The Palgrave Handbook of Humour Research

Editors: Elisabeth Vanderheiden & Claude-Hélène Mayer
2nd ed. 2024:06 677 p. ISBN 978-3-031-52287-1 (Palgrave Macmillan / Springer) -DE-
EUR 229.99
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ユーモアは、政治やビジネスの場でも重要な役割を演じ、社会科学全般で関心の強いテーマです。本書は、心理・文化・社会にわたる学際的なユーモア研究の最前線へ案内するハンドブックとして好評を博した初版(ISBN 9783030782795)から、早くも3年後の新版として注目されます。
全30章は、大半の章をアップデートするとともに、編者による新たな序文と5つの新たな章を加えて、ロシア・ウクライナ戦争、パンデミック、人工知能などの新たなトピックを取り上げます。ポジティブ心理学の最新の視座を取り入れた本書は、異文化を越えるユーモアの力を議論します。また日本関連では、岡山大学のJohn Rucynski准教授とCaleb Prichard准教授が、英語教育にユーモアを取り入れることで文化的気づきやマイクロスキル習得を促す研究を寄稿しています。
1. Humour as a Resource: Psychological, Cultural and Social Perspectives
Part I: Intersections of Humour and Technology in Human Interaction
2. Investigating the Internal Cohesion of Meme Cycles: How Many (Sub)cycles Can Be Generated by a Memetic Drift?
3. Should Technology Be More Fun(ny)? Leveraging Humor to Improve User Acceptance and Enjoyment of Social Robots and Virtual Agents
Part II: Humour as a Social and Cultural Construct: Cross-Cultural Perspectives and Implications
4. Humour in People with Handicaps: A Systematic Review
5. Predicting Self-Esteem Using Humor Styles: A Cross-Cultural Study
6. The Use of Humour to Deal with Uncomfortable Moments in Interaction: A Cross-Cultural Approach
7. Humour as a Strategy to Talk About and Challenge Dominant Discourses of Social Integration: A Case Study of Adolescent German Turkish Descendants in Germany
8. The Position of Humour in Social Crises: When and What Does Turkish Society Laugh at?
9. Humour as Cultural Capital in Transitions
10. Nigerian Cultural Concept of Humour and Its Creative Use as a Coping Strategy
11. Interrogating the Phenomenon of Sufering and Smiling by Nigerians: A Mixed Methods Study
Part III: Humour in Geopolitical and Cultural Landscapes: Tensions and Transgressions
12. Ukrainian Humor in the Context of the Russian-Ukrainian War: Cognitive and Stylistic Features
13. Humor as a Defense Mechanism: Dismantling Holocaust Symbols and Icons in Israeli Culture
14. Geopolitics of Humour and Development in Nepal and Afghanistan
15. Humour and Politics: Linguistic Features of Humour Construction
16. White Laughter, Black Pain? On the Comic and Parodic Enactment of Racial-Colonial Stereotypes
Part IV: Workplace Humour: Strategies, Outcomes, and Adaptation in Modern Work Environments
17. Risky Business: Humour, Hierarchy, and Harmony in New Zealand and South Korean Workplaces
18. Resilience as a Mediator Between Workplace Humour and Well-being at Work, a Positive Psychology Perspective
19. Humour as a Coping Strategy of Employees in Remote Workspaces and Social Media Communication During the Covid-19
Part V: Humour Across the Lifespan: Interpersonal and Developmental Perspectives
20. Humour as a Resource for Children
21. Humour in Romantic Relationships
22. Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Humor Appreciation and Function Across the Lifespan
23. ‘West of Hollywood’: Humor as Reparation in the Life and Work of Walter Becker
Part VI: Educational Frameworks of Humor: Innovations and Applications in Teaching and Learning
24. The Role of Humour Competency Training in English Language Teaching (John Rucynski and Caleb Prichard 岡山大学)
25. Humour in Adult Education
26. Humour in Mathematics Teaching: A Study in Portugal and Spain
Part VII: Healing and Well-Being Trough Humour: Psychological Insights and Applications
27. The Positive Efect of Humour and Amateur Dubbing on Hospitalised Adolescents
28. The Covid-19 Pandemic as an Opportunity for Positive Psychology to Promote a Wider-Ranging Defnition of Humour and Laughter
29. On the Relationships Between Humour, Stress and Flow Experience: Introducing the Humour-Flow Model
30. Working with Humour in Psychotherapy