
ラウトレッジ版 パレスチナ・ハンドブック


関連ワード:Routledge パレスチナ研究 中東研究 政治 文化 歴史 洋書 社会  更新日:2025.02.27

ラウトレッジ版 パレスチナ・ハンドブック
Routledge Handbook on Palestine

Editors: Michael Dumper, University of Exeter, United Kingdom & Amneh Badran, Al-Quds University, Palestine
2024:12 564 p. ISBN 978-0-367-46923-8 (Routledge) -GB-

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Section 1: A History of Palestine

  1. Byzantine and pre-Islamic Palestine, c. 324 – c. 638 CE
  2. The Early Arab Islamic Period (634 – 1099)
  3. Palestine in the Ayyūbīd and Mamlūk Periods
  4. The Sweet Smell of Holy Sewage: Urban Planning and the Remaking of the Public Sphere in Ottoman Palestine
  5. Palestine under the British Mandate
  6. The 1948 War and the Nakba
  7. The 1967 War and the Conquest of Palestine

Section 2: Society, Geography, Economy and Demography

  1. Palestinian Social Structure
  2. Christianity in Palestine
  3. Islam and Muslims in Palestine
  4. Palestinian Islamist Movements: History, Ideology and Politics
  5. The Political Economy of Fragmentation: Palestine After 1948
  6. Land Use and Urban Planning in Palestine: Over a Century of Ongoing Colonial Legacy
  7. Jerusalem

Section 3: Contemporary Politics

  1. Collective Consciousness in Motion: Palestinian Nationalism, Anti-Colonialism and the Struggle for Liberation
  2. Zionism
  3. The Palestinian Liberation Organisation and Non-State Actors
  4. The Israeli Dominant Bloc System – The Rise of the Right and the Prospects for the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
  5. Palestinian Women’s Movements
  6. The Palestinian Refugee Issue
  7. Lost Light: The Gaza Strip and the End of Viability
  8. Reinstating the Significance of Palestine
  9. Current Trends and Prospects for a Political Settlement

Section 4: Palestinian Culture

  1. Form Follows Life: An Overview of Palestinian Architecture Since the 19th Century
  2. Education in Palestine
  3. Palestinian Literature and Film
  4. Palestinian Music
  5. Contemporary Palestinian Art
  6. Palestinian Food: Commensality and Cultural Resistance

(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)