ラウトレッジ版 パレスチナ・ハンドブック
Routledge Handbook on Palestine

Editors: Michael Dumper, University of Exeter, United Kingdom & Amneh Badran, Al-Quds University, Palestine
2024:12 564 p. ISBN 978-0-367-46923-8 (Routledge) -GB-
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Section 1: A History of Palestine
- Byzantine and pre-Islamic Palestine, c. 324 – c. 638 CE
- The Early Arab Islamic Period (634 – 1099)
- Palestine in the Ayyūbīd and Mamlūk Periods
- The Sweet Smell of Holy Sewage: Urban Planning and the Remaking of the Public Sphere in Ottoman Palestine
- Palestine under the British Mandate
- The 1948 War and the Nakba
- The 1967 War and the Conquest of Palestine
Section 2: Society, Geography, Economy and Demography
- Palestinian Social Structure
- Christianity in Palestine
- Islam and Muslims in Palestine
- Palestinian Islamist Movements: History, Ideology and Politics
- The Political Economy of Fragmentation: Palestine After 1948
- Land Use and Urban Planning in Palestine: Over a Century of Ongoing Colonial Legacy
- Jerusalem
Section 3: Contemporary Politics
- Collective Consciousness in Motion: Palestinian Nationalism, Anti-Colonialism and the Struggle for Liberation
- Zionism
- The Palestinian Liberation Organisation and Non-State Actors
- The Israeli Dominant Bloc System – The Rise of the Right and the Prospects for the Palestinian-Israeli Conflict
- Palestinian Women’s Movements
- The Palestinian Refugee Issue
- Lost Light: The Gaza Strip and the End of Viability
- Reinstating the Significance of Palestine
- Current Trends and Prospects for a Political Settlement
Section 4: Palestinian Culture
- Form Follows Life: An Overview of Palestinian Architecture Since the 19th Century
- Education in Palestine
- Palestinian Literature and Film
- Palestinian Music
- Contemporary Palestinian Art
- Palestinian Food: Commensality and Cultural Resistance
(紀伊國屋書店 学術洋書部)