


関連ワード:Springer 倫理学 哲学 思想 日本哲学 洋書 現代思想 現象学 認識論  更新日:2024.03.14

Tetsugaku Companions to Japanese Philosophy

シリーズ編者: 野家啓一(東北大学名誉教授)ほか
Series Editor: Keiichi Noe / Ching Yuen Cheung / Wing Keung Lam

独Springer社の「日本哲学必携シリーズ」は、国際化した日本哲学の研究の共有基盤となるべく、 国内外の代表的な研究者たちによる寄稿を人物・テーマ別にまとめあげる、注目のシリーズです。

Tetsugaku Companion to Feeling

Editors:Keiichi Noe (野家 啓一 東北大学名誉教授) / Atsushi Kido (城戸 淳 東北大学教授) / Lam Wing Keung (林 永強 獨協大学教授)
2024:03 174 p. ISBN 978-3-031-42185-3 EUR 119.99








Introduction (城戸 淳 KIDO Atsushi, 野家 啓一 NOE Keiichi and 林 永強 LAM Wing Keung)
Part I: Nishida Kitarō on Feeling
Chapter 1: The Orientation of Japanese Philosophy: Feeling in Nishida, or Scientific Attitude in Tanabe (上原 麻有子UEHARA Mayuko)
Chapter 2: The Blue Flower in the Mirror of True Emptiness: An Approach to Nishida’s Active Feeling (Raquel BOUSO)
Chapter 3: The Feeling of Happiness, Moral Sentimentalism and Knowing-to: On Nishida Kitarō’s Energetism (林 永強 LAM Wing Keung)
Chapter 4: The Role of Shuqing (Feeling-Expression) in Response to the Form of Formlessness: Its Role in Eastern Culture and Philosophies (LIU Kuan-Ling)
Chapter 5: Kannō dōkō and kō’ō in Japanese philosophy: A Blueprint for a Second Person Account (Gereon KOPF)
Part II: Feeling beyond Nishida Kitarō
Chapter 6: Japanese “Mono-no-aware” and Western Philosophy (佐藤 透 SATO Toru)
Chapter 7: The Ethical Implications of Enlightenment in Dōgen’s Philosophy of Compassion (Rika DUNLAP)
Chapter 8: The Early Reception of Nietzsche’s Eternal Recurrence in Japan and its Emotional Features (城戸 淳 KIDO Atsushi)
Chapter 9: Ressentiment and Love: Nietzsche, Scheler and Asano (CHEUNG Ching Yuen)
Chapter 10: Between the Authentic and the Artificial: A Thought Experiment on Kokoro (佐藤 麻貴 SATO Maki)
