


関連ワード:Springer メディア論 写真 哲学 建築 映画 洋書 社会学 芸術 都市  更新日:2025.02.27

The Palgrave Walter Benjamin Handbook

Editor: Nathan Ross, Adelphi University, USA
2025:03 797 p. ISBN 978-3-031-76687-9  (Palgrave Macmillan / Springer) -DE-
EUR 249.99
Web販売価格¥43,117 (税込) / 標準価格¥56,096 (税込)

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  1. Introduction

Section 1: Philosophical Starting Points

  1. Walter Benjamin, Antifascism and Mimetic Education
  2. On Redemptive Critique: The Metaphysics of Destruction and Experience in Walter Benjamin
  3. Walter Benjamin and Romantic Critique
  4. Presentation of Experience and Experience of Presentation: An Introductory Reading of the “Epistemo-Critical Foreword” to the Origin of the German Trauerspiel
  5. Walter Benjamin on Concept Formation
  6. Turns: On the Destruction of the Destruction of Philosophy

Section 2: Literature

  1. Extreme Life Revolts: Philosophical Refuge of “Objectivity” in the Trauerspiel-book
  2. ‘The Sole Reign of Relation’: On Walter Benjamin and Friedrich Hölderlin
  3. Baudelaire and Modernity
  4. Allegory and the Commodity in Benjamin
  5. Walter Benjamin and the Violence of Seal: Making History Legible by Interrupting Myth

Section 3: States of Consciousness

  1. The Phantasmagoria of Surrealism
  2. ‘This hand is the hand of all’: Walter Benjamin on Drawing, On Walter Benjamin’s Drawings
  3. Benjamin on Pain and Storytelling
  4. Figures of the Collective Dream: Utopia, Dream and Waking in Walter Benjamin
  5. Flashback as Flashforward: The Idea of Eingedenken between Ernst Bloch and Walter Benjamin

Section 4: Theology

  1. Surrealism, Messianism and the Occult: Toward a Modern Materialist Theology in Benjamin
  2. Dimensions of the Bilderverbot in Walter Benjamin: A Gravitational Reading of the “Theological-Political Fragment”
  3. Divine Creativity in the Early Writings of Walter Benjamin
  4. The Animal, The Creature, the Hunchback: Messianism and Distorted Life
  5. Walter Benjamin’s Dwarfed Hunchback
  6. De-Centering Capitalism within Theravada Buddhism through a Benjaminian Ethics of Merit-Making

Section 5: Politics

  1. Why is Benjamin the right thinker for our political moment?
  2. Temporalities of Power: Re-reading Walter Benjamin’s essay Zur Kritik der Gewalt
  3. From Myth to Life. Benjamin’s Biopolitics
  4. Of Which There is History: The Thought of Survival (Benjamin with Lifton and Lyotard)
  5. Between the Serpent and the Sovereign: On the Perception of Divine Violence
  6. Benjamin’s ‘Angel of History’ and the Critique of Progress

Section 6: Materialism

  1. Walter Benjamin’s “Utopia of the Body”: Mystical Experience and Political Thought
  2. Benjamin’s Materialism. Anthropological, Historical or Dialectical?

Section 7: Technology

  1. The Question of Technology in Benjamin’s Work
  2. Walter Benjamin on Cinema: An Object of Human Innervation
  3. On the Relation between the Collective and the Auratic in Benjamin’s Artwork Essay: A Constructive Re-reading
  4. “On the rhythm of today, which determines this work” or on Montage in Benjamin’s Theory of Knowledge
  5. The Phantasmagoria of the Techno-City: Walter Benjamin’s Play-Space
  6. Towards a Philosophy of Urban Life

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