Rethinking Code- Switching and Translanguaging as Language Management Strategies in the Dynamic Model of Multilingualism

Section 1c: Language Policies

  1. Languages and Nation Building
  2. Language Policy and Planning: A Focus on ASEAN and EU Contexts
  3. Critical Approaches to World Englishes
  4. Issues of Equity and Access in Foreign Language Education
  5. Plurilingual Language Policies and Teaching Approaches in Higher Education

Section 2: Pedagogical Concepts

Section 2a: Pedagogical Concepts of Intercultural Learning

  1. Intercultural Discourses between Universalism and Particularism
  2. Transculturality (Revisited)
  3. Assessing Intercultural Competence
  4. Intercultural Education through Literature
  5. Intercultural Learning in Preschool and Primary School Contexts (Yuko Goto Butler & Shiyu Jiang)
  6. Intercultural Learning in Secondary School Contexts and in Adult Education
  7. Linguistic and Cultural Mediation

Section 2b: Pedagogical Concepts of Plurilingual Learning

  1. Didactics of Plurilingualism— A European View
  2. Plurilingual and Pluricultural Competence: Origins, Current Trends, and Future Directions
  3. Plurilingual Assessment
  4. Many Languages— One Curriculum
  5. Using Telecollaboration to Prepare Teacher Candidates for Plurilingual Students

Section 3: Learning and Teaching Approaches

  1. Teaching Intercomprehension and Foreign Language Learning Competence
  2. Teaching and Learning Materials to Foster Plurilingualism
  3. Intercultural and Plurilingual Aspects in Language Teacher Education
  4. Teaching Plurilingualism
  5. Teaching Intercultural Sensitivity and Competence
  6. Plurilingual Learning Competence
  7. Doing Language and Gender in the Classroom: Teaching toward Justice

Section 4: Diachronic Aspects

  1. Methods and Motivations in Foreign Language Teaching from Antiquity to the Present
  2. From Native Speaker to Intercultural Plurilingual Speaker: About the Eventful History of Guiding Concepts in Applied Linguistics and Foreign Language Pedagogy
  3. Critical Applied Language/Linguistics Imaginings and Academic Legacies for a Better World

(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)