
オックスフォード版 仏教百科事典(全3巻)


関連ワード:Oxford University Press 仏教学 倫理学 哲学 日本研究 東洋学 歴史学 洋書  更新日:2024.05.31

オックスフォード版 仏教百科事典(全3巻)
The Oxford Encyclopedia of Buddhism

Editors-in-Chief: Richard Payne, Yehan Numata Professor of Japanese Buddhist Studies, Institute of Buddhist Studies & Georgios Halkias, Director, Centre of Buddhist Studies, The University of Hong Kong

2024:06 3 vols. 1,400 p. set ISBN 978-0-19-025689-0 GBP 385.00
(Oxford University Press) -GB-








  • Abhidharmakośabhāsya (Treasury of Metaphysics with Self-Commentary)
  • Abhisamayālamkāra (Ornament for Clear Realization)
  • American Buddhism during World War II Imprisonment
  • Amoghavajra
  • Art, Architecture and National Memory-Making
  • Avalokiteśvara: The Bodhisattva of Compassion
  • Bodhisattvabhūmi (The Bodhisattva Stages)
  • The Body of the Buddha
  • The Bön Tradition of Dzogchen
  • Buddhaghosa
  • Buddhism and Bioethics
  • Buddhism and Biography
  • Buddhism and Globalization
  • Buddhism and Healing in China
  • Buddhism and Media
  • Buddhism and Medicine in India
  • Buddhism and Medicine in Japan
  • Buddhism and Medicine in Premodern Japan
  • Buddhism and Print Culture in China
  • Buddhism and Shinto
  • Buddhism and the Environment
  • Buddhism in Colonial Contexts
  • Buddhism in Film
  • Buddhisms in Diaspora: The Canadian Context of Chinese Buddhism
  • Buddhist Art and Architecture in Tibet
  • Buddhist Chaplaincy
  • Buddhist Cosmology
  • Buddhist Geography and Regionalism
  • Buddhist Meditation and Contemplation
  • Buddhist Philosophy as Philosophy
  • Buddhist Wall Paintings
  • Buddhist Wizards (Vidhyadhāra/Weizzā/Weikza): Contemporary Burma/Myanmar
  • Buddhist Wizards (Vidhyadhāra/Weizzā/Weikza): Origins and History
  • Candrakīrti’s Middle Way Philosophy
  • Canon and Commentary in the Earliest Buddhist Manuscripts
  • Chan Literature
  • Chöd: A Tibetan Buddhist Practice
  • D.T. Suzuki: A Biography
  • D.T. Suzuki: Ideas and Influences
  • Debate in the Tibetan Tradition
  • Debate Traditions in Premodern Japan
  • Domestic Dharma in Japan
  • Dunhuang Art
  • Dunhuang Texts
  • Dzogchen
  • Early History of the Drukpa Kagyü School
  • Early Modern European Encounters with Buddhism
  • The Economics of Buddhism
  • Engaged Buddhism
  • Epigraphy and the Study of Buddhism: South Asia’s Northern Corridor
  • Esoteric Buddhism in Southeast Asia
  • Ethics and Buddhism
  • Filial Piety in Chinese Buddhism
  • Fo Guang Shan
  • Four Noble Truths
  • From Manuscript to Print in South and Southeast Asia
  • Gelukpa
  • Global Buddhism
  • Global Theravada Buddhism: Asian Foundations
  • Global Theravada: Transmission Beyond Asia
  • Globalizing Tantric Buddhism
  • Guardian/Protector Deities in Tibetan Buddhism
  • History of Buddhisms in China: the Nanbeicho Period (Late 4th Century to the Sui Dynasty)
  • Homa: Tantric Fire Ritual
  • Hsing Yun
  • Huineng
  • Humanistic Buddhism (Rensheng Fojiao 人生佛教 / Renjian Fojiao 人間佛教)
  • Imaging the Buddha in South Asia
  • The Imamura Families and the Making of American Buddhism
  • Intention
  • Japanese Buddhisms in Diaspora
  • Jātaka
  • Jebtsundamba Khutugtus of Mongolia
  • The Kadampa: A Formative Movement of Tibetan Buddhism
  • Kālacakra-Mandala: Symbolism and Construction
  • Longchenpa
  • Madhyamaka
  • Mahāmudrā in India and Tibet
  • Mañjuśrī
  • Maritime Buddhism
  • Marpa Lotsawa Chökyi Lodrö
  • Mipam
  • Monastic Education in Contemporary Asia
  • Mongolian Buddhism in the Democratic Period
  • Mongolian Buddhism in the Early 20th Century
  • Mongolian Buddhism in the Yuan Period
  • Muslim-Buddhist Relations and Buddhism in Muslim Sources until the Mongol Period
  • Nāgārjuna
  • Naikan: A Meditation Method and Psychotherapy
  • Narratives of Buddhist Relics and Images
  • Nechung: A Tibetan Buddhist Oracle
  • Nichiren
  • Patronage of Buddhist Monasteries in Eastern India (600-1300 CE)
  • Perfections (Six and Ten) of Bodhisattvas in Buddhist Literature
  • The Philosophical Works and Influence of Dignāga and Dharmakīrti
  • Pilgrimage in Buddhist Tibet
  • Pilgrimage in China
  • Practices of Protection in the Pali World
  • Prajñāpāramitā and Khmer Esoteric Buddhism in the 10th to 13th centuries
  • Psychological Interpreters of Buddhism
  • Pure Land Buddhism in Tibetan Contexts
  • Queering Buddhist Traditions
  • The Reincarnation System in Central Asian Buddhism
  • Rennyo
  • Ryōgen
  • The Sangha as an Institution
  • Śāntideva’s Introduction to the Practices of Awakening (Bodhicaryāvatāra)
  • Sarvāstivāda Abhidharma
  • Secular Buddhism
  • Sheng Yen
  • Shingon
  • The Six Nara Schools
  • Sōka Gakkai
  • Southeast Asian Refugees in North America
  • Sri Lanka’s Sinhala Buddhist Guardian Deities: Satara Varan Devi
  • The Study of Visual Culture in South and Southeast Asian Buddhism
  • Taixu
  • Tantra and the Tantric Traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Tantric Buddhism in Japan: Kukai and Saicho
  • Tantric Buddhism in Japan: Shingon, Tendai, and the Esotericization of Japanese Buddhisms
  • Tantric Revival in China
  • Theravāda Buddhism
  • Thích Nhất Hanh in the Context of the Modern Development of Vietnamese Buddhism
  • Three Turnings of the Wheel of Doctrine (Dharma-Cakra)
  • Tibetan Book of the Dead (Bardo Thödol)
  • Tibetan Buddhism and the Gesar Epic
  • Tibetan Buddhist Power Objects
  • Tibetan Medicine and its Buddhist Contexts
  • Tibetan Visionary Buddhism
  • Transmission of Buddhist Media and Texts
  • Tri Songdétsen
  • Tsangpa Gyare (1161-1211), Founder of the Drukpa Kagyü School
  • Tzu Chi
  • The Vajrakīla Tantras
  • Vinaya Rules for Monks and Nuns
  • Visualization/Contemplation Sutras (Guan Jing)
  • Western Buddhism and Race
  • Xuyun
  • Zhentong (Other-Emptiness)


  • Saskia Abrahms-Kavunenko, New York University Shanghai 
  • Jean-Luc Achard, CNRS – Centre de recherche sur les civilisations de l’Asie orientale 
  • Andrea Acri, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, PSL 
  • Anna Ayse Akasoy, CUNY Graduate Center 
  • Michihiro Ama, University of Montana 
  • Carol S. Anderson, Kalamazoo College 
  • James B. Apple, University of Calgary 
  • Naomi Appleton, University of Edinburgh 
  • Paula Arai, Louisiana State University 
  • Dan Arnold, University of Chicago 
  • 馬場 紀寿 Norihisa Baba, University of Tokyo 
  • Cody R. Bahir, Kehilla Jewish High School 
  • Cameron Bailey, Dongguk University 
  • Carl L. Bankston, Tulane University 
  • Agata Bareja-Starzyńska, University of Warsaw 
  • T. H. Barrett, SOAS University of London 
  • Mikaël Bauer, McGill University 
  • Brian Baumann, University of Berkeley 
  • Stefan Baums, Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversität München 
  • Claudine Bautze-Picron, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique 
  • Christopher Bell, Stetson University 
  • Stephen C. Berkwitz, Missouri State University 
  • Martin Boord, The Oriental Institute 
  • Thomas Borchert, University of Vermont 
  • Jørn Borup, Aarhus University 
  • Sven Bretfeld, Norges Teknisk Naturvitenskapeligt Universitet 
  • Jeffrey L. Broughton, California State University, Long Beach 
  • Courtney Bruntz, Doane University 
  • Megan Bryson, University of Tennessee 
  • Albion M. Butters, University of Turku 
  • Thomas Calobrisi, Graduate Theological Union and the Institute of Buddhist Studies 
  • Daniela Campo, University of Strasbourg 
  • Joseph Cheah, University of St. Joseph 
  • Swati Chemburkar, Benaras Hindu University and Jnanapravaha 
  • Clark Chilson, University of Pittsburgh 
  • Kate Crosby, King’s College, London 
  • Paul Crowe, Simon Fraser University 
  • Elise Anne DeVido, Duke University 
  • K.L. Dhammajoti, Renmin University of China 
  • James C. Dobbins, Oberlin College 
  • Paul B. Donnelly, Northern Arizona University 
  • Brandon Dotson, Ludwig Maximilians Universit?t München 
  • Mélodie Doumy, The British Library 
  • Cécile Ducher, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes – Sciences Religieuses 
  • Douglas S. Duckworth, Temple University 
  • William Edelglass, Marlboro College and Emerson College 
  • Christoph Emmrich, University of Toronto 
  • Mavis L. Fenn, University of Waterloo 
  • Solomon George FitzHerbert, University of Oxford 
  • Niklas Foxeus, Stockholm University 
  • Ruth Gamble, La Trobe University 
  • David L. Gardiner, Colorado College 
  • Andrew Gebert, Waseda University 
  • James Duncan Gentry, Harvard University 
  • Suchandra Ghosh, University of Calcutta 
  • Ann Gleig, University of Central Florida 
  • Geoffrey Goble, University of Oklahoma 
  • Eric Goodell, Fo Guang University 
  • David B. Gray, Santa Clara University 
  • Georgios Halkias, University of Hong Kong 
  • Oren Hanner, University of Hamburg 
  • Sarah Harding, Tsadra Foundation 
  • Laura Harrington, Boston University 
  • Stephen E. Harris, Leiden University 
  • Chris Hatchell, Coe College 
  • Ann Heirman, Ghent University 
  • Ira Helderman, Vanderbilt University 
  • John Holt, Bowdoin College 
  • Eric Huntington, Rice University 
  • Roger R. Jackson, Carleton College 
  • John Jorgensen, La Trobe University 
  • Casey Alexandra Kemp, University of Vienna 
  • Matthew W. King, University of California, Riverside 
  • Natalie Köhle, Hong Kong Baptist University 
  • 熊谷 誠慈 Seiji Kumagai, Kyoto University 
  • Pyi Phyo Kyaw, King’s College, London and Shan State Buddhist University 
  • Sonya S. Lee, University of Southern California 
  • Erberto Lo Bue, Università di Bologna 
  • Jessica Locke, Loyola University Maryland 
  • Andrew Macomber, Oberlin College 
  • Kendall Marchman, University of Georgia 
  • Nathan McGovern, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater 
  • Karin Meyers, Mangalam Research Center 
  • Nathan Jishin Michon, Independent Scholar 
  • Scott A. Mitchell, Institute of Buddhist Studies 
  • 那須 英勝 Eisho Nasu , Ryukoku Daigaku 
  • Douglas Ober, University of British Columbia 
  • Sree Padma, Bowdoin College 
  • Thomas Patton, City University of Hong Kong 
  • Richard K. Payne, Institute of Buddhist Studies 
  • Maurizio Peleggi, National University of Singapore 
  • Elisabetta Porcu, University of Cape Town 
  • John Powers, Deakin University 
  • Aaron Proffitt, University at Albany 
  • David Quinter, University of Alberta 
  • Fabio Rambelli, University of California, Santa Barbara 
  • Jens Reinke, Leipzig University 
  • Nicolas Revire, Thammasat University 
  • Ulrike Roesler, University of Oxford 
  • Richard Salomon, University of Washington 
  • Jonathan Samuels, Austrian Academy of Sciences 
  • Monica Sanford, Independent Scholar 
  • Asuka Sango, Carleton College 
  • Bee Scherer, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 
  • Jens Schlieter, Universität Bern 
  • Sarah Shaw, University of Oxford 
  • Michael R. Sheehy, University of Virginia 
  • Mark Siderits, Illinois State University 
  • Henrik H. Sørensen, Ruhr University Bochum 
  • Alexander Soucy, St. Mary’s University 
  • Jacqueline Stone, Princeton University 
  • Sharon A. Suh, Seattle University 
  • Stefania Travagnin, SOAS University of London 
  • Katja Triplett, Leipzig University 
  • Ben Van Overmeire, Duke Kunshan University 
  • Sam van Schaik, The British Library 
  • Daniel Veidlinger, California State University, Chico 
  • Kevin Vose, College of William & Mary 
  • Vesna A. Wallace, University of California, Santa Barbara 
  • Michelle C. Wang, Georgetown University
  • Elizabeth Williams-Oerberg, University of Copenhagen 
  • Guang Xing, University of Hong Kong  
  • Ronit Yoeli-Tlalim, Goldsmiths University of London 
  • Jimmy Yu, Florida State University 
  • Chün-fang Yü, Columbia University 
