Handbook of the Philosophy of Climate Change (Handbooks in Philosophy)

Editors: Gianfranco Pellegrino, Associate Professor at LUISS Guido Carli Rome & Marcello Di Paola, Assistant Professor at the University of Palermo
2023:11 2 vols. 1,297 p. ISBN 978-3-031-07001-3 (Springer) -DE-
EUR 449.99
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Volume 1
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Climate Change, Science, and Philosophy
1.Understanding Model-Based Uncertainty in Climate Science
2.Implications of Model-Based Uncertainty: Scientific Responses and Philosophical Interpretations
3.Climate Models and Robustness Analysis ? Part I: Core Concepts and Premises
4.Climate Models and Robustness Analysis ? Part II: The Justificatory Challenge
5.Abrupt Climate Changes and Tipping Points
6.Climate Research and Big Data
7.Environmental Robots and Climate Action
Part 3: Climate Change, Social Sciences, and Philosophy
8.Climate Change Sociology: Perspectives and Dilemmas
9.Climate Change and Cultural Anthropology
10.Climate Change and Geography
11.Climate Change and Urban Studies
12.Normative Challenges in Climate Change Economics
13.Climate Change and Decision Theory
14.Climate Change and Psychology
15.Climate Change and Legal Theory
Part 4: Climate Change, Humanities, and Philosophy
16.Climate Change and the Environmental Humanities
17.Climate Change, Environmental Philosophy, and Anthropocentrism
18.The Earth Means the World to Me: Earth- and World-Interest in Times of Climate Change
19.Environmental Aesthetics and Global Climate Change
20.Climate Change, Natural Aesthetics, and the Danger of Adapted Preferences
21.Climate Change and Religion
22.Climate Change, Relational Philosophy, and Ecological Care
23.Philosophical Perspectives on Climate Anxiety
24.Climate Change and Myth
25.Climate Change, Philosophy, and Fiction
26.Climate Change and Fashion: At the Intersection of Ethics and Aesthetics
Volume 2
Part 5: Climate Change and Ethics
27.Consequentialism and Climate Change
28.Responsibility for Climate Harms
29.Climate Change and Virtue Ethics
30.Climate Change and Environmental Justice
31.Climate Change and Intergenerational Justice
32.Climate Change and Population Ethics
33.Climate Change, the Non-identity Problem, and the Metaphysics of Transgenerational Actions
34.Climate Change and Overpopulation
35.Climate Change and the Motivational Gap
36.Mitigation Duties
37.Adaptation Duties
38.Compensation Duties
39.Climate Change, Global Health, and Planetary Health
40.Climate Change and Nature Conservation
41.Food and Climate Change in a Philosophical Perspective
42.Climate Change and the Ethics of Agriculture
43.Climate Change and Animal Ethics
44.Plant Ethics and Climate Change
45.The Ethics of Geoengineering
46.Climate Change and Human Engineering
47.Climate Change and the Ethics of Technology
Part 6: Climate Change and Political Philosophy
48.Climate Change, Uncertainty, and Policy
49.Climate Change and Democracy
50.Climate Change and Gender
51.Climate Change and Human Rights
52.Climate Change and the Circumstances of Justice
53.Climate Change and Distributive Justice
54.Climate Change and Global Justice
55.Climate Change and Human Mobilities
56.Climate Change and Social Movements
57.Climate Change Conspiracy Theories
58.Climate Change Action as Collective Action
59.Climate Change and Republicanism
60.Climate Change and Communitarianism
61.Climate Change and Institutions for Future Generations: The Litigation Option
62.Central Banks and Climate Justice: The Case for Green Quantitative Easing
63.Climate Change and Security in the Anthropocene: Existential Threats, Ethics, and Futures
Part 7: Conclusion